The BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access (PRA) Integration Client is used to transfer session logs and recordings from the BeyondTrust Appliance B Series to an external system. Two external systems are currently supported: Microsoft SQL Server and Windows-based file systems.
The BeyondTrust Integration Client supports plugins for these systems. A plugin defines the transfer details, such as the destination directory/file name or database to use. Plugin details and the standard SQL Server Schema are defined later in this guide.
Several prerequisites must be in place before installing and running the integration client:
- An API account with reporting and backup permissions is required.
- Access to both the external system to which data is to be transferred and the BeyondTrust site from which data is to be extracted.
- Storage space sufficient to retain all desired recordings, session data, and backups
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later.
- On the host system, an enabled cipher suite matching one enabled on /appliance > Security > SSL/TLS Configuration.
- The XML API interface enabled from the /login > Management > API Configuration page.
- (Optional) If using a Microsoft Access Database to store the application settings, the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable must be installed.
The SQL Server (database) has an additional set of requirements:
- BeyondTrust suggests a size of 100 GB for the server database.
- Permission to create tables and execute INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements in a specific database. Two tables are required on the SQL Server.
Please see Supported Platforms for additional OS and Database requirements.
You may download the integration client installer from the Support Portal.
Install the integration client
Once you have met the prerequisites and received the integration client installation package from BeyondTrust Technical Support, you are ready to install.
- To access the integration client installer, log in to the BeyondTrust Self-Service Center.
- Once authenticated, scroll down and click the Downloads link.
- On the CSM Catalog page, click File Downloads from the menu on the left; from this page, click File Downloads again.
- Select the dropdown and type Integration Client in the search field. Select Integration Client.
The 24.1.1 download includes both the integration client and the integration client metrics plugin.
- When the Version dropdown appears, select the integration client version compatible with your Remote Support software.
View version compatibility in the integration client release notes.
- Click Submit.
- Download links are generated and displayed on the next page. Links are valid for 60 minutes.
- Download the setup files to your Windows system and then run them.
The exact filenames and files available vary by version.
- From the installation wizard, click Next.
- Read and accept the license agreement. If you do not accept the license agreement, you will not be able to proceed with the installation.
- Choose where you would like the integration client to install. The default location is C:\Program Files\Bomgar\Integration.
- After installing the integration client, choose Run BeyondTrust Integration Client and then click Finish. Once the tool is installed, it must be configured before it can begin extracting session data from a BeyondTrust site.
Create the settings database
- The first time you run the integration client, you are prompted to create a settings database. Click OK to continue.
- This database stores the BeyondTrust PRA site information, schedule settings, and other configuration information that the tool uses to transfer information. To create a settings database, click the Create Database link.
- In the configuration dialog, enter the settings for your new database. These settings are defined in the table below. Once you have entered the appropriate settings, click the Create Database button.
Field | Explanation |
Store Settings In | Choose to store the Integration Client settings in a Microsoft Access Database (.mdb) or a Microsoft SQL Server Database. |
.MDB File Path | The path to the Microsoft Access Database storing the settings database. |
Database Name | The name of this SQL Server settings database. |
SQL Server | The name of the SQL Server instance storing the settings database. |
Authentication Type | Use SQL Server if a specific username and password are required. Use Windows if the logged-in Windows user account is required. See your SQL Server documentation for more details. |
Username | The username used to access the SQL Server database. |
Password | The password used to access the SQL Server database. |
Other Connection Params | Optional field. Use this to specify additional connection string parameters that may be necessary for your specific database environment. See your SQL Server documentation for more details. |
Database Schema File | Leave this at its default setting unless otherwise instructed by a BeyondTrust technician. |
- Once you have created the database, the new string for the settings database automatically populates the Connection String field. Click Save to complete the settings database setup.
The settings database is distinct and must be kept separate from all storage databases.
Configure Privileged Remote Access
After you have created the settings database, you are prompted to enter information for one or more BeyondTrust PRA sites from which the integration client extracts session data. Click OK to continue.
If the integration client is already installed and you wish to update or add a site, select Site Configuration from the integration client Setup dropdown.
When the Site Configuration dialog appears, click the New button to input your BeyondTrust PRA site information.
Enter a name for this site configuration and the URL of the site (note that https:// should NOT be included)
For BeyondTrust PRA sites on version 16.1 and above, you must provide the Client ID and Client Secret for an API account with permission to view reports and recordings. If you plan to pull site backups, backup API permissions must also be enabled for the API account. Click Edit on the API user account to identify the OAuth Client ID, and click Generate New Client Secret and record the secret.
For BeyondTrust PRA sites running version 16.1 and above, if the account's password is reset, the integration client stops pulling data until the site configuration is updated. To prevent this break, it is recommended that you create a special account for the integration client with only permissions needed to retrieve the desired data and with a password set to never expire.
Optionally, you may apply a password to any backups created. If you do choose to set a password, you must provide this password to revert to the backup.
Test the supplied credentials and then click Save.
Note that the integration client supports more than one site. If session data from additional sites needs to be extracted, click the New button again and repeat the configuration process. The host_name in the session table distinguishes the data.
When you have finished entering your BeyondTrust site information, click Next.
Configure the file system or SQL server plugins
Plugins are used to send the downloaded data to external systems. You can add plugins during your initial setup, or you can also add plugins at any time once the integration client is installed. Two standard plugins are installed when you install the integration client: File System and SQL Server.
Session data is stored on Windows file systems as XML files. Reading these files may prove difficult without a third-party XML parser. SQL Server databases make parsing and management of session data significantly more manageable. However, SQL Server databases cannot be used to store session recordings or site backups.
- After the initial installation, click Yes to install your plugin.
- If the integration client is already installed and you wish to update or add a plugin, select Plugin Configuration from the integration client Setup dropdown.
- From the dropdown at the top of the plugin configuration dialog, select the type of plugin you would like to configure, and then click Add.
- Specific directions for the standard plugins' configurations are detailed in the tables below. Configure the settings and click Save.
File system plugin settings
The table below details the fields on the right of the Plugin Configuration screen for the File System plugin.
Field Name | Description |
Destination Name | The name of this plugin instance. This name is used by the integration client for display and logging purposes. |
Destination Directory | The directory storing the appropriate XML data, recordings, or site backups. Do not enter a mapped drive in the directory. Unless the directory is local, you must enter a UNC path. |
Download Format | Leave this at its default setting unless otherwise instructed by a BeyondTrust technician. |
File Name Conflict Handling | The action to be taken when the file name already exists. See below for information about the handling options. |
File Name Format | The format creating the file name for the appropriate XML data, recordings, or site backups. See below for special replacement values. |
Retention Count | The number of prior backups to keep. Leave this field empty to keep all backups. |
The table below describes the options available for File Name Conflict Handling.
Option | Description |
AppendNumber | If the destination file name exists, then a new file is created with a number inserted just before the last period in the file name. The value of the number is the smallest possible integer capable of guaranteeing that the file name is unique. For example, if the recording for session LSID 1234 is downloaded and the file already exists, then the file will be created. Likewise, if already exists, then will be created. |
Overwrite | If the destination file name already exists, then the contents of the existing file are overwritten with the most recently downloaded data. |
Skip | If the destination file name exists, then the existing file is NOT overwritten, and no new file is created. |
Special replacement values
These are File Name Format replacement value fields. All special replacement values start and end with a percent sign (%). Only UPPER CASE characters and underscores (_) are valid characters between the percent signs. Replacement values are case sensitive.
Replacement Name | Description |
%LSEQ% | An incrementing number that can be used if your application needs to represent sessions in a non-string format. The LSEQ element is not guaranteed to be unique or strictly sequential. |
%LSID% | The session's unique string ID. |
%EXTERNAL_KEY% | The session's external key. |
%SESSION_TYPE% | The session's type name. |
%SUPPORT_SITE_HOST% | The hostname of the site from which the session data or the site backup was downloaded. |
%INSTANCE% | The instance number of the command shell recording or Show My Screen recording. Because multiple shells can be run during a session, one session may have multiple command shell recordings. Likewise, multiple Show My Screen sessions may be run, resulting in multiple Show My Screen recordings. |
%EXTENSION% | The file extension name. |
Service properties for remote locations
- If you configured a plugin to save to a network drive or IP address, you need to modify the BeyondTrust Integration Client service. Open your services management console by typing services.msc using your Windows Run dialog.
Do not enter a mapped drive in the Plugin Configuration screen's Destination Directory field. Unless this directory is local, you must use a UNC path.
- Right-click the BeyondTrust Integration Client scheduler service and select Properties.
- Select the Log On tab and change the Log on as setting to This account, using an account with rights to the network location. This is most likely be a domain account.
- Apply the changes and close the dialog.
- Restart the BeyondTrust Integration Client scheduler service for the change to take effect.
SQL Server plugin
When you select to add a SQL Server plugin, the following screen is displayed.
The table below details the fields for the SQL Server plugin.
Name | Description |
Destination Name | The name of this plugin instance. This name is used by the integration client for display and logging purposes. |
Connection String | The connection string used to connect to the database where session data is stored. |
Should Store System Information | True or False. Designates if the system information is stored. This is the system information collected during a remote session. |
Clicking the […] button next to the Connection String setting brings up another dialog. Enter your database connection information as required.
SQL server storage database
The following diagram shows the tables created in the SQL Server database with the standard SQL Server plugin. An explanation of each of the tables is detailed in the following pages.
Session table
This table is the root of all information inserted into the database. Each row represents a BeyondTrust session.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
lsid | An alphanumeric identification which uniquely identifies this session. |
type | The type of session. Currently, support is the only value supported. |
start_time | The time at which the session began either by the customer's running the customer client or by the representative's initiating a Jump session. Date is returned in UTC format. |
end_time | The time at which the session ended by the representative's closing the session. Date is returned in UTC format. This field is empty for sessions which are still in progress when the data was extracted or which closed abnormally. |
duration | Session length in HH:MM:SS format. |
file_transfers | The number of file transfers which occurred during the session. |
host_name | The hostname of the BeyondTrust PRA site through which the session occurred. |
external_key | An arbitrary string can link this session to an identifier on an external system, such as a ticket ID. This can be input from within the access console or defined programmatically. |
public_site_id | The identification of the site. This defaults to 1. |
public_site_name | The name of the BeyondTrust site. Unless set, this contains the value Default. |
jump_group_id | This is the Jump Group's unique ID for its type. Jump Groups of different types can have the same ID. For Personal Jump Groups, this is the unique ID of the user who owns the Jump Group. Each user can only have a single Personal Jump Group. |
jump_group_name | The element's content is the name of the Jump Group. For Personal Jump Groups, the name of the Jump Group is the Private Display Name of the representative who owns the Jump Group. |
jump_group_type | This is the Jump Group's type, which can be "shared" or "personal". |
lseq | An incrementing number used to represent sessions in a non-string format. The LSEQ element is not guaranteed to be unique or strictly sequential. |
Session_Event table
This table links to the session table via the session_id field. Each row in this table represents a session event taking place during a session. Sessions can have multiple session events.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The ID of the session in which this event occurred. This field links a session_event row to a session row. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | The type of event that occurred. Event types include:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
event_time | The time at which the event occurred. The time is returned in UTC format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
performed_by | The name of the entity performing the action. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
performed_by_type | The type of entity performing the action. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
destination | The name of the entity to whom this action was directed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
destination_type | The entity to which the event was directed. |
Session_Event_Data table
This table links to the session_event table via the session_event_id field. Each row in this table represents a single key-value pair associated with a particular session event. Session events can have multiple key-value pairs.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
session_event_id | The ID of the session event to which this key-value pair belongs. This field links a session_event_data row to a session_event row. |
name | The key of this field. |
value | The value of this field. |
System_Information table
This table links to the session_event table via the session_event_id field. Each row in this table represents multiple categories of system information collected per a session_event.
System information is logged only when pulled automatically at the beginning of the session and not when specifically requested by the user. This prevents the system from being overloaded with large amounts of dynamic data.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
session_event_id | The ID of the session event to which this system information belongs. |
category | The type of system information. Types include categories, such as the following: General, Memory, Drives, Processes, Events, Network, and Programs. There are additional categories available. The category is based on the remote operating system. |
information | Contains multiple elements, each of which contains a descriptor for the specific data field. For example, the Drives category would have elements Drive, Type, Percent Used, etc. |
User table
This table links to the session table via the session_id field. Each row in this table represents a user who participated in this session. Sessions can have multiple user fields.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
gs_number | Uniquely identifies the user regarding their current connection to the B Series Appliance. A gsnumber is assigned on a per-connection basis, so if a user leaves a session and then rejoins without logging out of the B Series Appliance, their gsnumber remains the same. However, if the user's connection is terminated for any reason, when the user logs back into the B Series Appliance, they are assigned a new gsnumber. A gsnumber may be recycled, so while two people connected at the same time never have the same gsnumber, one person may have a gsnumber assigned to another person in the past. |
session_id | The ID of the session in which this user participated. This field links a user row to a session row. |
user_id | The unique ID assigned to the user. |
user_name | The username assigned to the user. |
display_name | The private display name assigned to the user. This field contains the private display name's value at the time of the session, which may not match the current value if the private display name has subsequently been changed. |
public_display_name | The public display name assigned to the user. This field contains the public display name's value at the time of the session, which may not match the current value if the public display name has subsequently been changed. |
display_number | The display number assigned to the user. This is the display number at the time of the session and may not match the current value. |
public_ip | The user's public IP address. |
private_ip | The user's private IP address. |
is_owner | Integer value (1 or 0) indicating whether the user was an actual owner of the session or was merely a conference member. |
is_primary | Integer value (1 or 0) indicating if the user was the final user to own the session. |
duration | Integer value indicating the number of seconds the user was involved in this session. |
host_name | The hostname of the user's computer. |
operating_system | The operating system of the user's computer. |
Team table
This table links to the session table via the session_id field. Each row in this table represents a team queue to which this session was assigned. Sessions can have multiple team fields.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
session_id | The ID of the session of which this team was an owner. This field links a team row to a session row. |
team_id | The unique ID assigned to this team. |
name | The display name of the team.This field contains the team name as it currently appears, which may not match the value at the time of the session if the team name has been subsequently changed. |
is_primary | Integer value (1 or 0) indicating if this team was the last team to which the session was transferred. |
Endpoint (customer) table
This table links to the session table via the session_id field. Each row in this table represents a endpoint that participated in this session. In the current BeyondTrust version, there will always be one endpoint field per session.
id | An auto-incrementing number that uniquely identifies this field in the database. |
session_id | The ID of the session in which this customer participated. This field links a customer row to a session row. |
gs_number | Uniquely identifies the customer regarding their current connection to the B Series Appliance. A gsnumber may be recycled, so while two people connected at the same time will never have the same gsnumber, one person may have a gsnumber that was assigned to another person in the past. Can be used to correlate a element with a <primary_cust> or with an event's <performed_by> or element. |
issue | The numeric ID of the issue or the representative which the customer selected from the dropdown of the issue submission form or which was designated programmatically. |
issue_description | The description of the problem as entered by the customer in the Describe Your Issue text area field of the issue submission form or as programmatically assigned. |
display_name | The display name is the name the customer provided in the issue submission form. If no name was provided, then this is populated with the name associated with the user logged into the customer's computer. |
company_name | The company name which the customer entered in the Company field on the issue submission form or which was programmatically assigned. |
company_code | The code which the customer entered in the Company Code field on the issue submission form or which was programmatically assigned. |
public_ip | The customer's public IP address. |
private_ip | The customer's private IP address. |
rpat_support | Integer value (1 or 0) indicating whether the customer session is provided via RPAT. |
host_name | The hostname of the customer's computer. |
operating_system | The operating system of the customer's computer. |
Custom_Attribute table
This table links to the session table via the session_id field. Each row in this table represents a custom attribute which was assigned to this session. Sessions can have multiple custom attribute fields.
id | An auto-incrementing number uniquely identifying this field in the database. |
session_id | The ID of the session to which this custom attribute was assigned. This field links a custom_attribute row to a session row. |
display_name | The display name of the custom attribute. |
code_name | The code name of the custom attribute. |
value | The value of the custom attribute. This may have been provided by a user or assigned programmatically. |
Set the integration client schedule
It is generally a best practice to set a schedule for the integration client to run periodically. Upon initial installation, you are also prompted to set up a schedule. When prompted, click Yes.
If the integration client is already installed and you wish to update or add a schedule, select Schedule Configuration from the Setup dropdown.
From the schedule configuration dialog, schedule a data transfer by clicking the Add button.
Enter a descriptive name in the Schedule Name field.
From the Choose Site dropdown, select a configured BeyondTrust PRA site to act as a source from which to pull data.
From the Destination dropdown, select a plugin instance to act as a destination for the transfer.
Click Add to create this data transfer instance. A new schedule transfer row is added to the table beneath. You can add multiple transfer instances to one schedule if you wish the transfers to occur simultaneously.
For each transfer instance, select the types of data that you wish to transfer. Recordings and site backups can be saved to a file only and not to a SQL Server database. It is recommended to create separate schedules for backups and data extracts.
Among the five types of data the BeyondTrust integration client can download (session data, session recordings, and site backups). All can be stored on a Windows file system. Session data is stored as .xml files, session recordings are stored as .flv files, and site backups are stored as proprietary .nsb files. The first two types of files can be parsed with XML as appropriate. The .nsb files can only be read by B Series Appliances via an upload from the /login > Management > Software Management page in the Software :: Backup Settings section.
The Run Every setting determines how often these transfers should occur. Transfers can be scheduled from every minute to every seven days. Transfers that are scheduled in increments of days can be set for a particular time. This could allow the transfer to run when more server resources and bandwidth are expected to be available, such as during non-production hours.
Click Save to finish configuring this schedule. You can add multiple schedules to run multiple transfers.
After configuring a schedule, it appears in the left pane along with a summary of information:
- Schedule Name: The descriptive name given to this schedule.
- Transfers: The number of transfer instances this schedule initiates. This is equal to the number of rows in the Transfers section. One transfer instance may transfer multiple types of data.
- Period: The length of time scheduled between each transfer.
- Last Run: When the scheduled transfer last was run.
If the integration client cannot connect to the B Series Appliance or to its transfer destination, it still marks the schedule complete and updates the last run date. If the integration client itself experiences an error, it neither marks the schedule complete nor updates the last run date.
Ensure that the clock on the server hosting the integration client is not ahead of the clock on the B Series Appliance from which data is being extracted. If the server clock is ahead, some data may not be downloaded. The best way to ensure that the integration client's host server and the B Series Appliance have synchronized clocks is to use the same network time protocol (NTP) server for both.## Test the integration client
Test the integration client
- Once you have at least one plugin and the BeyondTrust PRA site configured, it is recommended that you verify the configuration. Open the integration client from its directory location (C:\Program Files\Bomgar \Integration by default) and then run the API Tester from the Tools menu.
- To test the database configuration, select one or more sites to verify from the list of configured sites.
- Choose either a start date and duration for which to pull data or enter a specific session ID number.
- Select the destinations you would like to test.
- Finally, from the list of plugin operations, select one or more types of data to transfer.
- Once you click the Download button, the API tester begins transferring data based on the parameters you defined. Once the transfer is finished, verify the appropriate information was successfully transferred to the selected destinations.
- Alternatively, test your plugin settings by parsing data from previously downloaded XML files. From the XML Files tab, click the Add button to browse to one or more BeyondTrust XML files and then select the files you would like to parse.
- If you choose to transfer any type of data other than session details (session recordings, Show My Screen recordings, command shell recordings, access keys, or site backups), the API tester needs to connect back to the BeyondTrust PRA site. Enter either the appropriate hostname and credentials for the site from which the data was extracted or select the appropriate site from the dropdown of configured sites.
- Select the destinations you would like to test.
- Finally, select one or more types of data to transfer from the list of operations.
- Once you click the Download button, the API tester begins parsing the XML files via the methods you specified. Once the transfer is finished, verify the appropriate information was successfully transferred to the selected destinations.
Integration client tools
- Once you have finished setting up your integration client, you can start it from Start > Programs > Bomgar > Integration.
If the configuration needs to be changed, the integration client should always be run as administrator. Otherwise, file permission access errors are likely to occur.
- The integration client shows whether your scheduler is running, stopped, or is not installed. Every minute, the scheduler checks to see if it has any transfers to perform. Last Program Run displays the last time that the integration client itself was invoked.
- From the Setup menu, you can modify your site, plugin, or schedule configurations. You can also install additional plugins, such as in-house/proprietary applications or third-party applications. Finally, you can set the integration client application and notification settings.
- From Application Settings, you can start and stop the scheduler, uninstall the scheduler, and change log file directory locations. You can also set the Log File Removal field to delete the integration client's activity logs after a certain number of days to save disk space and make review of activity logs more manageable.
- From the Notification Settings window, you can set notification parameters. Notifications are sent any time the integration client logs an error.
- If you wish to verify that your SMTP settings are accurately configured, click Send Test.
- To view a log of the integration client's activity, click Log File at the bottom of the integration client window or select it from the Tools menu. The IC Log tab shows activity within the integration client tool itself, while the Service Log tab shows activity within the scheduler service.
Migrate to a new SQL server
You can migrate integrations client data from one MS SQL server to another by following the steps below.
The process may vary depending on your server software versions and configurations. The steps below provide general guidance.
- Backup the databases from the old server, and restore them to the new server. There are two databases to copy:
- BGAPISettings
- BGInfo
- Relocate BGAPISettings database in the IC Setup / Application Settings menu.
- Reconnect the Integration Client to the new SQL server by reconfiguring the SQL Plugin.
For more information, please see the following:
For backing up and restoring databases, Copy Databases with Backup and Restore.
For relocating the database, Create the integration client settings database.
For reconfiguring the SQL Plugin, Configure the file system or SQL Server plugin settings.
Updated 15 days ago