DocumentationRelease Notes
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Remote Support supported platforms

These are the supported platforms for the following components of the BeyondTrust Remote Support solution.


Android VersionCustomer ClientPresentation AttendeeJump ClientRepresentative Console
Android 10 - 14YesYesYesYes

iOS – iPhone, iPad, iPod

iOS VersionCustomer ClientRepresentative Console

Linux Desktop

Linux VersionCustomer ClientJump ClientJumpointRepresentative Console
Debian 11 and 12YesYesYesYes
Fedora 39 - 40YesYesYesYes
RHEL 8.9and 8.10YesYesYesYes
RHEL 9.3 and 9.4YesYesYesYes
SLED 15YesYesYesNo
Ubuntu 20.04 LTSYesYesYesYes
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSYesYesYesYes
Ubuntu 24.04 LTSYesYesYesYes



To be considered certified by BeyondTrust, the specified Linux distribution and version must be installed in a standard configuration (all included libraries are left in place, environment variables are unchanged, etc.). A non-standard configuration could prevent BeyondTrust from functioning properly.

Other Linux distributions, configurations, and versions not specifically certified by BeyondTrust may work, given the proper dependencies.



RHEL 8.9 and 9.3 no longer ship with an OpenGL dependency needed to run the Access Console. In order to install the console on those versions, you must first install libglvnd-opengl.

Linux Server

Linux VersionHeadless Jump ClientJumpointCustomer ClientJump ClientRepresentative Console
Debian 11 and 12YesYesNoNoNo
Fedora 39 - 40YesYesNoNoNo
RHEL 8.9 and 8.10YesYesNoNoNo
RHEL 9.3 and 9.4YesYesNoNoNo
SLES 15YesYesNoNoNo
Ubuntu 20.04 LTSYesYesNoNoNo
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSYesYesNoNoNo
Ubuntu 24.04 LTSYesYesNoNoNo
Amazon Linux 2 (AL2)YesYesNoNoNo
Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)YesYesNoNoNo

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi VersionHeadless Jump ClientCustomer ClientJump ClientJumpointRepresentative Console
Raspberry Pi OS Desktop (11-Bullseye)YesNoNoNoNo
Raspberry Pi OS Lite (11-Bullseye)YesNoNoNoNo
Raspberry Pi OS Desktop (12-Bookworm)YesNoNoNoNo
Raspberry Pi OS Lite (12-Bookworm)YesNoNoNoNo


macOS VersionCustomer ClientJump ClientRepresentative Console
macOS 10.15 (Catalina)YesYesYes
macOS 11 (Big Sur) x86 or Apple siliconYesYesYes
macOS 12 (Monterey) x86 or Apple siliconYesYesYes
macOS 13 (Ventura) x86 or Apple siliconYesYesYes
macOS 14 (Sonoma) x86 or Apple siliconYesYesYes
macOS 15 (Sequoia) x86 or Apple siliconYesYesYes



All macOS clients are 64-bit as of Remote Support 18.1.

Windows Desktop

Windows VersionCustomer ClientJump ClientJumpointRepresentative Console
Windows 7 SP1YesYesNoNo
Windows 10YesYesYesYes
Windows 11YesYesYesYes

Windows Server

Windows VersionCustomer ClientJump ClientJumpointRepresentative Console
Windows Server 2016YesYesYesYes
Windows Server 2019YesYesYesYes
Windows Server 2022YesYesYesYes



The above listed versions assume both 32 and 64-bit versions where applicable and reasonable.

Virtual desktop environments

PlatformCustomer ClientRepresentative Console
Citrix XenDesktop 5YesYes
Citrix XenDesktop 7YesYes
VMWare Horizon 7YesYes
VMWare Horizon 8YesYes
Citrix XenApp 6.5YesYes
Citrix XenApp 7.5YesYes
Windows 365 Cloud PCYesYes



Virtual desktop environment support assumes that Remote Support clients work in a supported OS environment, virtual or otherwise.

Browsers (OS)

Browser OS Version/login/console/appliancePublic PortalC2CC2C - Screen Sharing
Edge (Chromium)YesYesYesYesYesYes
Safari 16.x, 17.x, and 18.x (Mac)YesYesYesYesYesNo
Safari (iOS)NoNoNoYesYesNo
Google ChromeYesYesYesYesYesYes
Chrome (iOS)NoNoNoYesYesNo
Chrome (Android)NoNoNoYesYesNo
Chrome (OS)YesYesYesYesYesYes

Connection agent

Operating System
Windows Server 2016Yes
Windows Server 2019Yes
Windows Server 2022Yes
Windows 10Yes
Windows 11Yes

Integration client - database

Operating SystemFile/SQL pluginMetrics plugin
SQL Server 2016YesYes
SQL Server 2019YesYes
SQL Server 2022YesYes



All Integration Client – Database entries support 32 and 64 bit.

Integration client - OS

Operating System
Windows Server 2016Yes
Windows Server 2019Yes
Windows Server 2022Yes
Windows 7Yes
Windows 10Yes
Windows 11Yes


Operating SystemJumpoint HostJumpoint Target
Windows Server 2016 and 2019*YesYes
Windows Server 2022YesYes
Windows 7 SP1NoYes
Windows 10*YesYes
Ubuntu 20.04 - 22.04*YesYes
Ubuntu 24.04YesYes
RHEL 8.8 and 8.9*YesYes
RedHat 9.3 and 9.4YesYes
Amazon Linux 2 (AL2)YesYes
Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)YesYes
Debian 11 - 12YesYes

* 64-bit only

Supported platforms for other features

Some product features may have additional platform requirements, restrictions, or conditions. Refer to the documentation for that product feature for more information.

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