This manual is a walk-through instruction on creating a Teleport integration on Entitle.
Teleport is an open-source tool for providing zero trust access to servers and cloud applications using SSH, Kubernetes and HTTPS.
Generate credentials file
You must have a user with the editor
permission, and a max_session_time
of at least 8760h.
Run the following commands in a shell, and use the output (content of OUTPUT_FILE) as the ‘identity’.
USERNAME=api-admin # Or 3025
tsh login --user=$USERNAME --ttl=525600m --proxy=$AUTH_SERVER
# Enter Password to log in
# You might need to use the --insecure flag
# Generate the identity file
tctl auth sign --auth-server=$AUTH_SERVER --format=file --user=$USERNAME --out=$TMP_FILE --ttl=8760h
while read line; do printf "%s" "$line\n"; done < $TMP_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE
# Copy the file content
Build the Entitle integration configuration
Teleport can be configured to allow access based on any label/name we would provide it with, without verifying its existence or relevance.
Therefore, when building the integration, we must know what options should be available for the users to ask permission to. You should configure these options via the role_options scope as you wish.
identity should be the teleport credentials from the identity credentials file.
"url": "xxxxxx",
"identity": "xxxxxx",
"role_options": {
"AppLabels": ["applabel:one,two,three", "Apppp:a", "app:*"],
"NodeLabels": ["nodelabel:one,two,three", "Nodeeee:a", "nodeeee:*"],
"ClusterLabels": ["clusterlabel:one,two,three", "Clusterrrr:a", "clusterrrr:*"],
"DatabaseLabels": ["databaselabel:one,two,three", "Databaseeee:a", "databaseeee:*"],
"KubernetesLabels": ["kuberneteslabel:one,two,three", "Kubernetessss:a", "kubernetessss:*"],
"WindowsDesktopLabels": ["windowsdesktoplabel:one,two,three", "WindowsDesktopppp:a", "windowsdesktopppp:*"],
"Logins": ["L_USER", "logins"],
"KubeUsers": ["K_USER", "kubeusers"],
"Namespaces": ["N_USER", "namespaces"],
"HostGroups": ["H_USER", "hostgroups"],
"KubeGroups": ["K_USER", "kubegroups"],
"AWSRoleARNs": ["A_USER", "awsrolearns"],
"HostSudoers": ["H_USER", "hostsudoers"],
"DatabaseUsers": ["D_USER", "databaseusers"],
"WindowsDesktopLogins": ["W_USER", "windowsdesktoplogins"]
Updated 10 days ago