Enable automatic critical updates for Privileged Remote Access
For Privileged Remote Access On-premises, you can configure your instance to automatically receive critical security updates from BeyondTrust.
Important information for Privileged Remote Access Cloud
There is no configuration necessary for Privileged Remote Access Cloud, as BeyondTrust automatically applies critical updates to Privileged Remote Access Cloud instances.
- Ensure btupdate.com is an allowed site.
- The btupdate.com site requires an outbound connection on port 443 from the B Series Appliance, and the ability to connect to a DNS server to resolve this name.
- If the DNS Server is within your DMZ (the “neutral zone” between your organization's private network and the Internet), no additional ports are required.
- If the DNS server is outside of your DMZ, you must allow the necessary ports to receive updates.
For more information, see Network considerations.
Enable automatic critical updates for Privileged Remote Access On-premises
- Sign in to your B Series Appliance. The B Series Appliance URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email, and includes your site URL followed by /appliance.
The BeyondTrust Secure Remote Access page opens and the Status tab displays by default. - From the top menu, click Updates.
The Update page displays. - In the Updates :: Maintenance Window section, select Automatically install critical updates during the Maintenance Window.
- Optionally, select Include updates that require rebooting the Secure Remote Access Appliance or interrupt services.
BeyondTrust strongly recommends you enable automatic critical updates that require rebooting.
- Click Save.
Automatic critical updates are enabled for your Privileged Remote Access instance and all consoles.
Determine your site's current version
In order to upgrade to Privileged Remote Access 24.2.4 or later, your appliance must be running Base software 7.3.0 or later. To determine which version your appliance is on, log in to the /appliance interface and go to Status > Basics and look at the Base Software Version field.
To manually install the latest version, go to /appliance > Updates and click Check for updates.
- If your B Series Appliance is many months or years out of date, it is unlikely to be able to upgrade directly to the latest version of BeyondTrust in a single installation. In this case, some upgrade packages may be grayed out in the updates list and require another package to be installed first. Select Install This Update on the available package to enable the dependent one.
- If uncertain which updates to install or in which order, contact BeyondTrust Technical Support with a screenshot of your /appliance > Status > Basics page to determine the specific updates needed for your B Series Appliance.
- In cases where intermediate BeyondTrust updates must be installed before the latest version, BeyondTrust software clients are not expected to auto-update successfully unless they are allowed time to retrieve the intermediate updates. Therefore, BeyondTrust recommends that you wait at least 24 hours after installing each package prefixed by BeyondTrust.
- Base updates do not require a waiting period, but they are typically prerequisite to BeyondTrust packages. As such, Base updates are normally installed immediately prior to BeyondTrust packages.
- If it is impossible to allow 24 hours for automatic client upgrades to complete, the alternative to automated updating is first to remove all existing client software, including representative consoles, Jump Clients, Jumpoints, Support Buttons, connection agents, etc. Install each BeyondTrust and Base upgrade in sequence until the latest version is reached. Then, manually reinstall all client software.
For full update instructions, see Upgrade the B Series Appliance.
Updated 2 days ago