Licensing reports
What is licensing reporting?
Licensing reporting provides detailed insights into your BeyondTrust license usage, including data on active features, usage patterns, and license expiration status.
How is licensing reporting useful?
Licensing reporting helps administrators monitor license compliance, track feature usage, and manage license renewals, ensuring the system aligns with licensing agreements and optimizing feature utilization.
How do I access the Licensing page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Remote Support URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Reports.
The Support page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Licensing.
The Licensing page displays.
How to generate a licensing report
Date range
Select a start date for which to pull reporting data. Then select either the number of days for which to pull your report or an end date.
Group by
Choose to group peak license utilization report data by hour, day, or month.
License usage report
View reports of peak license usage times. View the number of logged in representatives, the number of representatives in extended availability mode, and the total number of licenses in use.
Updated 8 days ago