What is the Management page?
The Management page is where administrators can view and manage installed software, including updates and configurations for their BeyondTrust deployment. This page provides options for checking for software updates and ensuring the system runs the latest, most secure version.
How is the Management page useful?
The Management page allows administrators to maintain the software environment by providing the tools needed to update and monitor the health of their deployment, ensuring that all components are up to date and functioning properly.
How do I access the Management page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Remote Support URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Management.
The Software page opens and displays by default.
Backup settings
It is an important disaster recovery best practice to save a backup copy of your software settings regularly. BeyondTrust recommends backing up your B Series Appliance configuration each time you change its settings. In the event of a hardware failure, a backup file speeds time-to-recovery and, if necessary, allow BeyondTrust to provide you access to temporary hosted services while retaining the settings from your most recent backup.
Backup password
To password protect your software backup file, create a password. If you do choose to set a password, you are unable to revert to the backup without providing the password.
Include logged session reporting data
If this option is checked, your backup file includes session logs. If unchecked, session reporting data is excluded from the backup.
Download backup
Save a secure copy of your software configuration. Save this file in a secure location.
Backup Vault encryption key
The Vault encryption key is used to encrypt and decrypt all Vault credentials stored on your BeyondTrust Appliance B Series. If you ever need to restore configuration data from a backup onto a new B Series Appliance, you must also restore the Vault encryption key from a backup to be able to use the encrypted Vault credentials contained in the configuration backup.
Backup password
To password protect your software backup file, create a password. If you do choose to set a password, you will be unable to revert to the backup without providing the password.
Download Vault encryption key
Click the Download Vault Encryption Key button to download the Vault encryption key for you to use later.
The Vault encryption key must be password protected.
Restore settings
Configuration backup file
Should you need to revert to a backup, browse to the latest backup file that you saved.
Configuration backup password
If you created a password for your backup file, enter it here.
Vault encryption key backup file
To provide the Vault encryption key corresponding to the configuration backup, choose the Vault encryption key backup file.
Vault encryption key backup password
Enter the password you used to download the BeyondTrust Vault encryption key.
Upload backup
Upload the backup file to your B Series Appliance and restore your site's settings to those saved on the backup.
Restoring the site backup does not revert the help icon to the image present at time of backup, nor does it remove any files added since backup. Not all files are backed up, only the first 50 files under 200KB in size.
For more information, please see Back up procedures.
Upload update
Click Choose File to manually upload new software packages from BeyondTrust. Confirm that you wish to upload the software package. The Uploaded Update section displays additional information to verify your uploaded package. Click Install if you wish to complete the installation process, or Delete Update if you wish to clear the update staging area. If your update package only contains additional licenses, you can install the update without restarting the B Series Appliance. After confirmation that you wish to install, the page displays a progress bar to notify you of the overall installation progress. Updates made here automatically update all sites and licenses on your BeyondTrust Appliance B Series.
Your B Series Appliance administrative can also use the Check for Updates feature of the B Series Appliance interface to automatically search for and install new software packages.
Site migration
Site migration allows you to migrate configuration settings and data from another BeyondTrust Remote Support site. For example, migration can be used to move from an on-premises installation to a cloud installation. Migration uses an API account to automatically download and restore a backup.
Preparation for migration
Before migrating the data, please observe these prerequisites and conditions:
- The API account needs read-only or higher access to the command API, and access to the backup and Vault encryption key APIs.
- On the /login > Management > API Configuration page, select Enable XML API.
- The administrator needs access to the local admin account to log in, in case security providers do not reconnect properly after the migration.
- If the source site version is earlier than 21.2, the Vault encryption key must be migrated manually.
- Recordings are not included as part of migration. To retain access to existing recordings, keep the source online with a different host name or use the integration client to back up the recordings before migration.
- After the data has been migrated, additional steps are required to make the new instance fully functional. These steps are listed on the Site Migration panel, and are summarized below:
- Create a new DNS entry for the host name to access the old site.
- Add the new host name to the old site public portal.
- Confirm access to the old site.
- Allow time for DNS entries to propagate across networks.
- Click the Restart Software button on the old site to upgrade clients to use the new site.
Data migration
- Enter the following information about the source site to start a migration:
- Hostname
- OAuth Client ID
- OAuth Client Secret
- Once the information is entered, click Verify Connection.
- A pop-up notification verifies the connection and that the site version is supported.
- Reset can be clicked at any time before starting the migration, if changes are required.
- If applicable, click +Choose Certificate to select the SSL Certificate for a self-signed SSL certificate.
Certificates must be in PEM, DER, or CRT format.
An option to Automatically begin site migration is available once the connection is verified. Check this option to bypass some of the steps and notifications that follow. If checked, click Retrieve Backup and respond to the notifications to complete the migration.
- Review displayed information, and if correct, click Retrieve Backup. If not correct, click Reset.
- Pop-up confirmation messages appear for the backup file and, if applicable for your version, the Vault encryption key. The file names display on the panel, as well as a Migrate Site button.
- Click Migrate Site.
- A pop-up notification warns that a local account is required, and a second pop-up warns that the migration overwrites data on the current site. Then a Migration in Process message displays.
- When the migration completes, click Yes in the pop-up notification to reset the site. Log in again to view the migrated data.
- Complete the post-migration steps listed on the Site Migration panel.
Updated 5 days ago