What is Tableau?

Tableau is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence platform that helps organizations analyze and present data in interactive, easy-to-understand dashboards. It enables users to explore insights, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions.

How is this integration useful?

Integrating Tableau with Entitle automates access management for workbooks, dashboards, and data sources, ensuring users have the right permissions when needed. This enhances security, reduces manual effort, and supports seamless data-driven workflows.

Through this integration, Entitle can manage the following resource types in Tableau:

  • Groups
    • Member
  • Sites
    • Explorer
    • Publisher
    • Site Administrator explorer
    • Unlicensed
    • Viewer


  • You must have an Admin account in Entitle.
  • The user that created the token must be an Admin in Tableau (either a Site Administrator Creator or Explorer).
  • Access to your Tableau Token name and secret, Site ID, and Server URL.

Create a new token in Tableau

  1. Log in to Tableau Cloud using your credentials.

    The Tableau Cloud home page displays

  2. Click your account icon > My Account Settings.

    The My Account Settings page displays

  3. On the My Account Settings page, locate the Personal Access Tokens section.

  4. Choose a Name for your new token and click Create new token.

    Your new token is created. Copy and keep your Token name and Token secret for the configuration later on in this guide.

Obtain your site ID in Tableau

  1. Locate the following section in your Tableau’s URL:



    Make sure to not include any / from the URL when you copy the site ID.

  2. This is the site ID details that you will need for the configuration later on in this guide.

Obtain your server URL in Tableau

  1. Locate the following section in your Tableau’s URL:



    Make sure to not include any / from the URL when you copy the server URL.

  2. These are the server URL details that you will need for the configuration later on in this guide.

Create the Tableau integration in Entitle

  1. Sign in to Entitle.

  2. Navigate to the Integrations page.

  3. Click Add Integration.

  4. In the Application field, enter Tableau.

  5. In the Save on dropdown, select Entitle cloud or your hosted agent.

  6. In the Connection field:

    1. token_name: Insert the name you chose for your new Tableau token.
    2. token_secret: Insert your new token details.
    3. site_id: Insert the site ID details found in the following section of the URL: site/<YOUR_SITE_ID>/home
    4. server_url: Insert the server URL details found in the following section of the URL: <https://xxx.tableau.com>

Example Connection JSON:

  "token_name": "<YOUR_TOKEN_NAME>",
  "token_secret": "<YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET>",
  "site_id": "<YOUR_SITE_ID>",
  "server_url": "<https://xxx.tableau.com>"
  1. Click Save.
    The Entitle integration with Tableau saves