Remote Jump shortcuts
Remote Jump enables a privileged user to connect to an unattended remote computer on a network outside of their own network. Remote Jump depends on a Jumpoint.
A Jumpoint acts as a conduit for access to computers on a known remote network. A single Jumpoint installed on a computer within a LAN is used to access multiple systems, eliminating the need to pre-install software on every computer you might need to access.
Remote Jump and Local Jump are available only for Windows systems. Jump Clients are needed for remote access to Mac computers. To Jump to a Windows computer without a Jump Client, that computer must have Remote Registry Service enabled (disabled by default in Vista) and must be on a domain.
Create a Remote Jump shortcut
- To create a Remote Jump shortcut, click the Create button in the Jump interface. From the dropdown, select Remote Jump. Remote Jump shortcuts appear in the Jump interface with Jump Clients and other types of Jump Item shortcuts.
- Organize and manage existing Jump Items by selecting one or more Jump Items and clicking Properties.
To view the properties of multiple Jump Items, the items selected must be the same type (e.g., all Jump Clients, all Remote Jumps, etc.). To review properties of other types of Jump Items, see the appropriate section in this guide.
- Enter a Name for the Jump Item. This name identifies the item in the session tabs. This string has a maximum of 128 characters.
- From the Jumpoint dropdown, select the network that hosts the computer you wish to access. The representative console remembers your Jumpoint choice the next time you create this type of Jump Item. Enter the Hostname / IP of system you wish to access.
- Move Jump Items from one Jump Group to another using the Jump Group dropdown. The ability to move Jump Items to or from different Jump Groups depends upon your account permissions.
- Further organize Jump Items by entering the name of a new or existing Tag. Even though the selected Jump Items are grouped together under the tag, they are still listed under the Jump Group in which each is pinned. To move a Jump Item back into its top-level Jump Group, leave this field blank.
- Select the Public Portal through which this Jump Item should connect. If a session policy is assigned to this public portal, that policy may affect the permissions allowed in sessions started through this Jump Item. The ability to set the public portal depends on your account permissions.
- Jump Items include a Comments field for a name or description, which makes sorting, searching, and identifying Jump Items faster and easier.
- To set when users are allowed to access this Jump Item, choose a Jump Policy. These policies are configured by your administrator in the /login interface.
- Choose a Session Policy to assign to this Jump Item. The session policy assigned to this Jump Item has the highest priority when setting session permissions. The ability to set a session policy depends on your account permissions.
- Choose session policies to assign to this Jump Item. Session policies assigned to this Jump Item have the highest priority when setting session permissions. The Customer Present Session Policy applies when the end user is determined to be present. Otherwise, the Customer Not Present Session Policy applies.
- The way customer presence is determined is set by the Use screen state to detect Customer Presence Jump Item setting in the /login interface.
When enabled, a customer is considered present only if a user is logged in, the system is not locked, and a screen saver is not running.
When disabled, a customer is considered present if a user is logged in, regardless of the screen state.
Customer presence is detected when the Jump Item session starts.
The session policy used for the session does not change throughout the session, regardless of any changes in the customer's presence while the session is in progress. The ability to set a session policy depends on your account permissions.
Use a Jump shortcut
- To use a Jump shortcut to start a session, select the shortcut from the Jump interface and click the Jump button.
- You must provide administrative credentials to the remote computer in order to complete the Jump. The administrative rights must be either a local administrator on the remote system or a domain administrator.
The client files are pushed to the remote system, and a session attempts to start. Depending on the session permissions, the end-user may be prompted to accept or deny the session. If no response is received within a defined interval of time, the session either starts or cancels, again depending on the session permissions.
- If you need to access systems through a Jumpoint when no user is available, make sure the public portal permissions and your account permissions are set either to disable prompting or to default to Allow.
- Jump Items can be set to allow multiple users to simultaneously access the same Jump Item. If set to Join Existing Session, other users are able to join a session already underway. The original owner of the session receives a note indicating another user has joined the session, but is not allowed to deny them access.
For more information on simultaneous Jumps, please see Simultaneous Jumps on the Jump Items page and the Jump Policies page.
Updated 13 days ago