Canned scripts
What are canned scripts?
Canned scripts are custom scripts created to be used in screen sharing and command shell sessions. These scripts are displayed in the interface as they are executed, running in the context of the logged-in user or the local system, depending on session elevation.
How are canned scripts useful?
Canned scripts allow representatives to automate tasks during remote sessions, enhancing efficiency and consistency. By running predefined scripts during screen sharing or command shell sessions, users can streamline troubleshooting or configuration tasks, while the scripts maintain proper context based on session elevation.
For more information, see Screen sharing tools and Command shell tools.
How do I access the Canned Scripts page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Remote Support URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Console Settings.
The Rep Console Settings page opens and displays by default. - At the top of the page, click Canned Scripts.
The Canned Scripts page displays.
Add or edit canned script
Script name
Create a unique name to help identify this script. This name should help users locate the script they wish to run.
Add a brief description to summarize the purpose of this script. This description is displayed on the prompt to confirm that the user wants to run the selected script.
Command sequence
Write the command sequence. Scripts must be written in command line format, similar to writing a batch file or shell script. Note that only the last line of the script may be interactive; you cannot pause the script or prompt for input in the middle of the script.
Within the script, reference an associated resource file using "%RESOURCE_FILE%", making sure to include the quotation marks. Please note that the command sequence is case sensitive.
You can access the resource file’s temporary directory using %RESOURCE_DIR%. When you run a script with an associated resource file, that file will be temporarily uploaded to the customer’s computer.
Team availability
Select which support teams should be able to use this item.
Select the categories under which this item should be listed.
Resource file
You may select a resource file to be associated with this script.
Elevation mode
Select if this script should be available to run in elevated mode only, unelevated mode only, or both.
Available in view-only screen sharing as a special action
If this option is checked, this script may be run even when the user is allowed only to view and not control the remote computer. Note that when the user is in view-only screen sharing, the customer receives a prompt to allow the script to run.
If the user is allowed to use canned scripts, all canned scripts are available in full-control screen sharing, regardless of whether this option is checked or unchecked.
For more information, please see Screen sharing tools.
Add category, delete
Create a new category or remove an existing category.
Choose and upload resource
Add any resource files you want to access from within your scripts. The maximum file size allowed is 250MB, with a maximum resource storage space of 1GB.
If you upload a resource file with the same name as an existing resource file, there is a prompt to confirm replacing the file.
- If you click YES, the updated resource file is uploaded and used for all applicable canned scripts.
- If you click NO, the file is not uploaded.
Remove an existing resource file.
Updated 8 days ago