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Support session

In a support session, chat with the customer, start a screen sharing session, or start a command shell session. The button at the top-left of the session interface gives you access to the remote system, while the buttons at the top-right of the session interface allow you to manage the session as a whole.

Support session actions

  • Special actionsWhen a compatible iOS device is detected, the Special Actions icon appears, allowing the representative to push iOS screen sharing instructions to the device.

  • Deploy Support Button Remove Support ButtonIf permitted, install a Support Button on the remote desktop or remove a previously installed Support Button. The customer can click the Support Button to start a support session quickly and easily.

  • Pin Jump Client Unpin Jump ClientsIf permitted, install a Jump Client on the remote computer, enabling you or your teammates to access that system later without end-user initiation. Uninstall the client if you no longer need unattended access to that system.

  • Elevate SessionElevate a click-to-chat session to the full customer client, or elevate the customer client to have administrative rights by clicking the shield button. Select Prompt Customer to request admin credentials from the remote user. If you possess administrative credentials to the remote computer, select Specific User and supply an administrative username and password.
    Elevating the customer client enables switching user accounts, deploying Jump Clients in service mode, and controlling protected windows and UAC dialog boxes. Elevation does not change the user context of the active user and is not the same as logging out the active user and logging back in as an administrator.
    Elevation to admin rights is currently available only for Windows and Mac computers. Administrators can set the customer client to automatically request elevation at session initiation on Windows systems.

  • Transfer SessionShould you decide someone else is better suited to handle a session, transfer control of that session to another team or user. Remain as a participant or close your tab to leave the session with its new owner. Once you have transferred the session to a new owner, your Transfer, Share, and Remove icons become gray, and you are no longer able to perform these actions, as you are no longer the session owner. The session persists until the new owner of the session closes the session.

  • Share SessionInvite another user to participate in a shared session. You maintain ownership of the session but can receive input from one or more teammates.

  • Remove Member The session owner can remove another user from a shared session. Additionally, you can disconnect the customer but remain in the session tab.

  • Toggle ChatShow or hide the chat bar.

  • Pin Chat Bar Unpin Chat BarPin or unpin the chat bar.

  • Close SessionClose your session page entirely. If you have ownership of the session, you can either uninstall the customer client from the remote machine or leave the session in queue.



For more information on iOS screen sharing, see Screen share to view the iOS device.

Chat with the customer

Throughout the support session, you can chat with your remote customer. You do not need to have screen sharing permissions before beginning chat.

If you receive a message while the chat area is minimized, the chat icon displays the number of messages waiting. Click the Chat button to open or close the chat area.

You can also chat with any other representatives who are sharing the session.

If you are in one session and receive a chat message in another session, a chat icon appears in the active session dropdown at the top of the screen. When you open the dropdown, a chat icon appears to the right of any session that has a waiting chat message.

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