DocumentationRelease Notes
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My account

What is the My Account page?

The My Account page provides users with access to their personal account settings, such as updating passwords, managing security settings, and viewing account details.

How is the My Account page useful to my organization?

The My Account page allows users to maintain secure and up-to-date account credentials, reducing administrative overhead and supporting the organization’s security policies.

How do I access the My Account page?

  1. Use a Chromium-based browser to sign in to your Privileged Remote Access URL.
    This URL is provided in the BeyondTrust welcome email and includes your site URL followed by /login.
  2. From the left menu, click My Account.
    The Profile page opens and displays by default.

Change your email address

  1. In the Your Email Settings section, enter the email address you want your notifications (such as password resets or extended availability mode alerts) sent.
  2. Enter your existing Privileged Remote Access password.
  3. Click Change Email Settings.
    Your email updates and notifications are sent to the specified address.

Change your preferred email language

If more than one language is enabled on this site, set the language in which to send emails.

Enable your extended availability mode

Extended availability mode allows you to receive email invitations from other users requesting to share a session, even when you are not logged into an access console.

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