Requests history


The Request history screen in Entitle provides a comprehensive log of all past access requests.

Request history screen overview

  1. Log in to Entitle and navigate to the Request history tab on the left-side menu.

  2. This screen has multiple main functionalities:

    1. View detailed information about each past request.
    2. Renew permissions that are expiring or have already expired.
    3. Filter past requests to efficiently manage your request history.
    4. Download your request history as CSV.

View past request details

Click on the specific request to simply see the full information available on it, including:

  • Request number
  • Resource
  • Role
  • Duration
  • Status (Approved, Denied, Pending, etc.)
  • Creation time

Renew permissions

Click Renew request next to a specific request to automatically generate a new request. The replicated request will show in the My pending requests list in the Request screen.

Filter past requests

The list of displayed requests can be refined using the following filters:

  • Creators: Filter by the employees who created the requests.

  • Receivers: Filter by the employees for whom the requests were created.

  • Statuses: Filter by the specific status of the requests (e.g., approved, denied, pending).

  • Minimum and Maximum Duration: Define a duration range to narrow down the results.

  • Creation time range: Specify a start and end date to filter requests based on their creation time.

  • Bundles: Filter by requests that include specific bundles.

  • Integration: Select a particular integration to view requests associated with it.

  • Resource: Narrow down the requests by choosing a specific resource within an integration.

  • Role: Filter requests that are related to a specific role within an integration resource.