Jump Policies
What are Jump Policies?
Jump Policies are configurations that control the access schedule for Jump Items, determining when they can be accessed.
How are Jump Policies useful in Remote Support?
Jump Policies allow administrators to manage when certain Jump Items are available, ensuring that access aligns with organizational needs, security requirements, or specific time frames. This helps in maintaining control and compliance over remote access activities.
How do I access the Jump Policies page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Remote Support URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Jump.
The Jump Clients page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Jump Policies.
The Jump Policies page displays.
Add a Jump Policy
From the left menu, click Jump.
The Jump Clients page opens and displays by default. -
At the top of the page, click Jump Policies.
The Jump Policies page displays. -
Click + Add.
The Add a Policy page displays. -
Enter a Display name. This name should help users identify this policy when assigning it to Jump Clients.
Enter a Code name for integration purposes. If you do not set a code name, one is created automatically.
Enter a Description to summarize the purpose of this policy.
To configure a Jump Schedule to define when Jump Items under this policy can be accessed, click the Enabled checkbox, and then:
- Set the time zone you want to use for this schedule.
- Click Add Schedule Entry to add one or more schedule entries.
- For each entry, set the start day and time and the end day and time.
- If stricter access control is required, select the Force session to end when schedule does not permit access checkbox. This forces the session to disconnect at the scheduled end time. In this case, the user receives recurring notifications beginning 15 minutes prior to being disconnected.
If, for instance, the time is set to start at 8 PM and end at 5 PM, a user can >start a session using this Jump Item at any time during this window but may >continue to work past the set end time. Attempting to re-access this Jump Item >after 5 PM, however, results in a notification that the schedule does not permit a >session to start. If necessary, the user may choose to override the schedule >restriction and start the session anyway.
To require a ticket ID before a session starts, select the Require a ticket ID before a session starts checkbox.
To require an end-user to confirm their identity using a multi-factor authentication challenge before starting or elevating a session, select the *Must complete a two factor authentication challenge before starting or joining a session** checkbox.
Select an option from the Configure Simultaneous Jumps for Jump Client, Local Jump, Remote Jump, Local VNC, Remote VNC, Intel vPro list:
Use Global Setting: The simultaneous Jump setting configured on Jump > Jump Items > Jump Item Settings is used.
Join Existing Session: Provides a way for multiple users to gain access to the same Jump Item without an invitation to join an active session by another user. The first user to access the Jump Item maintains ownership of the session. Users in a shared Jump session see each other and can chat.
Join Existing Session: When selected, an option to apply the setting to copies of Jump Clients displays.
- If the options is checked, a user can join a session that was started from another copy of a Jump Client in a different Jump Group. Session permissions are based on the original Jump Client that started the session.
- If not checked, a user cannot join a session that was started from another copy of a Jump Client, unless it is the same Jump Group.
Disallow Jump: Ensures only one user can Jump to a Jump Item at a time. Only an invitation by the user who originated the session can allow for a second user to access the session.
Select an option from the Simultaneous Jumps For Remote RDP, Local RDP:
Use Global Setting: The simultaneous Jump setting configured on Jump > Jump Items > Jump Item Settings is used.
Start New Session: Provides a way for multiple users to gain access to the same Jump Item without an invitation to join an active session by another user. For RDP, multiple users may gain access to a Jump Item, but each starts an independent session.
Disallow Jump: Ensures only one user at a time can Jump to a Jump Item. Only an invitation by the user who originated the session can allow for a second user to access the session.
Click Save at the top of the page.
Edit a Jump Policy
- From the left menu, click Jump.
The Jump Clients page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Jump Policies.
The Jump Policies page displays. - Click
The Edit Policy** page displays. - Edit the policy details. The details you can edit are the same as the Add a Policy page details.
- Click Save at the top of the page.
Delete a Jump Policy
- From the left menu, click Jump.
The Jump Clients page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Jump Policies.
The Jump Policies page displays. - Locate the policy you want to delete from the list.
- Click
** to delete the policy.
Updated 16 days ago