Exit surveys
What are exit surveys?
Exit surveys are customizable questionnaires designed to gather feedback from customers and representatives regarding satisfaction levels and incident resolution rates after support sessions.
How are exit surveys useful?
Exit surveys help administrators monitor the effectiveness of support services by collecting valuable insights into customer and representative experiences, which can guide improvements in service quality and issue resolution.
How do I access the Exit Surveys page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Remote Support URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Public Portals.
The Public Sites page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Exit Surveys.
The Exit Surveys page displays.
How to configure a survey
Configure questions to implement in customer and representative surveys, useful in monitoring satisfaction levels and incident resolution rates. Questions are assigned to a support site’s surveys from the Public Portals > Public Sites page.
Allow representatives to modify the survey during a support session
Allow the representative to have access to the survey during a session. Administrators can use the survey to create detailed workflows containing external web links with resources, as well as to ensure that representatives record specific information or follow a preset number of support steps.
Add new question, edit, delete
Create a new question, modify an existing question, or remove an existing question.
Preview survey
Preview how all survey questions will appear to your customers. Previewing the representative survey shows the basic format, though styles appear differently in the representative console.
Customer exit survey or representative survey: add new question
Question type
Choose from several types of questions, including radio buttons, check boxes, dropdown menus, text boxes, and text areas.
Question text
Enter the question text as you would like it to appear on the survey.
Question name
Assign the question a name for internal formatting.
Report header
Assign the question a header to identify it on your survey reports.
Answer required
For representative surveys, set if the representative should be required to answer the question before closing the session.
CSS style
You may define a CSS style for a customer exit survey question. This options is provided for web development. Users unfamiliar with HTML and CSS are recommended to leave these fields blank.
CSS classes
You may define CSS classes for a customer exit survey question. This options is provided for web development. Users unfamiliar with HTML and CSS are recommended to leave these fields blank.
You may define an HTML ID for a customer exit survey question. This options is provided for web development. Users unfamiliar with HTML and CSS are recommended to leave these fields blank.
Allow multiple selections
For a dropdown menu, you can choose to allow multiple selections.
Size of text box
For a text box, set the size of the text entry field.
Max # of chars in answer
For a text box, set the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Text area size
For a text input area, set the size of the text entry field.
Display order
Choose the order in which you would like the question to appear on the survey. Lower numbers appear first.
Default value
For a text box or text input area, you may insert default text into the field.
Appear on the default public site
If you select this option, this question will automatically be added to the survey for your default support site. Because only ten questions can appear on any given survey, you will receive an error if you attempt to save a question that would exceed this limit on your default site survey. To create a question for use on another survey, deselect the check box and then save.
Display value
For each option available to a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, assign a display value that will appear to the customer.
Logged value
For each option available to a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, assign a logged value that will be saved in the exit survey reports.
Selected by default
For a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, you can choose to have an option selected by default.
Display order
For a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, set the order in which these options will appear below the question.
Sort ascending
For a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, sort the options in ascending order.
Sort descending
For a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu, sort the options in descending order.
Add option
Add multiple options to a radio button group, a check box group, or a dropdown menu.
Preview question
Preview how this survey question will appear to your customers. Previewing a representative survey question shows the basic format, though styles appear differently in the representative console.
For more information, see
Updated 9 days ago