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Collaboration and controls

Elevate the customer client

When a session starts in click-to-chat mode, only chat is available. If you wish to have access to more robust support features such as screen sharing, you must elevate the customer client.

Similarly, if the downloaded customer client is running in user mode, you may not have the depth of access you need. You can elevate the customer client to run with administrative rights, as a system service. Elevating the customer client enables switching user accounts, deploying Jump Clients in service mode, and controlling protected windows and UAC dialog boxes. Elevation does not change the user context of the active user and is not the same as logging out the active user and logging back in as an administrator.

To elevate the customer client, tap the Elevate button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

If Prompt Customer is selected, tap OK to send a request to the customer to enter administrative credentials for their computer.

To select an alternate means of elevation, tap Elevation Method and then select the method you wish to use.

If you possess administrative credentials to the remote computer, select Specific User to supply an administrative username and password yourself. Tap OK to elevate the client.



For more information about manual vs automatic elevation, please see the Desktop rep console user guide.

Transfer the session

To transfer a session to another team or representative, tap the Member Actions button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

From the menu, select Transfer Session.

Browse the list of available teams or search for a specific team name. Select the queue to which you wish to move the session. Then tap the Transfer button.

You may also transfer a session to another representative's personal queue. Tap the Representative button at the top of the menu. Locate the representative by browsing or searching, and select their name. Then tap the Transfer button.

Share a session with other reps

To share a session with another representative, tap the Member Actions button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

From the menu, select Share Session.

There are several ways you can invite a representative to join a session. You can use Request Help to route your request so that it is targeted at a specific support issue. Only issues that have been configured to allow you to request help are displayed on this list.

Select the issue for which you wish to request help. Then tap the Request button.

Alternatively, locate the representative with whom you wish to share the session by first selecting a team to which the representative belongs. Select a team name to view its members.

You can select a user listed in the teams displayed to invite them to join the session.

You can use Request Help to route your request so that it is targeted at a specific support issue. If you select Any Representative, the invitation is sent to the team queue so that any single representative in the selected team can join the session. You can send multiple invitations if you want more representatives from the team to join your session.

Users are listed here only if they are logged into the console or have extended availability enabled.

If you are permitted to share sessions with users who are not members of your teams, additional teams are displayed, provided that they contain at least one member logged in or with extended availability enabled.

When you invite a user with extended availability enabled, they receive an email notification.

If you have sent an invitation and it is still active, you may revoke the invitation by selecting it from the Cancel Invitation menu. Then tap the Cancel button. Only the session owner can send invitations. Invitations do not time out as long as you remain the session owner. Multiple active invitations cannot exist for the same user to join the same session.

An invitation is made inactive when one of the following events occurs:

  • The inviting user cancels the invitation

  • The inviting user leaves or transfers ownership of the session

  • The session ends

  • The invited user accepts the invitation

  • The invited user declines the invitation

Rep invite

Alternatively, you can share a session with a representative who does not have an account on your B Series Appliance. To invite an external representative to join a session one time only, tap the Member Actions button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

From the menu, select Share Session.

Tap Invite External Representative.

A menu will open, allowing you to customize the invitation and create a representative session key.

Tap Security Profile to access a list of available representative profiles. These profiles are created in the administrative interface and determine the level of permission the external representative will have. When you select a profile, the list will close, and the full description will display beneath the selected profile.

Enter the representative’s name. This name will appear to the customer and in reports.

Next, tap Comments to enter details about why this representative has been invited.

When finished, tap Create Key.

A menu containing the session key and direct URL will appear.

To select the public site through which the external representative should connect, tap Public Portal.

For the external representative to join the session, they will need to submit the session key on your public site or go to the direct URL. You can copy and paste the session key or the URL, or you can email the URL.

The external representative must download and run the representative console; this installation is an abbreviated process of the full representative console installation.

An invited representative has access only to the session tab and has a limited set of privileges. They can never be the session owner. If the primary representative leaves the session and no other licensed representatives are participating, the external representative is automatically logged out.

You can invite more than one external representative to a support session. Be aware that each external representative does allocate a BeyondTrust license.

Remove a member from a shared session

You can remove the customer or another user from a shared session. Tap Remove Member from the menu. Select the member you wish to remove. Tap the Member Actions button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

From the menu, select Remove Member.

Select the participant you wish to remove. Then tap the Remove button. You must be the owner of the support session to remove another member.

Add a Support Button

While in a session, you can deploy a Support Button to the remote computer, providing a quick method for your customer to request support.

To begin, tap the Deploy Support Button icon. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first.

To edit the description, tap the Description entry and modify the text.

Tap the Profile entry to open a list of Support Button profiles from which you can select.

Next, tap Queue to select the queue to which this Support Button should link. Once the Support Button is deployed, your customer can use it to directly enter the queue specified here.

To set how long this Support Button should last, tap Expiration. The customer can use this button to start sessions only as long as specified. This time does NOT affect how long the installer remains active or how long a session can last.

After you have set the details for this Support Button, tap Add. This creates a Support Button on the remote user's system. Your customer can now use the Support Button to quickly request support.

You also may delete the Support Button from the remote system. Tap the Remove Support Button icon. When prompted to confirm that you want to uninstall the Support Button, tap Yes.

Pin a Jump Client

While in a session, you can pin a Jump Client to the remote computer, enabling later unattended access to that system. To begin, tap the Pin Jump Client button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first. This opens a list of Jump Groups to which you are allowed to pin the Jump Client.

From the list of available Jump Groups, select the group to which you wish to pin the Jump Client. Pinning the Jump Client to your personal list of Jump Items means that only you can access this remote computer through its Jump Client. You also can choose to pin the Jump Client to a specific Jump Group to allow access to members of that group.

If you no longer need unattended access to a remote system, you can remove the Jump Client. Tap the Unpin Jump Client button. On an iPhone, access this button by tapping the Menu button first. When prompted to confirm that you want to uninstall the Jump Client, tap Yes.

Close the session

To exit a session on an iPhone, tap the Actions button, and then tap the End or Hold Session button at the bottom of the menu.

If you are the session owner, End Session closes the session page in your representative console and removes any additional representatives who may be sharing the session. It also uninstalls the customer client from the remote system.

If you choose Hold Session, your session page closes, but the session returns to your personal queue. If any additional representatives are sharing the session, they remain in session.

If you are not the session owner, tapping Leave Session removes you from the session. The session continues to be supported by the session owner.

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