Error messages
This appendix provides a reference for error messages that may occur while attempting to start a session with a remote computer via Jumpoint. It is assumed that a Jumpoint has already been installed on the remote network.
Below are a few helpful definitions of terms that will be used throughout this appendix.
Term | Definition |
Placeholder for the unique name of the remote computer to which a Jump session is being attempted. | |
target system | The remote computer which a support representative is attempting to access. Because the scope of this document covers only Jumpoints, it is assumed, though not required, that target systems are unattended. |
Below is a list of possible error messages that may occur, accompanied by a brief description of each message.
Message | Description |
Access denied for | The credentials specified did not have sufficient permissions to enable the Jump connection to be established. A Windows user account with administrative credentials for the target system is required. |
Access denied to host | The credentials specified did not have sufficient permissions to enable the Jump connection to be established. A Windows user account with administrative credentials for the target system is required. |
An unknown error occurred while trying to contact host | The attempt to obtain information about the target system failed. This message covers any failure which is not explicitly defined. |
Another representative is currently pushing to this host. Please try again in a few moments. | Someone else is already attempting to Jump to the specified target system via this Jumpoint. |
Cannot detect host settings for | The Remote Registry service may not be running on the target system. Note that Windows Vista and XP both have this service turned off by default. |
Couldn't detect host settings for | The Jumpoint could not read the registry of the target system and therefore could not perform the Jump. |
Couldn't push the installer to | The BeyondTrust customer client installer was not able to be pushed to the target system. |
Couldn't trigger installation on | Though the Jumpoint was able to install the BeyondTrust customer client on the target system, it failed to start the service on the target system. |
Failed to communicate properly with | Though the Jumpoint was able to push the BeyondTrust customer client installer to the target system, it failed to actually install the service on the target system. |
Failed to establish a connection to . Please verify the following: - remote system is accessible through network (ping) - remote system is running NT or higher (not 9x or XP Home) - you have administrator privileges on the remote system - XP Pro Local Security Policy is using Classic model for authentication (workgroup connections only) | The attempt to create a connection for a Jump has failed for any reason. Several probable reasons are listed within the error message. |
Invalid credentials for | While attempting to establish a connection to the target system, the credentials were denied by the target system. |
Network error disconnecting from host | The Jumpoint failed to disconnect a network connection that already existed between its host computer and the target system, most likely because that connection was actively in use. For security reasons, a Jumpoint must always disconnect any existing network connections that exist between the system hosting the Jumpoint and the target system (e.g., mapped drives, shared folders, remote registry manipulation, etc.). Otherwise, the Jumpoint could potentially perform a Jump via the existing network connection. This would create a vulnerability through which a support representative could gain access to a target system to which they should not have access. Therefore, this disconnect must occur before the Jump connection is made. It is highly recommended that the system hosting the Jumpoint not share folders or map drives to any systems to which it might need to Jump, since those attempts to Jump will fail. |
Sorry, but the Jumpoint is too busy at the moment to process your request. Please try again later. | The Jumpoint is overloaded with too many Jump requests. |
The host refused to accept the file. | This is usually caused by a permission issue with the user account (on the target system) used to push to the target system. Try to open \hostname\admin$ on the target system from your local system. |
The Jumpoint could not download the customer client | The Jumpoint failed to download the customer client from the BeyondTrust Appliance B Series. The first time a Jumpoint attempts a Jump, it must download a copy of the BeyondTrust customer client installer. From then on, it pushes that cached customer client to the target systems. Note that upgrading a site also causes the Jumpoint to download a new customer client. |
Unable to prepare target system | The user context under which the representative console is running does not have access to the remote registry. Make sure the host system requirements are met as described in Requirements and considerations. |
Unknown host | The target system could not be found on the network. |
Updated 8 days ago