This is a walk-through on how to get the token required to integrate Entitle with your account.
💡 The manual should be executed by a user with administrative privileges to customer.ioRetrieving the token
- Head to and log in with an account with administrative privileges.
- Go to Settings → Account Settings → Team Members
- Open ‘Developer Tools’ in your browser
- Windows: Ctrl + F12
- Mac: Function (Fn)/Globe key + F12
The following areas should now be open:

In the ‘Developer Tools’ go to the Network tab

- Now refresh the page
- Windows: Ctrl + F5
- Mac: Function (Fn)/Globe key + F5
- Many requests should now appear in the Network tab.
- Filter the requests by typing ‘ users’ into the ‘Filter URLs’ section of the ‘Developer Tools’. (the spacing between the words is necessary).
There should be only one request displayed at this point.

- Click on the request. A tab with information about the request should open on the right side of the screen.
- In the request tab go to the ‘Headers’ section.
- Look at the ‘Request Headers’ section.
- Look at the Authorization header its value should be structured the following way:
”Bearer ” - The token required for the Entitle integration is the section of this header, save it.
Entitle configuration
The entitle configuration structure is very simple and requires only the token retrieved in the previous section.
Updated 2 days ago
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