What is the Status page?
The Status tab in the B Series Appliance /appliance web interface provides an at-a-glance overview of the appliance's operational status. This includes key information such as the appliance's hostname, IP address, uptime, system load, and resource usage. It also displays details about the software version, licensing status, and SSL certificates, ensuring administrators have quick access to essential system metrics.
How is it useful to my organization?
This page enables administrators to monitor the appliance's health and performance efficiently. By providing real-time insights into critical system information, this tab helps identify potential issues, such as resource constraints or licensing problems, before they impact operations. It serves as a central point for checking whether the appliance is functioning optimally and ensures compliance with security and configuration requirements.
How do I access the Status page?
- Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your B Series Appliance. The URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /appliance.
- From the top menu, click Status.
The Status page opens, and the Basics page displays by default.
View scheduled upgrades
When a new software version becomes available, BeyondTrust schedules it to be installed at a future date and time. If you would like to install the build sooner click the link to go to the Updates page.
For more information about installing an update, see Updates.
View your B Series Appliance site status
- Appliance model: The hardware or virtual appliance type.
- Host hypervisor: The virtualization platform hosting the B Series Appliance, if virtualized.
- Serial number: The unique identifier assigned to the B Series Appliance for tracking and support purposes.
- System GUID: The globally unique identifier for the B Series Appliance system.
- Base software version: The primary version of the software running on the B Series Appliance.
- Base build date: The date when the base software version of the B Series Appliance was built.
- Base install date: The date when the B Series Appliance software was first installed.
- Service pack: The current service pack version installed on the B Series Appliance, if applicable.
- System architecture: The hardware architecture of the B Series Appliance, such as 32-bit or 64-bit.
- Firmware version: The version of the firmware running on the B Series Appliance hardware.
- Firmware build date: The date when the firmware for the B Series Appliance was built.
- System up-time: The duration the B Series Appliance has been running since its last restart.
- Processes: The number of active processes running on the B Series Appliance.
- System time: The current date and time on the B Series Appliance.
- Time zone: The local time zone setting for the B Series Appliance.
Updated about 1 month ago