Two-factor authentication setup for BeyondTrust Remote Support using a time-based, one-time password (TOTP)
BeyondTrust offers you a higher level of security with two-factor authentication, using a time-based, one-time password (TOTP). Besides entering their username and password to log in to the administrative interface and the BeyondTrust representative console, users who have this option enabled can use an authenticator app of their choice to receive a one-time code that allows them to securely log in.
TOTP requirements
Users must have access to a device capable of generating one-time passwords. This is most often done through a smartphone authenticator app. Users are free to choose a compatible option, unless otherwise directed by their administrator. Examples of compatible authenticators include:
- Google Authenticator (Android, iOS)
- Authy (Android, iOS, WIndows, Linux, Mac)
- YubioAth Desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac)
- GAuth Authenticator (Windows Phone)
- Authentication Codes (Windows 8, Windows 10)
- OATHTool (command line)
- 1Password (Android, iOS, Mac, Windows)
Time-based considerations
With TOTP, an authenticator app generates a new password approximately every 30 seconds. Because of this, both the authenticator service and the device must be roughly in sync. BeyondTrust allows the clock on the user's device to be one minute off either way of the B Series Appliance's clock. If a wider time gap is experienced, the B Series Appliance may fail to recognize the codes generated by the user's device.
Activate two-factor authentication
Depending on your company's security settings, users may have the option to activate two-factor authentication on their own. Alternatively, activation may be pushed by the administrator, in which case users would be asked to do so when logging in. While the activation process described below is similar either way, the differences are also covered.
Before you begin, make sure to have a compatible authenticator app on your smartphone.
- Go to /login > My Account. Under Two Factor Authentication, click Activate Two Factor Authentication.
- The window changes to display the QR code and your next steps. If you have not already done so, download and install an authenticator app for your device.
- Follow your app's procedure to scan the code. Alternatively, you can type in the alphanumeric code that appears under the QR code. This can be useful if the QR code is not displaying properly or if your device is having issues capturing the image. Scanning the code is the preferred method.
- Once the app successfully captures the QR code, it generates a 6 digit token.
- Enter your password and the token, and then click Activate.
- Once the screen refreshes, it displays a confirmation that two-factor authentication is now enabled for your account. The next time you login to /login or the representative console, you are required to use two-factor authentication.
Activate and require two-factor authentication
Administrators can require that users enable two-factor authentication on their accounts. To do this, go to Users & Security > Users, select a user to edit and under Account Settings > Two Factor Authentication, and check the Required button.
The next time this user tries to login to either the administrative interface or the representative console, a screen displays requiring the activation of two-factor authentication. The setup process is the same as outlined in the previous section.
Require two-factor authentication in group policies
Two-factor authentication can also be defined when creating or editing group policies. Go to Users & Policies > Group Policies > Account Settings > Two Factor Authentication and select Required or Optional, depending on how you want to enforce its use.
Like other account settings in group policies, the administrator can decide if two-factor authentication is defined for a specific policy, and if it can be overridden.
Log in using two-factor authentication
Log in to the administrative interface
Enter your username and password. When prompted, enter the code from your authenticator app and click OK, and then click Login.
Keep in mind that each code is valid for only 60 seconds, after which a new one is automatically generated. Apps like Google Authenticator may show a clock or some other form of tracking time.
Log in to the BeyondTrust representative console
Enter your username and password. When prompted, enter the code from your authenticator app and click OK, and then click Login.
Change or disable the authenticator app
Change the authenticator app
Once you have set up two-factor authentication for your account using a specific app, you still have the option of changing to a different one. To do so, go to /login > My Account > Two Factor Authentication and click Replace Authenticator App.
In the next screen, enter your password and the code on the app, and click Continue.
You are taken to the initial setup screen. Repeat the initial setup process but this time with the new authenticator app you wish to use. If this is an app you already used and registered, simply enter the code. If it is a new app, you must scan the QR code again.
When done, click Replace. The previous app is disabled, and you must use the new app selected at the next login. You can always change back or select a different one by repeating the steps above.
If you decide to replace you current app, you must begin using a new one. It is not possible to disable two-step authentication from this point.
Disable authenticator app - user side
If you are not required by your administrator to use two-factor authentication, you can disable this feature.
Due to the enhanced level of security provided by this feature, it is NOT a best practice to disable two-factor authentication.
To disable two-factor authentication, go to /login > My Account > Two Factor Authentication and click Deactivate Two Factor Authentication.
Enter your password and code on the app, and then click Deactivate. A message displays confirming the feature has been deactivated.
Disable authenticator app - admin side
As an administrator, you may remove a user's current authenticator app. Go to the user's settings page, and under Account Settings > Two Factor Authentication, select Remove Current Authenticator App. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. The next time the user logs in, only their username and password will be needed to log in to the administrative interface and the BeyondTrust representative console.
An administrator may remove a user's current authenticator app whether the user is required to use two-factor authentication or simply chooses to use it.
If a user's device used for two-factor authentication is lost or reset, a BeyondTrust admin must remove that user's current authenticator app and require that the user set up two-factor authentication again.
Updated 11 days ago