API guide
BeyondTrust administrators can configure U-Series Appliances without going through the web-based interface. A PowerShell sample script has been used for demonstration, but BeyondTrust does not prescribe any implementation language or mechanism.
Configuration workflow
The flow for setup and configuration will be:
- Call Set Window license or Skip license page endpoint (As image is not licensed)
- Call Deployment web service
- Wait for Deployment web service to finish by calling the Deployment Status endpoint
- Call Configuration web service
- Wait for Configuration web service to finish by calling the Configuration Status
A valid BeyondInsight serial key must be passed through a HTTP header on each call.
U-Series Appliance web services
This portion of the guide details the U-Series Appliance web services (also referred to as endpoints). There are two endpoints in the U-Series Appliance: one to run the configuration, and one to monitor progress.
Endpoint to set Windows license.
Endpoint to skip Windows license page.
Endpoint to programmatically execute the deployment wizard.
Endpoint to get the status of the deployment wizard step execution. This is intended to be used after the Post in this controller has been called, to be able to poll the status as the steps are executed.
Status Code | Description |
0 | Not Started |
1 | In Progress |
2 | Passed |
3 | Paused |
4 | Failed |
Sample response format
"stepsStatus": [
"name": "Initialize SQL Server",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "SQL Server Initialization succeeded"
"name": "Rename appliance",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Appliance renamed to automation"
"name": "Apply time settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Applied time settings"
"name": "Reboot appliance",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Reboot requested"
"name": "Pause the wizard while waiting for a reboot",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Pausing for reboot"
"name": "Create BeyondInsight EMS certificate",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Created the BeyondInsight EMS certificate"
"name": "Apply IP settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "IP settings applied"
"name": "Generate unique BeyondInsight cryptokey",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Generated unique BeyondInsight cryptokey"
"overAllStatus": 2
Endpoint to programmatically execute the configuration wizard.
Endpoint to get the status of the configuration wizard step execution. This is intended to be used after the Post in this controller has been called, to be able to poll the status as the steps are executed.
Status Code | Description |
0 | Not Started |
1 | In Progress |
2 | Passed |
3 | Paused |
4 | Failed |
Sample response format
"stepsStatus": [
"name": "Apply License Settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "License settings applied"
"name": "Prepare local BeyondInsight Database",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Local BeyondInsight database prepared for use"
"name": "Apply Backup Settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Backup settings applied"
"name": "Apply BeyondInsight Credentials",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "BeyondInsight Credentials applied"
"name": "Apply Central Policy password",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Central Policy password applied"
"name": "Apply Updater Credentials",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Updater Credentials applied"
"name": "Apply Updater Settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Updater settings applied"
"name": "Apply PowerBroker for Windows",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "PowerBroker for Windows applied"
"name": "Apply SSL Certificate Settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "SSL certificate applied"
"name": "Apply Features",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Features applied"
"name": "Apply SMTP settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Applied SMTP settings"
"name": "Apply Internet Connection Settings",
"outcomeInfo": {
"stepStatus": 2,
"stepOutcomeMessage": "Internet Connection Settings applied"
"overAllStatus": 2
Endpoint to get the status of the appliance configuration.
Status Code | Description |
0 | Not Configured |
1 | Configured |
Once complete, the configuration and deployment end points will be removed, and if the deployment or configuration is called, a 502 will be returned by the gateway.
Endpoint to get the network details.
Sample response format
"ipSettings": [
"networkAdapter": " networkAdapter ",
"networkCardId": "0",
"useDhcp": true,
"macAddress": null,
"domainIp": "XX.XXX.XX.XXX",
"subnetMask": "XXX.XXX.XXX.X",
"defaultGateway": "XX.XXX.XX.X",
"preferredDnsServer": "XX.XXX.X.XX",
"alternateDnsServer": "XX.XXX.X.XX",
"dnsSuffix": " dnsSuffix ",
"modifiedSetting": false
Prerequisite before deployment
Run Set Windows license or Skip License Page endpoint as Windows is not licensed.
Set windows license
Windows key JSON will be sent to the web service.
Sample JSON format
Skip windows license page
Empty JSON will be sent to the web service.
Deployment wizard
A valid BeyondInsight license key must be passed through a HTTP header
The Deployment JSON will be sent to the web service and will include:
- Windows User credentials
- Licensing Agreements
- Appliance Name
- IP Settings
- Internet Connection Settings
- Time zone and Time Settings
- SMTP Settings
Sample JSON format
"configureUser": {
"username": "btadmin",
"password": "password",
"email": "dummy@domain.com"
"licenseAgreement": {
"acceptBtEula": true,
"acceptMsEula": true,
"acceptSqlServerEula": true
"applianceName": {
"applianceName": "applianceName"
"ipSettings": [
"networkAdapter": "networkAdapter",
"networkCardId": "",
"useDhcp": true,
"macAddress": "",
"domainIp": "XX.XXX.XX.XXX",
"subnetMask": "XXX.XXX.XXX.X",
"defaultGateway": "XX.XXX.XX.X",
"preferredDnsServer": "XX.XXX.X.XX",
"alternateDnsServer": "XX.XXX.X.XX",
"dnsSuffix": "dnsSuffix",
"modifiedSetting": false
"internetConnectionSettings": {
"connectThroughProxy": true,
"proxySetting": {
"proxyAddress": "XX.XXX.XX.XXX",
"proxyPort": 808,
"proxyUsername": "",
"proxyPassword": ""
"timeSettings": {
"syncType": 0,
"ntpServer": "ntpServer",
"timezone": "Central Standard Time"
"smtpSettingsDto": {
"emailServer": "emailServer",
"smtpPort": 25,
"ssl": true,
"requiresAuthentication": false,
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
Configuration wizard
A valid BeyondInsight license key must be passed through a HTTP header.
The Configuration JSON will be sent to the web service and will include:
- BeyondTrust Licenses
- Solution & Roles
- User Credentials
- Roles Configuration
- Backup And Restore
- Update Method
Sample JSON format
"license": {
"licenseMode": 0,
"serialNumber": "",
"licenseKey": ""
"rolesSelected": {
"sqlServerRole": true,
"analysisServerRole": true,
"sqlServerReportingServicesRole": true,
"beyondInsightDatabaseAccess": true,
"beyondInsightManagementConsole": true,
"omniworkerRole": true,
"eventCollectorRole": true,
"passwordSafeConsoleRole": true,
"biulSetupRole": false,
"discoveryScannerRole": true,
"epmDatabaseRole": true,
"epmEventCollectorRole": true,
"epmPrivilegeManagementReportingRole": true,
"epmWebPolicyEditorRole": true
"credentials": {
"biUserName": "btadmin",
"biUserPassword": "password",
"cpPassword": "password",
"btUpdaterName": "btadmin",
"btUpdaterPassword": "password",
"biulUsername": "btadmin",
"biulPassword": "password"
"roleConfigurationBiul": {
"biulIsRemote": true,
"biulServerName": "XX.XXX.XXX.XX",
"biulSqlUser": "username",
"biulSqlPassword": "password",
"biulDatabaseName": "PBSMC",
"biulPort": 0,
"biulDbInstance": "InstanceName"
"roleConfigurationRemoteSql": {
"biIncomingDatabasePassword": "password",
"allowIncomingDatabaseConnections": false
"roleConfigurationSqlAccess": {
"biConnectionServerName": "ServerName",
"biConnectionDatabaseName": "RetinaCsDatabase",
"biCommandTimeout": 300,
"biConnectionTimeout": 60,
"biDatabaseConnectionStringUsername": "beyondtrust_user",
"biDatabaseConnectionStringUserPassword": "password",
"biDatabaseConnectionStringMultiSubnetFailover": false,
"biCreateRemoteDatabase": false,
"biDatabaseIsLocal": true,
"biAdministratorUsername": "btadmin",
"biAdministratorPassword": "password"
"roleConfigurationEpmDatabase": {
"EpmConfigurationType": 1,
"EpmServerName": "localhost",
"EpmEcSqlUser": "epmEventCollector",
"EpmEcSqlPassword": "password",
"EpmRrSqlUser": "epmReportReader",
"EpmRrSqlPassword": "password"
"backupRestore": {
"backupOption": 1,
"backupSetting": {
"path": "path",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"domain": "",
"startTime": "2021-07-19T18:55:51.522Z",
"frequency": 0,
"backupPassword": "password"
"updates": {
"updatesOption": 0,
"serverAddress": "ServerAddress"
PowerShell script descriptions
Set Windows license endpoint or skip license page endpoint must be called before running scripts.
There are a total of four sample files, as follows:
- DeploymentUSeries.ps1: PowerShell script to be called for deployment of appliance
- Deployment.json: Contains sample JSON format used by the deployment script (DeploymentUSeries.ps1)
- ConfigurationUSeries.ps1: PowerShell script to be called for configuration of appliance
- Configuration.json: Contains sample JSON format used by the configuration script (ConfigurationUSeries.ps1)
This file contains the PowerShell script that calls the deployment endpoint. This must be the first script called. You must pass three parameters in this script, as follows:
- $UvmAddress: IP of U-Series Appliance
Replace “XX.XXX.XXX.XXX” with an actual IP of U-Series Appliance in DeploymentUSeries.ps1 script.
- $InputFileName: Name of the file which contains JSON Data to be passed to the deployment endpoint. In this case, the value is DeploymentUSeries.ps1. If you are using your own file, then this is name of that file. You can edit this value in the DeploymentUSeries.ps1 file according to the requirement.
- $Header: You must pass header with key “SerialNumber” and value “actual serialnumber”.
Replace “XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX” with an actual serial number in DeploymentUSeries.ps1 script.
This file contains sample JSON format used by the deployment script. You can edit the values according to the requirement.
Deployment script results
After running the deployment script, one of the following outputs displays:
- Deployment Completed: Implies that deployment is successful.
- Deployment Failed: Implies that deployment is failed and displays an error message. You can work on the error and rerun the script.
This script returns a Not halting script message when the endpoint will not be available during restart.
This file contains the PowerShell script that calls the configuration endpoints. This must be the second script to be called after deployment script. You must pass three parameters in this script, as follows:
- $UvmAddress: IP of U-Series Appliance.
Replace “XX.XXX.XXX.XXX” with actual IP of U-Series Appliance in ConfigurationUSeries.ps1 script.
- $InputFileName: Name of the file which contains JSON Data to be passed to the configuration endpoint. In this case, the value is Configuration.psd1. If you are using your own file, then this is the name of that file. You can edit this value in the ConfigurationUSeries.ps1 file according to the requirement.
- $Header: Need to pass header with key “SerialNumber” and value “actual serial number”.
This file contains sample JSON format used by the configuration script. You can edit the values according to the requirement.
Configuration script results
After running the configuration script, one of the following outputs displays:
- Configuration Completed: Implies the configuration is successful.
- Configuration Failed: Implies the configuration failed and displays an error message. You can then work on the error and rerun the script.
Troubleshoot failures in the U-Series Appliance API
Failure scenarios
If a 401 error is received from the API, it means either the alpha feature has not been enabled or the U-Series Appliance has already been configured.
If an error is encountered during the configuration, a status message is returned when checking the API, that states that an error occurred and indicates at which step it initially failed.
The next step is for the user is to attempt to resolve this manually and run the Configuration Wizard again through the current https:///ConfigurationWizard. Alternatively, the user can redeploy the image and try again. The configuration API cannot be run a second time.
BeyondTrust U-Series Appliance Parameters
U-Series Appliance parameters
Omit parameters
In the U-Series Appliance, not all parameters need to be passed for every scenario. You can omit those parameters that are not needed. This scenario is demonstrated in the sample data for the example scripts.
Select 1 for proxy
If you select 1 for proxy, these parameters are not needed:
- ProxyAddress
- ProxyPort
- ProxyUsername
- ProxyPassword
Local SQL
If Local SQL is installed, these parameters are not needed:
- RemoteDbCommandTimeout
- RemoteDbDatabaseName
- RemoteDbMultiSubnetEnabled
- RemoteDbPassword
- RemoteDbServerName
- RemoteDbConnectionTimeout
- RemoteDbUserName
Cloud platforms
For cloud platforms these parameters are needed: PasswordRemAdminCurrent
In any other scenario, this parameter is not required.
Parameter | Description |
IAcceptSqlServerLicenseTerms | Required, must pass true. |
IAcceptMicrosoftWindowsLicenseTerms | Required, must pass true. |
IAcceptBeyondTrustLicenseTerms | Required, must pass true. |
NewMachineName | Required, new machine named. |
ProxySetting | One of these values:
ProxyAddress | Only needed if setting proxy 2. |
ProxyPort | Only needed if setting proxy 2. |
ProxyUsername | Only needed if setting proxy 2. |
ProxyPassword | Only needed if setting proxy 2. |
SmtpPServer | SMTP Server. |
SmtpPPort | SMTP Port. |
SmtpRequiresAuthentication | SMTP Requires Auth. |
SmtpUsername | SMTP username (only if SmtpRequiresAuthentication is set). |
Username | Windows/Central Policy username. |
PasswordRemAdmin | Windows/Central Policy user password. |
BiUsername | BI username. |
PasswordBiAdmin | BI user password. |
UpdaterUsername | BT Updater username. |
PasswordUpdaterAdmin | BT Updater user password. |
PasswordRemAdminCurrent | Existing windows administrator password (only used on Cloud platforms). |
BiAdminEmail | BI and U-Series Appliance admin email address. |
TimeZoneName | Use a time zone name from the list below. |
RemoteDbCommandTimeout | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbDatabaseName | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbMultiSubnetEnabled | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbPassword | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbServerName | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbConnectionTimeout | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbUserName | (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
RemoteDbCreateDatabase | To indicate whether to create a new database (only used on SQL-less U-Series Appliances). |
Timezone parameters
The TimeZoneName parameter can be one of these strings:
Morocco Standard Time | Azerbaijan Standard Time | AUS Central Standard Time |
UTC | Russia Time Zone 3 | E. Australia Standard Time |
GMT Standard Time | Mauritius Standard Time | AUS Eastern Standard Time |
Greenwich Standard Time | Georgian Standard Time | West Pacific Standard Time |
W. Europe Standard Time | Caucasus Standard Time | Tasmania Standard Time |
Central Europe Standard Time | Afghanistan Standard Time | Magadan Standard Time |
Romance Standard Time | West Asia Standard Time | Vladivostok Standard Time |
Central European Standard Time | Ekaterinburg Standard Time | Russia Time Zone 10 |
W. Central Africa Standard Time | Pakistan Standard Time | Central Pacific Standard Time |
Namibia Standard Time | India Standard Time | Russia Time Zone 11 |
Jordan Standard Time | Sri Lanka Standard Time | New Zealand Standard Time |
GTB Standard Time | Nepal Standard Time | UTC+12 |
Middle East Standard Time | Central Asia Standard Time | Fiji Standard Time |
Egypt Standard Time | Bangladesh Standard Time | Kamchatka Standard Time |
Syria Standard Time | N. Central Asia Standard Time | Tonga Standard Time |
E. Europe Standard Time | Myanmar Standard Time | Samoa Standard Time |
South Africa Standard Time | SE Asia Standard Time | Line Islands Standard Time |
FLE Standard Time | North Asia Standard Time | Azores Standard Time |
Turkey Standard Time | China Standard Time | Cape Verde Standard Time |
Israel Standard Time | North Asia East Standard Time | UTC-02 |
Kaliningrad Standard Time | Singapore Standard Time | Mid-Atlantic Standard Time |
Libya Standard Time | W. Australia Standard Time | E. South America Standard Time |
Arabic Standard Time | Taipei Standard Time | SA Eastern Standard Time |
Belarus Standard Time | Ulaanbaatar Standard Time | Argentina Standard Time |
Russian Standard Time | Tokyo Standard Time | Greenland Standard Time |
E. Africa Standard Time | Korea Standard Time | Montevideo Standard Time |
Iran Standard Time | Yakutsk Standard Time | Bahia Standard Time |
Arabian Standard Time | Cen. Australia Standard Time | Pacific SA Standard Time |
Newfoundland Standard Time | US Eastern Standard Time | Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) |
Paraguay Standard Time | Central America Standard Time | Pacific Standard Time |
Atlantic Standard Time | Central Standard Time | Alaskan Standard Time |
Central Brazilian Standard Time | Central Standard Time (Mexico) | Hawaiian Standard Time |
SA Western Standard Time | Canada Central Standard Time | UTC-11 |
Venezuela Standard Time | US Mountain Standard Time | Dateline Standard Time |
SA Pacific Standard Time | Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) | |
Eastern Standard Time | Mountain Standard Time |
Updated 15 days ago