Manual applications
Manual applications in Entitle refer to systems, platforms, or software that cannot be integrated directly through APIs, Identity Provider (IdP) groups, or other automated provisioning methods. As a result, granting access to these applications requires manual intervention from Entitle admins. From the end-users perspective, however, the process remains seamless, and they are unaware of the technical details involved in requesting access to a manual application.
This page will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create manual applications in Entitle.
End-user experience
Below is an explanation of how end-users can request access to manual applications and their approval process.
For information on the full access request process in Entitle, see the End-user Web App guide.
After clicking the New request button, the end-user will look for the specific application’s resources or roles they wish to request access to and then select their desired choices.
For example, an end-user who wants to request access to the GCP - new env manual application, can locate it using the navigation bar (All/Apps/Bundles), or otherwise search for specific roles using the search bar.
From step 2 onwards, the access request process is identical to any other non-manual application.
Access requests for manual applications are not automatically approved; the admin must manually grant access to the application. Likewise, revoking access requires a manual process.
- To set up new manual applications and manage existing ones, you must have Admin permissions in Entitle. Keep in mind that end-users will only be able to request access to the manual applications.
Set up a manual application in Entitle
Once you log in to Entitle with an Admin account, navigate to the Integrations tab on the left-side menu.
Click the Add integration button and type Manual in the Application field. Then, choose a Name for it and a Default Approval Workflow (you can change that later if needed).
Manual applications can only be saved on Entitle’s cloud and not on another agent, as they only refer to resources.
Click Save.
Manage your manual applications
Log in to Entitle with an Admin account and navigate to the Integrations tab on the left-side menu.
Click on your chosen manual application from the integrations list, and notice it has the following automatic logo:
In the manual application’s screen, you will be able to do the following actions:
Make changes to the manual application’s basic information:
- Owner and additional settings - click the Settings button on the top-right corner. If you wish to delegate the ownership to other users, simply search for them in the search bar. Make sure to click Save if you have made any changes.
- Icon - click on the Replace Image button found in the top-right corner.
- Name - click on the manual application name found at the top of the screen.
- To delete the manual application, click on the Delete button in the top-right corner.
Click the Change Approval Workflow button if you wish to change it to a different workflow.
Manage the application’s resources:
To add a new resource, click the Add button under the Resources section.
In the new pop-up screen, fill in the mandatory information:
Name of the resource (required).
Default Approval Workflow, in case you wish to set a different one from your original selection (required).
You can also choose to add the Type of the resource and delegate the resource’s ownership to another user.
Click Create. You can add as many resources as you wish.
Add maintainers by clicking the Add button under the Maintainers section.
View all audit logs related to the manual application by expanding the Audit Logs section.
Add prerequisite permissions required to request permission for the new manual application, by clicking the Add button under the relevant section.
Create new Rules or Bulk Actions:
- To create new Rules for resources and roles, click the Add rule button in the top-right corner of the Integrations screen. Proceed to the Rules guide.
- To create new Bulk Actions for integrations, resources, and roles click the Bulk Actions button under the Resources section. Proceed to the Filtering and Bulk Actions guide.
Manage access requests for manual applications
Entitle admins manage access requests for manual applications using the Tasks screen in Entitle.
Log in to Entitle and navigate to the Tasks screen.
Access requests for manual applications will display as tasks created for the admin under the To Do column, to provide the specific permission.
If the manual application is linked to a ticketing system (e.g., ServiceNow, Jira, Zendesk), a ticket can be generated automatically to notify the relevant teams about the request.
Click on Start working to handle the access request. This will move the task to the In Progress section.
You must manually go into the application of your choice and grant that permission. Then, return to the Tasks screen and click Resolve to move the task to the Done column. The same process applies when a request expires or is revoked.
Updated 17 days ago