Jump Items
BeyondTrust Jump Technology enables privileged users to connect to an unattended remote system to start a session without end-user assistance.
Jump Items can be installed from the Jump Clients page of the /login interface or from the representative console. Some types of Jump Items can be created in the web rep console. To create a Jump Item in the web rep console, click Create at the top of the Jump interface. Full details for creating different Jump Items are provided later in this guide.
Your account settings determine what Jump Item permissions you have, including which Jump Groups you can access and which types of Jump Items you are allowed to use.
Jump Items are listed in Jump Groups. If you are assigned to one or more Jump Groups, you can access the Jump Items in those groups, with the permissions assigned by your admin.
Your personal list of Jump Items is primarily for your individual use, although your team leads, team managers, and users with permission to see all Jump Items may have access to your personal list of Jump Items. Similarly, if you are a team manager or lead with appropriate permissions, you may see team members' personal lists of Jump Items. Additionally, you may have permission to access Jump Items in Jump Groups you do not belong to and personal Jump Items for non-team members.
To view details about a Jump Item, or to copy or edit a Jump Item, click the vertical ellipsis at the right end of the of the Jump Item's row. To start a session with a Jump Item, click the Jump button at the right of the Jump Item entry.
- The Jump Items list displays a maximum of 50 Jump Items.
- If you need to access Jump Items when no user is available, make sure the session permissions are set either to disable prompting or to default to Allow for unattended sessions.
If a Jump Policy enforces a schedule for this Jump Item, an attempt to access the Jump Item outside of its permitted schedule prevents the Jump. A prompt informs you of the policy restrictions and provides the date and time when this Jump Item is next available for access.
If you have permission to modify Jump Policies, the prompt gives you the option to override the schedule and start a session anyway.
Default credentials for Jump Items
When starting a Jump session that requires credentials, after selecting the credentials, you can check Remember as my default. Once a credential is selected as a default, it displays with other Jump Item details, and subsequent sessions start without requesting credentials.
When a default credential is set, the Jump Item details (accessed by right-clicking the Jump Item) include a button for Jump (Change Credentials). This opens the credential selection window, and you can either change default credential, select a different credential for this session, or clear the saved default credential.
If a default credential is no longer available to the user for that Jump Item, the next time they start a session with that Jump Item there is a warning that the requested credentials for starting the session were not found, and the option to continue. If you continue, the credential selection window opens and you can select a credential as usual.
Saving default credentials works only prior to starting a Jump Item session (i.e. RDP, Remote Jump, Shell Jump, Protocol Tunnel Jump, and Web Jump). This feature is not available for Jump Clients.
Jump Client upgrade
You can upgrade Jump Clients from within the web rep console. A Needs Upgrade banner displays under Status, in green if the Jump Client is online, red if offline. You can only upgrade Jump Clients that are online. To upgrade a given Jump Client, click the green banner
In order to be able to upgrade a Jump Client from the Web Rep Console, you must make sure that Automatic Jump Client Upgrades is disabled in /login. To do so, go to /login > Jump > Jump Clients > Upgrades and disable Automatic Jump Client Upgrades. If automatic upgrading is not disabled, Jump Clients needing to upgrade display an Upgrade Pending banner instead.
The rep must also have the right to perform the update. This can be set in /login > Users & Security > Users > Access Permissions > Jump Item Roles. Make sure that System is also set to Administrator.
Updated 8 days ago