

It is highly recommended to create a service account for the purpose of integrating Datadog with Entitle.

If the permissions of the account that the API/app key were created from are changed - that might affect the functionality of the integration.

Adapter configuration structure

    "api_key": "{{YOUR_DATADOG_API_KEY}}",
    "app_key": "{{YOUR_DATADOG_APP_KEY}}",
    "host": "https://{{YOUR_DATADOG_DOMAIN}}" // example 'https://us5.datadoghq.com'

How to get the required credentials

Go to your Datadog host to the path:



On the sidebar press “API Keys”.

then press “New Key” on the top left corner.

Insert “entitle-api-key” under Name and press “Create Key”.

Copy the “Key”, that’s your “api_key” parameter:


On the sidebar press “Application Keys”.

then press “New Key” on the top left corner.

Insert “entitle-app-key” under Name and press “Create Key”.

Copy the “Key”, that’s your “app_key” parameter: