Atlas MongoDB
Entitle can manage MongoDB Atlas permissions using its dynamic "just-in-time" approach. For example, you may provide a user with access to a certain object level in MongoDB Atlas that has 'read-only' access privileges and then, following a seamless and fast request process, provide access to an object level that has 'write' permissions. This integration guide provides instructions on how to Integrate Entitle with Atlas MongoDB.
Access managed by Entitle
The MongoDB Atlas integration enables Entitle to manage access to the following MongoDB resources:
- Project - A project provides a grouping of clusters and users for a specific purpose
- Cluster - The set of nodes comprising a sharded MongoDB deployment
- Database - A physical container for collections. A single MongoDB server typically has multiple databases
- Collection - A grouping of MongoDB documents. A collection is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A collection exists within a single database
The resources are layered, so if Entitle does not have access into the clusters, it will be able to manage the Cluster level only, i.e. see the clusters but not what is in them. If Entitle has access into the clusters, it will be able to manage databases and collections.
Optional limitations include:
- Limit access to the cluster level only
- All permissions can be configured as read-only
- Limit access to a specific project
Integration options
The integration is performed using an API key details that are created on Atlas MongoDB and then entered into the Entitle admin portal.
Updated about 1 month ago