What is Remote Support for admins?
Remote Support for admins is the set of pages in your Remote Support site where you can download, deploy, and configure your Remote Support settings and consoles.
Important information about Remote Support
- Because BeyondTrust Remote Support is licensed by concurrent users, you can set up as many accounts as you need, each with unique usernames and passwords.
- When you sign into Remote Support for the first time:
- you must accept the BeyondTrust EULA.
- select the language you want to use from the drop-down menu, if multiple languages are enabled on your site.
- For security purposes, the administrative username and password used for your B Series Appliance are different than those for your Remote Support site, and must be managed separately.
How do I access the Remote Support administrative interface?
- In a chromium-based browser, enter your B Series Appliance URL, and add /login to the end of it.
- Log in with passwordless authentication, single sign-on, or enter your administrator credentials.
The default credentials are:- username: admin
- password: password
For security, you are prompted to change the default credentials immediately upon initial login.
When logging into the administrative interface for the first time, BeyondTrust Cloud administrators are required to click through and accept the BeyondTrust EULA.
For security purposes, the administrative username and password used for the /appliance interface are distinct from those used for the /login interface and must be managed separately.
If two-factor authentication is enabled for your account, enter the code from the authenticator app.
If more than one language is enabled for your site, select the language you want to use from the dropdown menu. You can also change the language of your choice after logging in to the admin site.
For more information on 2FA, please see Two-factor authentication guide.
Use passwordless login
FIDO2-certified authenticators can be used to securely log in to the desktop representative console, web rep console, and the /login administrative interface without entering your password. You can register up to 10 authenticators.
If passwordless login has been enabled, Authenticate Using may default to Passwordless FIDO2, or it can be selected. The exact process for passwordless login depends on the type of device and manufacturer.
You can enable passwordless login and set the default authentication after logging into the /login administrative interface, by navigating to Management > Security, and then registering passwordless authenticators at My Account > Security.
Passwordless login for the desktop representative console on macOS or Linux systems is supported only for roaming authenticators (such as the YubiKey hardware security keys). Platform or integrated authenticators (such as Face ID and fingerprint scanners) are not supported for the desktop desktop representative console login when using macOS or Linux systems.
Use integrated browser authentication
If Kerberos has been properly configured for single sign-on, you can click the link to use integrated browser authentication, allowing you to enter directly into the web interface without requiring you to enter your credentials.
For more information, please see Kerberos single sign-on.
Forgot your password?
If password reset has been enabled from the /login > Management > Security page and the SMTP server has been set up for your site, this link is visible. To reset your password, click the link, enter and confirm your email address, and then click Send. If there is more than one user sharing the same email address, you are required to confirm your username. You will receive an email with a link that takes you back to the login page. On the login screen, enter and confirm your new password, and then click Change Password.
Login agreement
Administrators may restrict access to the login screen by enabling a prerequisite login agreement that must be confirmed before the login screen is displayed. The login agreement can be enabled and customized from the /login > Management > Site Configuration page.
How to use the administrative interface
Search the admin interface
From every page within Remote Support /login, you can search for settings and features within the administrative interface using the search bar in the top-right corner. This feature searches for static text, including titles and labels, within the entirety of /login. Search results are listed in a dropdown, grouped by page. You can click any of the items in the listed search results to be taken directly to the page within /login. Titles and labels specific to your search are highlighted on the page.
- Search results include only areas within /login where you have permissions.
- User-entered items are not searched.
- Search supports all languages supported by /login — all languages are searched and indexed.
App switcher
If you have BeyondTrust Identity Security Insights, you can connect Remote Support and other BeyondTrust cloud applications, and then switch between applications without needing to re-enter credentials. The App Switcher menu appears in the same place in all applications: in the upper right. In Remote Support, the menu appears between the Search field and the User Menu.
Click the menu for a list of connected applications, and click the desired application. There can be more than one instance of an application, except for Identity Security Insights.
The menu does not appear if there are no connected applications. The menu is automatically removed if all connected applications are removed, or if it has not been used for 60 days. Re-entering credentials may be necessary in some circumstances, depending on the login configuration of the different applications. To configure this feature, create a Remote Support connector in BeyondTrust Identity Security Insights.
The user menu
The user dropdown menu, located in the upper-right corner of the screen, offers access to a few key features from anywhere on the admin site. Click the user icon to view the logged-in user name and email address, and available links and options.
Log Out: Click to log out of the /login administrative interface. This does not log you out of any consoles. Those must be logged out separately.
Change Email Settings, Display Names, or Photo: This is a link to My Account > Profile.
Change Password: This is a link to My Account > Security.
Launch Web Rep Console: This gives you convenient access to the web rep console from anywhere in /login.
Download Representative Console: This gives you a quick link to download the web rep console.
Enable Extended Availability: Click to enable this feature in the representative console. Once enabled, this option switches to Disable, and can be clicked again to disable this feature.
Language: Displays the current language. If more than one language is enabled for your site, select the language you want to use from the dropdown menu. This language is also applied to the web rep console.
Color Scheme: Select your preferred color scheme for the /login administrative interface. You can switch between Light and Dark modes, or System, which uses whatever mode is selected for your system.
For more information on these features, please see the following:
Updated 8 days ago