Bundles in Entitle are sets of entitlements that users can request and approve in a single action, as defined by the Admin in a policy. Each entitlement grants a user access to a resource—which can be as specific as a MongoDB table. For example, a Bundle created for a new R&D employee might include access permissions to various R&D-related cloud resources, databases, and applications.
Bundles are one of the key abstraction layers in Entitle, alongside Virtual Applications. They function as cross-application super-roles, simplifying the process of granting and managing user access to various organizational resources. By eliminating the need for individual permission requests, Bundles streamline access management.
This page will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use Bundles in Entitle.
End-user experience
Users can request permissions for all available Bundles through the Bundles screen. This process mirrors requesting permission for any other resource managed by Entitle.
For more detailed instructions on this process, refer to the Entitle Web App user guide, specifically the Create a new request section.
View and manage your Bundles
Once you log into Entitle, navigate to the Bundles tab on the left-side menu.
The Bundles screen has several main functionalities:
- View and manage Bundles (Number 1): The Bundle table displays your organization's existing Entitle Bundles, sorted from most recently added to least recent. The table consists of the following columns, from left to right:
- Bundle: Provides the Bundle name.
- Category: Helps you manage a large collection of Bundles by grouping them according to your business needs (e.g., DevOps, Dev, and Sales-related Bundles). You can create new categories or assign existing ones in the Edit Bundle screen (pencil icon) or when adding a new Bundle through the Add Bundle button.
- Description: Provides additional information about the Bundle for the users who choose to request access to the specific Bundle.
- Permissions: Shows assigned roles or permissions associated with the Bundle. Hover over the permission chip (key icon) to see the role tooltip.
- Workflow: Displays the approval workflow that will be applied when a user requests an entitlement to the Bundle.
- Add Bundle button (Number 2): To create new Bundles, as explained in the next section of this guide.
- Search bar (Number 3): Allows searching for a specific Bundle from the list.
- Sort button (Number 4): Allows table sortation according to the following options:
- Bundle (name)
- Category
- Description
- Permissions
- Workflow
- Edit/delete Bundles (Number 5): Click the pencil icon to modify or the trash icon to remove Bundles. The pencil icon opens an Edit bundle screen, allowing you to change the Bundle's properties. This screen mirrors the one used when creating a new Bundle, offering the same fields and functionality.
- View and manage Bundles (Number 1): The Bundle table displays your organization's existing Entitle Bundles, sorted from most recently added to least recent. The table consists of the following columns, from left to right:
Create a new Bundle
Once you log into Entitle, navigate to the Bundles tab on the left-side menu.
In the Bundles screen, click on the Add bundle button on the top-right corner.
In the new screen, fill in the required fields explained below:
Name: The Bundle’s name. Users will ask for this name when requesting access.
Description: The Bundle’s extended description, for example, “Permissions Bundle for junior accountants” or “factory floor worker permissions Bundle”.
Workflow: In this field, you can assign an existing workflow to the new Bundle.
Tags: Any meta-data searchable tags should be added here, like “accounting”, “ATL_Marketing” or “Production_Line_14”.
Category: You can select a category for the newly created Bundle or create a new one. The category will usually describe a department, working group, etc. within your organization, such as “Marketing” or “Operations.”
Add button: Click to add a new integration, resource, and role to the bundle.
Override allowed durations: Ticking the checkbox will allow you to override your organization’s default duration on each Bundle. Each checked duration will appear as an option for the end-user when asking to access the bundle:
After selecting your new Bundle's preferences, click the Save bundle button. Your newly created Bundle will then appear in the Bundles table.
Updated about 1 month ago