PSRUN is an API client that allows the execution of BeyondInsight and Password Safe API calls, with the option to send a set of environmental factors to the server. This helps to verify client identity during API calls.
Supported platforms
The following platforms are supported:
- Windows 10 and higher
- Linux 64-bit (Red Hat and Debian variants)
- AIX 5.2 and higher
- HPUX ia64
- Solaris
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017, x86
- glibc-2.3.4 RPM for i686
PSRUN can issue API calls directly or by using short commands.
psrun2 [options] host key user method endpoint [payload]
psrun2 [options] host key user short-command [payload]
- Host: The BeyondInsight host.
- Key: The API registration key.
- User: The BeyondInsight user that is granted permission to use the API key.
- If using a domain account, escape it with a backslash (for example, domain\\user).
- If BeyondInsight requires a user password, append it to the value (for example, "user;pwd=[my-password]").
- Method: The API action, must be one of GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.
- Endpoint: An API endpoint (for example, Assets, Credentials, Imports, etc.).
- Payload: The request body, specified in key=value format if calling the API directly, or as a list of values if using short commands.
PSRUN behavior can be controlled by options, which must be specified before the address parameter:
-v | Verbose, logs all communication as well as the factors sent to the server. |
-sf | Skips factors if they are not required for authentication. |
-i | Allows insecure communication when the server certificate cannot be verified. |
-quote | Wrap column output in double quotes. |
-separator | Delimit column output (default is TAB). |
-noheaders | Hides column names in the output. |
-filter | Shows only specified columns. |
-cert "path" | Specifies the path to the client certificate file. |
-certpass "password" | Specifies the password for the certificate file. |
-e "command" | Executes a system command instead of displaying result . |
--help | Display this usage and short command help. |
Error code
PSRUN returns an error code of 0 for success, or 1 for failure.
psrun2 -quote -separator "," address …
psrun2 -filter "SystemId,SystemName,AccountId,AccountName" … ListAccounts
psrun2 -cert CertificateFileName address …
psrun2 -cert "CertificateFileName" -certpass "CertificatePassword" address …
psrun2 -e "echo '[Password]'" address RetrievePassword …
psrun2 … POST UserGroups/1/Permissions [ PermissionID=1 AccessLevelID=1 PermissionID=1 AccessLevelID=2 ]
psrun2 $(cat params.txt) ListSystems
Short commands
Short Commands simplify API workflows by reducing command-line input and chaining successive calls in a single command, instead of calling each endpoint directly.
Short command parameters are ordered, not named; they do not need to be prefixed with the parameter name and need only be in the correct order. For example, the syntax for the command RetrievePassword is:
psrun2 -i $host $key $user RetrievePassword $MANAGEDSYSTEM $MANAGEDACCOUNT $REASON
RetrievePassword (alias: RetrievePasswordByName)
APIs: GET ManagedAccounts, POST Requests, GET Credentials, PUT Requests/{id}/Checkin
Or: POST ISARequests (for ISA-based access)
Finds an account by name (if necessary), creates a request, then retrieves a password. After printing the password, the request is released (see DoNotRelease parameter).
- SystemName: The managed system name. Use DatabaseName\InstanceName for databases.
- AccountName: The managed account name. Can use IDs instead of names (but do not mix both).
- Reason: The reason to retrieve a password.
- DurationMinutes (optional): The request duration (in minutes). Default request duration is 10 minutes.
- Type (optional, default: password): The type of credentials to retrieve (password, dsskey).
- DoNotRelease (optional): Do not release created request. Allowed values are DoNotRelease or -p.
psrun2 $(cat conn) RetrievePassword SystemName AccountName "your reason"
psrun2 $(cat conn) RetrievePassword 1 2 "your reason"
psrun2 $(cat conn) RetrievePassword 1 2 "your reason" 25 password DoNotRelease
psrun2 $(cat conn) RetrievePassword 1 2 "your reason" 25 -p
RetrievePassword is affected by the number of approvers. This command works only with Auto Approve enabled in the Access Policy.
API: GET Workgroups/{workgroupID}/Assets or Workgroups/{workgroupName}/Assets
- Workgroup: ID or name of the workgroup.
- Limit (optional): Number of records to return.
- Offset (optional): Number of records to skip before returning records (works only with limit).
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAssets 1
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAssets PasswordSafe
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAssetts PasswordSafe 2 2
API: GET Workgroups
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListWorkgroups
API: GET ManagedSystems or GET ManagedSystems/{id}
- id (optional): ID of the managed system.
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListSystems
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListSystems 123
API: GET ManagedAccounts?systemName={system}&accountName={account}&workgroupName={workgroup}
- SystemName (optional): Managed system name (must be used with AccountName).
- AccountName (optional): Managed account name (must be used with SystemName).
- WorkgroupName (optional): Workgroup name.
- Type (optional): Type of managed accounts to return.
- System: Returns local accounts.
- Domainlinked: Returns domain accounts linked to systems.
- Database: Returns database accounts.
- Cloud: Returns cloud system accounts.
- Application: Returns application accounts.
psrun2 -separator "," -filter "SystemId,SystemName,AccountId,AccountName" $(cat conn) ListAccounts TestSystemName TestAccountName "BeyondTrust Workgroup"
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAccounts
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAccounts database
API: GET Aliases or GET Aliases/{name}
Name: Name of the managed account alias.
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAliases
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListAliases AliasName
API: GET UserGroups or GET /UserGroups/{id} or GET /UserGroups/{name}
Group (optional): ID or name of the user group.
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListGroups
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListGroups 1
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListGroups Administrators
API: GET UserGroups/{userGroupId}/Users
UserGroupId: User group ID.
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListGroupMembership 1
API: GET Requests
- Status (optional, default: all): The status of requests to return (all, active, pending).
- Queue (optional, default: req): The type of request queue to return (req, app).
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListRequests active
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListRequests all req
API: GET Roles
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListRoles
API: GET SmartRules
- Type (optional, default: all): The type of Smart Rules to return (all, ManagedAccount, Asset, Vulnerabilities)
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListSmartRules
psrun2 $(cat conn) ListSmartRules Asset
API: POST Requests
- AccessType (optional, default: View): The type of access requested (View, RDP, SSH).
- SystemId: ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountId: ID of the managed account to request.
- DurationMinutes: The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason (optional): The reason for the request.
- AccessPolicyScheduleID (optional): The schedule ID of an access policy to use for the request. If omitted, automatically selects the best schedule.
- ConflictOption (optional, default: renew): The conflict resolution option to use if an existing request is found for the same user, system, and account (reuse, renew). If omitted and a conflicting request is found, returns a 409 error.
- Reuse: Return an existing, approved request ID for the same user/system/account/access type (if one exists). If the request does not already exist, create a new request using the request body details.
- Renew: Cancel any existing approved requests for the same user/ system/account and create a new request using the request body details.
psrun2 $(cat conn) Request 1 1 120 "Request reason"
- Type (optional, default: password): the type of credentials to retrieve (password, dsskey).
- SystemID (required): ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID (required): ID of the managed account to request.
- DurationMinutes (optional): The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason (optional): The reason for the request.
psrun2 $(cat conn) ISARequests 1 1 15 "Reason"
psrun2 $(cat conn) ISARequests 1 1
API: GET Credentials/{requestId}
- RequestId: ID of the request.
- Type (optional, default value: password): the type of credentials to retrieve (password, dsskey).
psrun2 $(cat conn) Retrieve 12 dsskey
API: PUT Requests/{requestId}/Checkin
- ID: ID of the request to release.
- Reason (optional): A reason or comment why the request is being released.
psrun2 $(cat conn) Release 123 "reason for release"
API: POST Imports (Base64FileContents option)
WorkgroupName: Name of the workgroup
ImportType (case-sensitive, default: PASSWORDSAFE) Type of import being queued:
PASSWORDSAFE: Password Safe import file. Expected file extension: .xml
RETINARTD: Retina© RTD import file. Expected file extension: .rtd
Support for the following file types has been deprecated and will be removed from the product in a future version.
NESSUS: Nessus import file. Expected file extension: .csv
NESSUSSECCEN: NessusSecurityCenter import file. Expected file extension: .csv
NEXPOSE: Nexpose import file. Expected file extension: .csv or .xml
QUALYSGUARD: QualysGuard import file. Expected file extension: .csv or .xml
METASPLOIT: METASPLOIT import file. Expected file extension: .xml
TRIPWIRE: Tripwire import file. Expected file extension: .csv
MCAFEEVM: McAfee Vulnerability Management import file. Expected file extension: .csv
FileName: Name of the file to be imported
Filter (optional, case-sensitive, default: All Assets): Asset selection filter
- All Assets: No filter, import all
- Single IPv4 address (example,
- IPv4 range (example, -
- CIDR (example, / 24)
psrun2 $(cat conn) ImportFile "PasswordSafe" PASSWORDSAFE data.xml
API: GET ManagedAccounts?systemName={system}&accountName={account}, PUT ManagedAccounts/{accountId}/Credentials
ForceReset updates a managed account password, public and private key. This command can also be used without parameters, with a password parameter (optionally with UpdateSystem), or with all parameters.
- SystemName: Managed system name.
- AccountName: Managed account name.
- Password: New password, use empty quotes to auto-generate a value.
- UpdateSystem (optional, default 1): Whether to update the credentials on the referenced system.
- PublicKey: The new public key to set on the host (could be a value or a name of the file).
- PrivateKey: The private key to set (provide passphrase if encrypted, could be a value or a name of the file).
- Passphrase (optional): The passphrase to use for an encrypted private key.
Generates random password (and keys, depending on account configuration):
psrun2 $(cat conn) ForceReset SystemName AccountName
Updates password on system and in BeyondInsight:
psrun2 $(cat conn) ForceReset SystemName AccountName Password
Updates password in BeyondInsight but does not try to change password on system:
psrun2 $(cat conn) ForceReset SystemName AccountName Password 0
Updates password and keys on system and in BeyondInsight:
psrun2 $(cat conn) ForceReset SystemName AccountName Password 1 "publicFile" "privateFile"
From the Password Safe API Guide:
GET AccessLevels
Returns a list of access levels for permissions, for example, None, Read, and Read/Write.
Required permissions
User Accounts Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Name: string,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Access Levels in the response body.
Here's how to issue this API via PSRUN:
psrun2 3ea6..acb5acc cli GET AccessLevels
You can change this behavior to get CSV output:
psrun2 -quote -separator "," 3ea6..acb5acc cli GET AccessLevels
It is also possible to remove the headers:
psrun2 -quote -separator "," -noheaders 3ea6..acb5acc cli GET AccessLevels
You can export the results through redirection:
psrun2 3ea6..acb5acc cli GET AccessLevels > results.xls
psrun2 -quote -separator "," 3ea6..acb5acc cli GET AccessLevels > results.csv
The results can be viewed in Excel.
POST requests
Creates a new release request.
Required roles
- Requestor or requestor/approver role to managed account referenced by ID
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccessType: string,
SystemID: int,
AccountID: int,
ApplicationID: int, // can be null
DurationMinutes : int,
Reason : string,
AccessPolicyScheduleID : int, // can be null
ConflictOption : string,
TicketSystemID : int,
TicketNumber : string,
RotateOnCheckin: bool
Request body details
- AccessType: (optional, default: View) The type of access requested (View, RDP, SSH, App).
- View: View Password access.
- RDP: RDP access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType RDP or rdpfile).
- SSH: SSH access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType SSH).
- App: Application access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType App or appfile).
- SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
- ApplicationID: (required when AccessType=App): ID of the application for an application-based request.
- DurationMinutes: (required: 1-525600) The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
- AccessPolicyScheduleID: (optional) The schedule ID of an access policy to use for the request. If omitted, automatically selects the best schedule.
- ConflictOption: (optional) The conflict resolution option to use if an existing request is found for the same user, system, and account (reuse, renew). If omitted and a conflicting request is found, returns a 409 code (see below).
- reuse: Returns an existing, approved request ID for the same user/system/account/access type (if one exists). If the request does not already exist, creates a new request using the request body details.
- renew: Cancels any existing approved requests for the same user/system/account and creates a new request using the request body details.
- TicketSystemID: ID of the ticket system. If omitted, then default ticket system will be used.
- TicketNumber: Number of associated ticket. Can be required if ticket system is marked as required in the access policy used. Max string length is 20.
- RotateOnCheckin: (optional, default: true) True to rotate the credentials on check-in/expiry, otherwise false. This property can only be used if the access policy (either auto-selected or given in AccessPolicyScheduleID) supports it.
In reference to RotateOnCheckin, If the Managed Account given in AccountID does not rotate the credentials after check-in/expiry, this setting is ignored.
For more information, please see the Allow API Rotation Override access policy setting under View access.
Response body
RequestID: int
Response codes
- 200 – Existing request is being reused. Existing request ID in the response body.
- 201 – Request successful. Request ID in the response body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to request the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled. Response body contains a status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4031 – User does not have permission to request the account or the account is not valid for the system.
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
- 4035 - Not enough Approvers configured to approve a request.
- 409 – Conflicting request exists. This user or another user has already requested a password for the specified account within the next window.
PSRUN command:
psrun2 3ea6..acb5acc "cli;pwd=[Password1]" POST Requests SystemId=1 AccountId=12 DurationMinutes=30 Reason="Just to test request"
Authentication factors
In addition to executing API calls, PSRUN also provides authentication factors to the server. These factors assist in verifying the client's identity.
When PSRUN executes an API call, it sends these factors as part of the header. On the server, the received factors are verified via user-configured PSRUN rules. If there are no rules, no validation takes place, and the server sends back the requested API response.
For each rule, the received factors are checked against the expected rule values. If a rule fails, the next rule is attempted. If the rule passes, the factors are considered valid.
Additionally, a unique signature is sent by PSRUN. If the factors pass the rule and signature verification is enabled, the server recomputes the signature and attempts to match it with the one sent by the client. If the signatures match, the signature is considered verified. Signature verification is an extra check to ensure the client and server are in sync so that out-of-date clients are not authenticated.
The list of accepted PSRUN factors can be specified in BeyondInsight:
- IP address
- MAC address
- System name
- Domain name
- User ID
- Root volume ID
- OS version
Updated 10 days ago