Entitle for Teams
Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. Teams offer workspace chat and video conferencing, file storage, and application integration.
Entitle can be added as an app on Microsoft Teams. This will require your Admin to configure the integration between Entitle and Teams through the Entitle web app. Then, the Entitle app needs to be added by your Admin to the list of available apps in your organization to allow end users to install it to Teams.
Teams require a one-to-one authorization between the Entitle email address of a user and their Teams instance. Otherwise, the integration will not be able to authorize correctly when a user tries to use the Entitle app in Teams.
Integrate Teams with Entitle
The integration can be configured only by an admin user in Entitle.
Log in to Entitle and navigate to the Org settings page.
Locate the Teams app and click Connect.
Grant your consent in the Azure portal.
Required Permissions
- User Read, Profile, Email - access the current user's basic data, such as name and email.
- Access as a user - Entitle's app contains a secured iFrame to our website app. To securely log in to the user to Entitle's app, Entitle will need to access Microsoft API as the user to receive their approval.
- Offline access - permits access to users' data when they’re not using Entitle's app.
- To clarify, Entitle cannot access anything outside the application’s scope such as text sent outside of Entitle.
The Teams app is now integrated with Entitle.
Upload the Entitle app to your org’s app catalog
- This step can only be performed by an Entitle admin. However, in some cases, users may be able to upload the app themselves, depending on the implemented Teams policy.
- This step is required to enable end-users to install the Entitle app from their app catalog in Teams.
- If you are setting up an Entitle on-premise deployment, contact Entitle's representatives to obtain a custom app manifest for your tenant.
Download Entitle's app’s manifest.
In the left-side navigation bar in Teams, click Apps.
On the Apps screen, select Manage your apps.
Select Upload an app.
Select the Upload an app to your org’s app catalog option, and upload the manifest you previously downloaded.
The Entitle app will install and display on your organization’s apps catalog on the Apps screen.
Install the Entitle app to Teams
This step is mandatory for end-users to be able to receive notifications through the Entitle app in Teams.
In the left-side navigation bar in Teams, click Apps.
You should see the Entitle app in your org’s app catalog, for example:
Click Add > Add.
The Entitle app will install and appear on your Apps screen in Teams.
In case the Entitle app does not appear in the org's app catalog:
- Make sure the user who uploads the app is an org admin.
- Search for the Entitle app in this portal and upload it again. This step allows you to control which users are exposed to the app and able to install it. Review the list of users before proceeding.
- One the user(s) logs in to Teams again, the Entitle app should appear in the Apps screen.
How to use the Entitle app in Teams
- Locate your Entitle app in the left-side navigation menu.
- Through the app, you will be able to:
In the chat tab, you will receive notifications regarding actions related to your user in Entitle. For example, whether a request was submitted, a request waiting for approval, a request approved, renew a request, etc.
In the Files tab, you can view a list of all the files that were previously shared with you, along with their date and name.
Create a new permission request through Teams
Permission requests can be created for either your user, by another user on your behalf, or by you on someone’s behalf. There are three ways to create a permission request in the New Request tab:
Option 1: Search Permission - Request access to existing permissions
Make sure the Search Permission tab is selected (default). On the right-hand side of the screen an approval flow is displayed, describing the approval process and its stages.
Choose a user for whom the request will be created in the On behalf of field. You can select yourself (default) or someone else.
Select the desired Duration for your request. The duration options are pre-defined by the organization administrator.
Provide a Justification for your request. On the right-hand side of the screen an approval flow is displayed, describing the approval process and its stages.
In case you wish to connect your request to an existing ticket (In Jira or Zendesk) in your organization, make sure to tick the Connect to a 3rd party ticket box. Once done, a dropdown menu of your organization’s tickets will appear for you to choose from.
Click Send Request.
Option 2: Permission Set - Request access to specific pre-configured permission sets (bundles), which were defined by the Admin in your organization
Click the Permission Set tab.
Choose a user for whom the request will be created in the On behalf of field. You can select yourself (default) or someone else.
In the Permission set categories field, select a category of bundles.
In the Permission sets field, click the field to select an existing permission set from the drop-down list, or search for a specific one. On the right-hand side of the screen an approval flow is displayed, describing the approval process and its stages.
Select the desired Duration for your request. The duration options are pre-defined by the organization administrator.
Enter a Justification for why you should receive this permission set.
In case you wish to connect your request to an existing ticket (In Jira or Zendesk) in your organization, make sure to tick the Connect to a 3rd party ticket box. Once done, a dropdown menu of your organization’s tickets will appear for you to choose from.
Click Send Request.
Option 3: Specific Permission option - Request access to a specific permission
Click the Specific Permission tab.
Choose a user for whom the request will be created in the On behalf of field. You can select yourself (default) or someone else.
In the Integration field, select an existing integration/cloud service from the dropdown menu. These are the applications that were connected by your administrator. An approval flow is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, describing the approval process and its stages.
Optional: In the Resource Type field, select an existing resource type from the dropdown menu to which you want access permission. You can select multiple resource types.
In the Resource field, select an existing resource from the dropdown list. The resources are listed according to their related resource type.
In the Role field, select an existing role from the dropdown list. The role defines the permissions that apply to the selected resource.
Select the desired Duration for your request. The duration options are pre-defined by the organization administrator.
Enter a Justification for why you should receive this permission set.
In case you wish to connect your request to an existing ticket (In Jira or Zendesk) in your organization, make sure to tick the Connect to a 3rd party ticket box. Once done, a dropdown menu of your organization’s tickets will appear for you to choose from.
Click Send Request.
- The approver will receive a message via the Chat tab in Teams regarding the summary of your request, which will include the ticket linked to it (in case the requester links such).
- When the permission is approved, another message is sent in the Chat tab, indicating that the request has been approved.
- If your request has been modified by the reviewer, the original request details will be displayed followed by the modified permissions.
View and manage your Entitle user profile
The user profile has two main functionalities:
- Manage integration accounts: This allows you to view which integrations you have an account in, and perform changes if necessary.
- Manage Personal Access Tokens: This allows you to manage and gather your personal access tokens. Click the Add button to add a new token, or Revoke to remove a specific token from the list.
For further information on the different functionalities of the user profile screen, see the User profile page section in the Entitle Web App guide.
Updated about 18 hours ago