DocumentationRelease Notes
Log In

Syslog events

Each syslog message contains the name of an event that triggered the message. While a number of syslog events are defined by the BeyondTrust Appliance B Series, most of the event types are defined within the /login administrative interface and are triggered by actions such as login attempts, creating users, and so forth. The access console also triggers syslog messages, but only for login and logout attempts.

Below is a comprehensive list of the possible events included with this version of BeyondTrust software, accompanied by a brief description of each event. Note that some events may be caused by multiple triggers. In those cases, the triggers are identified below.

account_addedA new account has been added and saved.
account_changedAn existing account has been modified and saved.
account_removedAn existing account has been deleted.
account_group_addedA new account group has been added and saved.
account_group_changedAn existing account group has been modified and saved.
account_group_removedAn existing account group has been deleted.
account_jump_item_association_addedAn association with a Jump Item was added for the account.
account_jump_item_association_changedAn association with a Jump Item was changed for the account.
account_jump_item_direct_association_addedThe account is allowed to be injected for the specific Jump Items.
account_jump_item_direct_association_removedThe account is removed from the allowed list to be injected for the specific Jump Items.
accounts_changedThe group of one or more accounts was modified.
admin_password_reset_to_factory_defaultThe Reset Admin Account button has been clicked, reverting a site's administrative account to its default credentials.
api_account_addedA new API account has been added and saved.
api_account_changedAn existing API account has been modified and saved.
api_account_removedAn existing API account has been deleted.
backup_createdA backup of the current software configuration has been saved.
canned_script_addedA new canned script has been added and saved.
canned_script_category_addedA canned script has been newly assigned to a category, and the script has been saved.
canned_script_category_removedA previously assigned canned message has been unassigned from a category, and the script has been saved.
canned_script_changedAn existing canned script's name, description, or command sequence has been changed, and the change has been saved.
canned_script_file_addedA resource file has been newly associated with a canned script, and the script has been saved.
canned_script_file_removedA previously associated resource file has been removed from a canned script, and the script has been saved.
canned_script_removedAn existing canned script has been deleted.
canned_script_team_addedA team has been newly assigned to a canned script, and the script has been saved.
canned_script_team_removedA previously assigned team has been unassigned from a canned script, and the script has been saved.
canned_scripts_category_addedA new canned scripts category has been created.
canned_scripts_category_removedAn existing canned scripts category has been deleted.
canned_scripts_file_addedA new canned script resource file has been uploaded.
canned_scripts_file_removedAn existing canned script resource file has been deleted.
certificate_exportAn SSL certificate has been exported from the B Series Appliance.
change_display_nameA user has attempted to change their display name.
change_passwordA user has attempted to change their password.
change_usernameA user has attempted to change their username.
command_shell_filtering_regex_listThe list of Shell Prompt patterns.
custom_rep_link_addedA new custom link has been added and saved.
custom_rep_link_changedAn existing custom link has been edited and saved.
custom_rep_link_removedAn existing custom link has been deleted.
custom_session_attribute_addedA new custom field for API integration has been added and saved.
custom_session_attribute_changedAn existing custom field for API integration has been edited and saved.
custom_session_attribute_removedAn existing custom field for API integration has been removed.
custom_session_policy_addedCustom session permissions have been added to a user account, and the user account has been saved.
custom_session_policy_changedExisting custom session permissions have been edited, and the user account has been saved.
custom_session_policy_removedExisting custom session permissions have been removed from a user account, and the user account has been saved.
custom_special_action_addedA new custom special action has been added and saved.
custom_special_action_changedAn existing custom special action has been edited and saved.
custom_special_action_removedAn existing custom special action has been removed.
customizable_text_changedAn existing login agreement has been changed.
discovery_error_addedA new Discovery job error has been added.
discovery_error_changedA new Discovery job error has been changed.
discovery_error_removedA new Discovery job error has been removed.
domain_addedA new vault domain has been added and saved.
domain_changedAn existing account has been modified and saved.
domain_removedAn existing vault domain has been deleted.
downloaded_rep_clientA user has clicked the link to download the access console.
ecm_group_addedAn ECM Group has been added.
ecm_group_changedAn ECM Group has been changed.
ecm_group_removedAn ECM Group has been removed.
endpoint_automation_resource_addedA new endpoint automation resource was uploaded.
endpoint_automation_resource_changedAn endpoint automation resource has been replaced.
endpoint_automation_resource_removedA endpoint automation resource was deleted.
endpoint_changedAn existing endpoint has been modified and saved.
endpoint_removedAn existing endpoint has been deleted.
eula_acceptedThe BeyondTrust PRA Cloud end user license agreement (EULA) has been accepted by a user, and the username has been recorded.
fido2_credential_addedA new FIDO2 Autheticator has been added and saved.
fido2_credential_changedAn existing FIDO2 Autheticator has been modified and saved.
fido2_credential_removedAn existing FIDO2 Autheticator has been deleted.
file_removed_from_file_storeA file has been deleted from the file store.
file_uploaded_to_file_storeA file has been added to the file store.
group_policy_add_to_jump_group_addedA Jump Group has been added to a group policy's Add To Jump Groups list.
group_policy_add_to_jump_group_removedA Jump Group has been removed from a group policy's Add To Jump Groups list.
group_policy_add_to_jumpoint_addedA Jumpoint has been added to a group policy's Add To Jumpoints list.
group_policy_add_to_jumpoint_removedA Jumpoint has been removed from a group policy's Add To Jumpoints list.
group_policy_add_to_support_teams_addedA team has been added to a group policy's Add To Teams list.
group_policy_add_to_support_teams_removedA team has been removed from a group policy's Add To Teams list.
group_policy_addedA new group policy has been created and saved.
group_policy_changedAn existing group policy's priority level has changed, and the change has been saved.
group_policy_member_addedA new member has been added to a group policy, and the policy has been saved.
group_policy_member_removedAn existing member has been removed from a group policy, and the policy has been saved.
group_policy_remove_from_jump_group_addedA Jump Group has been added to a group policy's Remove From Jump Groups list.
group_policy_remove_from_jump_group_removedA Jump Group has been removed from a group policy's Remove From Jump Groups list.
group_policy_remove_from_jumpoint_addedA Jumpoint has been added to a group policy's Remove From Jumpoints list.
group_policy_remove_from_jumpoint_removedA Jumpoint has been removed from a group policy's Remove From Jumpoints list.
group_policy_remove_from_support_teams_addedA team has been added to a group policy's Remove From Teams list.
group_policy_remove_from_support_teams_removedA team has been removed from a group policy's Remove From Teams list.
group_policy_removedAn existing group policy has been deleted.
jump_item_role_addedA new Jump Item Role has been created and saved.
jump_item_role_changedAn existing Jump Item Role has been modified and saved.
jump_item_role_removedAn existing Jump Item Role has been deleted.
jump_policy:schedule_entry_addedA new schedule entry has been added to a Jump Policy, and the policy has been saved.
jump_policy:schedule_entry_removedAn existing schedule entry has been removed from a Jump Policy, and the policy has been saved.
jump_policy_addedA new Jump Policy has been created and saved.
jump_policy_changedAn existing Jump Policy has been modified and saved.
jump_policy_removedAn existing Jump Policy has been deleted.
jumpoint_cluster_addedA new Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster has been created and saved.
jumpoint_cluster_changedAn existing Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster has been changed.
jumpoint_cluster_removedAn existing Jumpoint or Jumpoint cluster has been deleted.
jumpoint_user_addedA new member has been added to a Jumpoint, and the Jumpoint has been saved.
jumpoint_user_removedAn existing member has been removed from a Jumpoint, and the Jumpoint has been saved.
kerberos_keytab_addedA new Kerberos keytab has been uploaded.
kerberos_keytab_removedAn existing Kerberos keytab has been deleted.
loginA login attempt has been made.
login_schedule_entry_addedA new login schedule entry has been added to a user's group policy's login schedule, and the user account or group policy has been saved.
login_schedule_entry_removedAn existing login schedule entry has been removed from a user's group policy's login schedule, and the user group policy has been saved.
logoutA user has logged out of the access console, whether by deliberate action, by an administrator, or as the result of a lost connection to the B Series Appliance.
management_account_addedA new management account has been added and saved.
management_account_changedAn existing management account has been modified and saved.
management_account_removedAn existing management account has been deleted.
msgraph_http_recipient_addedA new service principal has been added and saved.
msgraph_http_recipient_changedAn existing service principal has been modified and saved.
msgraph_http_recipient_removedAn existing service principal has been deleted.
network_address_addedA new IP address has been added and saved.
network_address_changedAn existing IP address has been modified and saved.
network_address_removedAn existing IP address has been deleted. Note that you cannot delete the default route.
network_changedThe global network configuration has been changed, and the change has been saved.
network_route_changedA static route has been added, modified, or removed.
network_tunnel_jump_item_addedA network tunnel Jump Item has been added.
network_tunnel_jump_item_changedA network tunnel Jump Item has been changed and saved.
network_tunnel_jump_item_removedA network tunnel Jump Item has been removed.
outbound_event_email_recipient_addedA new email outbound event has been added and saved.
outbound_event_email_recipient_changedAn existing email outbound event has been modified and saved.
outbound_event_email_recipient_removedAn existing email outbound event has been deleted.
outbound_event_email_trigger_addedA new trigger has been added for an email outbound event, and the event has been saved.
outbound_event_email_trigger_removedAn existing trigger for an email outbound event has been removed, and the event has been saved.
outbound_event_http_recipient_addedA new HTTP outbound event has been added and saved.
outbound_event_http_recipient_changedAn existing HTTP outbound event has been modified and saved.
outbound_event_http_recipient_removedAn existing HTTP outbound event has been deleted.
outbound_event_http_trigger_addedA new trigger has been added for an HTTP outbound event, and the event has been saved.
outbound_event_http_trigger_removedAn existing trigger for an HTTP outbound event has been removed, and the event has been saved.
pending_user_addedA pending user has been added and saved.
pending_user_changedA pending user has been modified and saved.
pending_user_removedA pending user was deleted.
pending_vendor_user_addedA vendor user registration request was made.
pending_vendor_user_deletedA pending vendor user was deleted.
perm_remote_shell_Allow listA command filtering option has been Allow listed or Deny listed. Or, all commands are allowed.
perm_remote_shell_filter_commandsThe list of Allow listed or Deny listed command patterns.
public_site_portal_logo_uploadedA new logo image for the public site has been uploaded.
public_site_session_attribute_addedA public site session attribute has been added.
public_site_session_attribute_changedA public site session attribute has been changed.
public_site_session_attribute_removedA public site session attribute has been removed.
rebootThe B Series Appliance has been rebooted.
remote_rfb_jump_item_addedA Remote RFB Jump Item has been added.
remote_rfb_jump_item_removedA Remote RFB Jump Item has been removed.
rep_client_connection_terminatedAn administrator has terminated a user's connection.
rep_console_setting_addedA managed access console setting has been defined for the first time, and the settings have been saved.
rep_console_setting_changedA managed access console setting has been changed, and the settings have been saved.
rep_console_setting_removedA managed access console setting has been marked as undefined, and the settings have been saved.
rep_invite_addedA session policy has been made available for access invites, and the session policy has been saved.
rep_invite_removedA session policy has been made unavailable for access invites and has been saved, or a session policy available for access invites has been deleted.
repinvite_setting_addedAn access invite setting has been added because a session policy has been made available for access invites, and the session policy has been saved.
repinvite_setting_removedAn access invite setting has been removed either because a session policy has been made unavailable for access invites and has been saved, or because a session policy available for access invites has been deleted.
reporting_erasureSession reports have had representative or customer data anonymized.
restored_from_backupThe software configuration has been successfully restored from its backup file.
restoring_from_backupThe software configuration is in the process of restoring from its backup file.
scheduled_discovery_job_addedThe domain scheduled discovery has been added.
scheduled_discovery_job_changedThe domain scheduled discovery has changed.
security_provider_addedA new security provider configuration has been added and saved.
security_provider_changedAn existing security provider configuration's priority level has changed, and the change has been saved.
security_provider_removedAn existing security provider configuration has been deleted.
security_provider_setting_addedA security provider setting has been added as part of the initial configuration, and the configuration has been saved.
security_provider_setting_changedAn existing security provider configuration has been modified and saved.
security_provider_setting_removedA security provider setting has been removed as part of the deletion of a security provider configuration.
server_software_restartedThe BeyondTrust software has been restarted.
session_policy_addedA new session policy has been added and saved.
session_policy_changedAn existing session policy has been modified and saved.
session_policy_removedAn existing session policy has been deleted.
setting_addedA setting has been defined and saved for the first time.
setting_changedA setting has been modified and saved.
shared_jump_group_addedA new Jump Group has been added and saved.
shared_jump_group_changedAn existing Jump Group has been modified and saved.
shared_jump_group_removedAn existing Jump Group has been deleted.
SNMP_changedThe SNMPv2 Server has been changed.
ssh_account_addedAn SSH account has been added.
ssh_account_changedAn SSH account has been modified and saved.
ssh_account_removedAn SSH account has been removed.
starting_support_tunnelA support tunnel has been initiated from the B Series Appliance.
support_session_detail_generatedA detailed report has been run for an access session.
support_session_report_generatedA report of access sessions has been run.
support_session_summary_report_generatedA summary report of support sessions has been run.
support_team_addedA team has been added.
support_team_changedA team has been changed.
support_team_member_addedA new member has been added to a team, and the team has been saved.
support_team_member_changedAn existing member has been assigned a different role in a team, and the team has been saved.
support_team_member_removedAn existing member has been deleted from a team, and the team has been saved.
support_team_removedAn existing team has been deleted.
syslog_server_changedThe remote syslog server setting has been changed and saved.
team_activity_report_generatedA team activity report has been run.
user_account_report_generatedA user account report has been generated.
user_addedA new local user has been created and saved. Event fields differ between /login users and /appliance users.
user_changedAn existing local user has been modified and saved. Event fields differ between /login users and /appliance users.
user_removedAn existing local user has been deleted. Event fields differ between /login users and /appliance users.
user_session_policy_addedA session policy has been applied to a user account, and the user account has been saved.
user_session_policy_removedA session policy has been removed from a user account, and the user account has been saved.
vault_account_password_rotationVault account password has been rotated.
vendor_activity_report_generatedA vendor report was generated.
windows_service_changedA Windows service has been changed and saved.
windows_service_removedA Windows service was removed.

©2003-2025 BeyondTrust Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks identified on this page are owned by their respective owners. BeyondTrust is not a chartered bank or trust company, or depository institution. It is not authorized to accept deposits or trust accounts and is not licensed or regulated by any state or federal banking authority.