Set up and configure the B Series Appliance
Hardware setup
For installation instructions, please refer to the flyout instructions included with your B Series Appliance.
Power on the B Series Appliance
Plug the power cables for the B Series Appliance into a safe power source. Depending on the type of B Series Appliance, you may have two power cables. The B Series Appliance’s power supplies will automatically switch between 120v and 240v, as needed.
Using one of the patch cables provided, connect your computer to NIC1 or NIC2 on the rear of the B Series Appliance. If using DHCP, plug the provided straight-through cable into the network directly, and the B Series Appliance will automatically receive a new IP address.
BeyondTrust supports placing both NICs on the same network for the purpose of NIC Teaming. Likewise, NICs can be placed on separate network subnets for segmented traffic routing. However, if placing NICs on the same network for the purpose of NIC Teaming, configure only one of the NICs. If both NICs have IP addresses from the same subnet, unexpected behavior will result. When multiple IP addresses are required for a single subnet, the proper solution is to assign all the IP address to one NIC.
Press and release the power button on the front of the B Series Appliance. The power LED immediately to the right of the reset button will illuminate, and the HDD activity LED (immediately to the right of the power LED) will begin to flash. Initialization of the B Series Appliance will complete in about 60 seconds.
The NIC1 and NIC2 LEDs may illuminate and show activity even when the B Series Appliance is not powered on; therefore, it is important to check the power and HDD LEDs to confirm that the B Series Appliance is on.
Network configuration
The B Series Appliance must be configured before being deployed on your network. The network configuration settings are available in the B Series Appliance administrative interface, accessible from a web browser on your computer.
The steps below walk you through network configuration. The process may vary depending upon your operating system.
DHCP-enabled network locations
If the network location you have selected for your B Series Appliance has DHCP enabled, the B Series Appliance receives an IP address from the network and is immediately available.
The IP appliance can be accessed at https:///appliance. You can find this IP address via the console on the video port.
Use the default username and password to log in:
- Default Username: admin
- Default Password: password
Upon initial login, you are prompted to change your B Series Appliance administration password.
Static IP configuration
If using DHCP, skip this Static IP Configuration section and go to the /appliance Configuration section.
If the network location selected for your appliance does not have DHCP enabled, the appliance must be configured with a static IP via the console port. A display and keyboard (using a USB port on front or back) must be connected to the appliance.
- Press Enter to log in to the console.
- Type 1 to select Login, and then press Enter.
- Default username: admin
- Default password: password
- Type 1 to select the Networking menu, and then press Enter.
- Type 3 to select the Interface - eth0 menu, and then press Enter.
- Type 4 to select Add IP, and then press Enter.
- Type 1 to select IP and enter the desired IP address. Press Enter.
- (Optional): Type 2 to select Prefix Length if a change is required, and then type 4 to select Save and Exit.
- (Optional): Type 3 to disable DHCP on this interface.
- Type 3 to select Default Gateway (IPv4), and then press Enter.
- Type 1 to select Gateway and enter the desired default gateway address. Press Enter.
- Select Save and Exit, and then press Enter.
- Access your appliance at https:///appliance.
/appliance configuration
The Status > Basics page
Once you are logged into the /appliance interface, the Status > Basics page is displayed. This page includes information such as the serial number, which BeyondTrust Technical Support requires to register the B Series Appliance with the BeyondTrust licensing servers.
- Take a screenshot of this page and send it to BeyondTrust Technical Support. The Support team uses this information to register your B Series Appliance.
IP configuration
- Navigate to Networking > IP Configuration. Under the NIC Configuration section, click Add New IP.
- Enter the static IP address and subnet mask for your B Series Appliance. Typically you should leave the default values for both fields. You can decide if this IP address will support session traffic, web traffic, or both.
- Click Save Changes.
- Under the Global Network Configuration section, set your default gateway. Enter your default gateway and DNS server addresses.
- Click Save Changes.
Valid DNS settings are required for failover and automatic updates to function properly.
Administrative functions can also be performed by connecting a monitor and keyboard and accessing the machine console. For more information, see Console administration.
For more about network configuration, see B Series Appliance in the Network.
Console administration
Once the B Series Appliance is configured and deployed, you can connect a monitor and keyboard and use the machine console to access some administrative functions.
The first screen of the machine console lists the hostnames and IP addresses for this B Series Appliance.
Press Enter to view the configuration menu. From here, you can log in to make configuration changes, or use the support tunnel to enable the BeyondTrust Technical Support to resolve complex issues with your B Series Appliance.
Configuration options
Logging in provides additional configuration options. You can update your network settings, allow an advanced support tunnel, shut down or reboot the B Series Appliance, or reset the B Series Appliance password or a site's administrative password.
The Networking option allows you to manage the hostname, IP addresses, the default gateway, static routes, and DNS servers.
Select a network interface to manage its speed or duplex communication. From here, you also can add or edit IP addresses.
Administrative functions can also be performed by accessing the B Series Appliance administrative interface from a web browser on your computer. To access that interface, and for more information on network configuration settings, see B Series Appliance in the Network.
Updated 10 days ago