Consoles & downloads
What is the Consoles & Downloads page?
The Consoles & Downloads page provides access to the Privileged Remote Access console installer, additional utilities, and integration tools for use with the Privileged Remote Access solution.
How is the Consoles & Downloads page useful to my organization?
It ensures users can easily download the tools and resources needed to perform support tasks effectively, streamlining setup and maintaining compatibility with your organization's Privileged Remote Access environment.
How do I access the Consoles & Downloads page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Privileged Remote Access URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Consoles & Downloads.
The Access Console page opens and displays by default.
What is the access console?
The access console is the interface used by your users to access all of Privileged Remote Access's features and functionality. You can access the console via a desktop client (the desktop access console) or via the web (the privileged web access console). Privileged Remote Access also offers an Android access console app and an iOS access console app.
What's the difference between the Privileged Web Access Console and the Desktop Access Console?
The Desktop Access Console:
- is an application you download to your computer.
- can only be used from the computer on which it is downloaded.
- is full-featured.
The Privileged Web Access Console:
- is accessed via a URL in a chromium-based browser.
- can be accessed from any computer.
- is a slightly modified version of the Desktop Access Console.
How is the Privileged Web Access Console useful?
The Privileged Web Access Console allows you to access remote systems using your web browser, when you do not have the ability or desire to download and install software in a desktop environment. Most of the major features of the downloadable desktop Access Console are supported in the Privileged Web Access Console, with the exception of features that require tighter integration with your operating system than browsers currently provide.
Updated 6 days ago