Who are users?
Users are people, typically in your organization, who actively aid users via Privileged Remote Access. A user consumes one license.
What are "extended availability" users?
If extended availability mode is enabled in your Privileged Remote Access instance, your users can enable it on their accounts so they can share sessions even when they are not using the Desktop user Console.
Enabling extended availability mode consumes an additional license.
What is the Users page?
Use the Users page to view a snapshot of all signed-in users within Privileged Remote Access.
How is it useful to my organization?
You can view who's in a access session, a user's license type and license pool, send your users a message, and terminate a user's access to the Privileged Remote Access console.
How do I access the Users page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Privileged Remote Access URL.
This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login. - From the left menu, click Status.
If this is the first time logging in after a software update, the What's New page displays by default.
Otherwise, the Information page opens and displays. - At the top of the page, click Users.
The Users page displays.
View your logged-in users
- A list of users displays in the Logged in users section, where you can view:
- Display Name: The name shown to the user receiving help in a access session.
- Username: The user's name they use to sign in to Privileged Remote Access.
- In Support Session: Yes if the user is currently in an active Privileged Remote Access session; No if the user is not in an active Privileged Remote Access session.
- License type: The license assigned to the user.
- Logged in since: The date and time stamp of the user's latest log in.
View your extended availability users
users who enabled extended availability mode can share sessions even when they are not using the Desktop user Console.
- In the list of users who have enabled their extended availability mode displays in the Extended Availability users section, view the user's:
- Display Name: The name shown to the user receiving help in a access session.
- Username: The user's name they use to sign in to Privileged Remote Access.
- License type: The license assigned to the user.
- License pool The license pool from which the extended availability license is pulling.
Disable a user's extended availability
Disabling an extended availability mode from a user means they can no longer share sessions even when they are not using the Desktop user Console. Their extended availability license is released back into the license pool, and can then be consumed by a different user.
- In the Extended Availability users section, locate the user you want to disable from extended availability.
- Click Disable.
A confirmation message displays. - Click Yes.
The user's extended availability is disabled and the license is released back into the license pool.
Terminate a user's connection to the Privileged Remote Access console
- Locate the user's name in the Logged in users section.
- Click Terminate.
A confirmation message displays. - Click Yes.
The user is immediately signed out from the Privileged Remote Access console. If they were in a session, the session terminates immediately.
Send a message to logged-in users
- In the Send Message to users section, enter up to 256 characters.
- Click Send.
The message sends immediately, and users receive a pop-up message in the Privileged Remote Access console.
Updated 9 days ago