Personal access token integration

General guidelines

  • In this process, you will generate a PAT on GitHub and then use the token as part of Entitle's New Integration configuration process.

Set up GitHub personal access token to work with Entitle

Generate a new token

  1. Log into GitHub with an Admin account, and click on Settings in the left-side bar.
  1. Under the Integrations tab at the end of the bar, click on Applications, and then choose Personal Access Tokens from the three integration options available.
  1. Here you will find two versions for you to choose from, which allow you to generate your Personal Access Token: the Beta and the Classic Versions. After choosing, click on Generate New Token.
Beta Version

Beta Version

Classic Version

Classic Version

  1. In the window that opens up, fill in the the following:
  • Pick a Note (the name of the token).
  • Pick an Expiration (no expiration is recommended).
  • Select scopes:
    • repo (to manage access to all the repositories including private ones).
    • write:org (to manage members of the organization and teams).

Then, click Generate token at the bottom of the page.

  1. After using the classic version (for example), copy your token and keep it for later.
  • If you have SSO enabled, click Authorize:

Creating the integration in Entitle

All that is left to do is create an integration on the Entitle application.

  1. Log into Entitle and navigate to the Integrations page.
  2. After clicking the Add Integration button, type GitHub PAT integration in the Application field.
  3. Don’t forget to set the Save on field with your configuration, i.e. your own hosted agent or Entitle’s cloud.
  4. Also, make sure that the Connection field is set to Personal Access Token.
  1. In the connection JSON access_token field, paste the values from the Generate a New Token stage.
  2. In the options field, add your chosen resources mentioned in the Overview section here.

Example Connection JSON:

	"tokens": {
		"access_token": "<add the access token you have in the clipboard here>"
	"options": {
		"repos": false,
		"teams": false
	"organization_name": ""
  1. Click Save, you are done!🎉