Integrations, resources, roles
The Integrations screen in Entitle is a central hub for managing all applications and services connected to your Entitle tenant. It offers a clear overview of your linked integrations and allows you to perform various related actions.
The Integrations screen has several key functionalities:
- View and manage:
- Set up Rules for integration resources and roles
- Filter and set up Bulk Actions for integrations, resources, and roles
- Set up new integrations in Entitle
- Test your integration
This page will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the Integrations screen in Entitle.
Overview of the Integrations screen
Once you log into Entitle, navigate to the Integrations tab on the left-side menu.
The Integrations screen has several main functionalities:
Integrations table (Number 1): Displays a list of all the integrations set up for your organization. This list provides key information about each integration, such as:
- The icon of the application
- The name of the integration
- The number of resources that the integration has retrieved
- The owner of the integration
- The default approval workflow for the integration.
Manage Rules button (Number 2): Allow Entitle Admins to easily make changes for integrations’ resources and roles, based on criteria that can be defined both for existing & new ones.
Bulk Actions button (Number 3): Allow Entitle Admins to easily view and make changes for multiple existing integrations, resources, and roles.
Add integration button (Number 4): Allows you to set up a new integration in Entitle.
View and manage
In the Integrations screen, click on a specific integration to be redirected to its screen.
In this screen, the following actions can be done:
- View and edit the resource’s Settings (for more information about the settings options, refer to this section of the guide):
- Owner
- Name
- When it was last synced
- Additional settings:
- Readonly
- Requestable or not
- Requestable by default
- Auto-assign recommended resource owners and maintainers
- Notify about external permission changes
- Override allowed durations or not
- Set up a new connection
- Set up new Rules or Bulk Actions
- Delete the integration
- View and edit the settings of the integration using the according button
- View and change the Approval workflow of the integration using the according button.
- View and manage the integration’s resources and roles, explained further in the next sections of this guide
- View and add Maintainers for the integration
- View the integration’s audit logs
- View and add prerequisite permissions for the integration
- Sync the integration’s data
- View and edit the resource’s Settings (for more information about the settings options, refer to this section of the guide):
In the Integrations screen, click on a specific integration to be redirected to its screen.
Expand the Resources section, to view the existing resources within the integration and additional information about each of them.
Under the Resource column, click on a specific resource you would like to view/manage.
In the resource management screen, the following actions can be done:
View and edit the resource’s Settings:
- Owner
- Name
- Description
- Tags
- Requestable or not
- Override allowed durations or not
Set up new Bulk Actions
View and change the Approval workflow of the resource using the according button
View and manage the resource’s roles, explained further in the next section of this guide
View all the ways the roles, that belong to the resource you are in, will be given access to automatically by other resources or roles
View the total number of permissions granted to different users
View and add Maintainers for the resource
View and add prerequisite permissions for the integration
In the Integrations screen, click on a specific integration to be redirected to its screen.
Expand the Resources section to view the existing resources within the integration. Select a specific resource from the list.
Expand the Roles section to view the existing roles within the integration’s resource.
Under the Role column, select the specific role that you would like to manage..
In the role management screen, the following actions can be done:
View and edit the role’s Settings:
- Requestable or not
- Override allowed durations or not
View and change the Approval workflow of the resource using the according button
View all the ways the roles, that belong to the resource you are in, will be given access to automatically by other resources or roles
View and add prerequisite permissions for the integration
Set up a new integration
Setting up a new integration will trigger the following process:
- Entitle attempts to integrate based on the provided configuration (details below).
- Entitle then automatically discovers and "scrapes" existing and changing resources, roles, accounts, and permissions into its database.
- Auto-discovery continues hourly for resources and accounts (or via manual command) as long as the integration remains connected to Entitle. Permission synchronization for changes occurring outside of Entitle happens daily.
- Entitle manages permissions for the integration and applies all its functions—including visibility, Just-in-Time (JIT) access, User Access Reviews (UAR), birthright permissions, and session audit—as well as future functions, unless specified otherwise.
How to set up a new integration
Once you log into Entitle, navigate to the Integrations tab on the left-side menu. Click the Add integration button on the top-right side.
You will need to provide the following information:
Application: The application the integration connects to must be chosen from the list of supported applications. Once selected, a link to the integration’s documentation will appear on the right side. For example:
Name: The display name for the integration
Owner: Define the owner of the integration, which will be used for administrative purposes and approval workflows
Default approval workflow: The default approval workflow for entitlements for the integration (can be overwritten on resource/role level)
- Read-Only: User requests won't be automatically granted when enabled. Instead, a ticket will be opened for manual review and resolution
- Allow changing account permissions: Allows Entitle to grant and revoke permissions for existing accounts
- Allow creating accounts: When enabled, this option creates a new account for each access request and deletes it once the request is revoked or times out. When disabled, an account won’t be created. This permanent account is granted permissions when needed and has them removed when the request is revoked or times out.
- Requestable: Controls whether a user can create requests for entitlements for resources under the integration
- Requestable by default: Controls whether resources that are added to the integration can be shown to the user
- Auto-assign recommended resource owners: When recommendations are available during synchronization, this option allows overriding existing resource owners with the recommended users
- Auto-assign recommended resource maintainers: When recommendations are available during synchronization, this option allows overriding existing resource maintainers with the recommended users
- Notify about external permission changes: If accounts are granted roles outside of the request access flow, notifications will be sent to admins and the integration owner
- Override allowed durations: As an admin, you can set custom durations for the integration that differ from those in the linked workflow. If enabled, choose the relevant durations for the specific integration
Save on: Choose whether you would like this integration to be saved on your own hosted agent or in Entitle’s cloud
Connection: According to the integration selected in the Application section, an example JSON configuration will show in the bottom part of the screen
- Note: If there are multiple integration options for the application, you will need to select one of them

- Once done setting up the integration, click Save.
Test your integration
Note: The integration setup time varies from a few minutes to longer, depending on the volume of permissions in the application you're integrating with Entitle.
- In Entitle, navigate to the Integrations screen.
- Locate the integration you want to test.
- Click the integration name to view more details.
- Verify the integration’s configuration via:
- The integration's last sync: When this information displays, all resources, roles, and entitlements are synced into Entitle. This can take up to 30 minutes.
- The resources' last sync: When this information displays, all resources are synced into Entitle. This can take up to 15 minutes.
- The integration audit logs: These logs display any issues that occurred during the integration setup. If a problem occurs, an error log displays, and an instant message alert is sent to the integration owner.
- Once the integration is saved, you will be redirected to the Integrations screen. There, you will see the newly created integration.
Updated 17 days ago