SailPoint Identity IQ
SailPoint IdentityIQ delivers full lifecycle and compliance management for comprehensive identity security. IdentityIQ is an on-premises product, used by large and small organizations.
BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access provides identity-secure, just-in-time access to all enterprise environments including cloud, on-premises, and OT.
Many organizations are looking for an integration between SailPoint IdentityIQ and Privileged Remote Access. This guide provides a connector, based on the Web Services Connector in IdentityIQ, and includes step-by-step instructions for importing the connector and associated rules, and configuration.
Supported use cases
- Accounts Aggregation with Pagination support
- Groups Aggregation for Group Policies
- Create Account
- Add/Remove Group Policy for Accounts
- Enable/Disable Account
- Change Password
- Update Account
- Delete Account
- IdentityIQ 8.1+, patched
- BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access 23.1+
Create API account
In BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access , navigate to Management - API Configuration, and Add an API account:
- For the Configuration API, check Allow Access.
- Copy the OAuth Client ID and OAuth Client Secret, as these are needed later.
Import the Rules and the BTSRA Connector
- Download the zip archive from the SailPoint Developer Community.
- The zip archive includes two rules and the application or connector.
- Edit the application xml file and replace the name with a name you want to use for your application. This must be done before importing the Application xml.
- In SailPoint, go to Global Settings, then select Import from File. Import the two rules and the application.
Configure SailPoint
- Go to Applications, Application Definition.
- Under Configuration, Settings, replace the example Base URL and Token URL with the correct values for your BeyondTrust instance.
- Enter the Client Id and Client Secret for the API account.
- Under Correlation, assign a correlation rule, so accounts can be correlated to identities within IdentityIQ.
- Before you can save your changes, an owner must be assigned to the Details page.
- Now you should be able to successfully test the connection for the application.
Aggregate accounts and groups
- Go to Setup, then Tasks.
- Create an aggregation task for accounts and one for groups.
- Execute both tasks.
- You can now view the accounts with one or multiple group policies.
- Under Applications > Entitlement Catalog, you can view the group policies.
- For each group policy, you can view the members.
Advanced configuration
The Application Configuration includes pairs of HTTP operations for account aggregation, and add/remove entitlements:
- Account Aggregation – 1: includes support for pagination.
- Account Aggregation – 2: used to resolve the multi-value groups account attribute. Accounts can have multiple group policies assigned. A beanshell rule, imported previously, is used to properly update the multi-value groups' attributes.
- Remove Entitlement – 1: includes the other beanshell rule to resolve the unique membership ID for each account to group policy assignment. The membership ID is required by the Remove Entitlement – 2 endpoint.
- Remove Entitlement – 2: sets the nativeIdentity header value. This is not used by the BeyondTrust API but is used to extract the account ID within the beanshell After Rule.
Updated 28 days ago