Creating an app password

  • On the upper right side click on your profile picture
    Personal settingsApp passwordsCreate app password
    Or click here

  • Give your app password the following permissions:

  • Click Create and copy the password to the app_password field.
  • The username would be your Bitbucket username (not your email)

Jira credentials for email matching (optional)

  • Bitbucket doesn’t allow fetching a user’s email through the API. Users will have to configure their bitbucket account without the emails through Entitle settings. There is a workaround for this by fetching these emails by creating an API token in the Atlassian API Token Management Page.

Eventually, your JSON should look like this:

    "user": "jira-user",
    "app_password": "<APP_PASSWORD>",
    "jira_credentials": {
      "url": "https://<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>",
      "key": "<API_TOKEN>",
      "user": ""