Secrets Safe APIs
This document specifies the Representational State Transfer (REST) compliant Application Programmer Interface (API) over HTTPS for BeyondInsight and Password Safe. It is a way to integrate a portion of the BeyondInsight and Password Safe functionality into your own applications.
Using the REST API makes it easier for users to build customized solutions for their specific needs while ensuring secure data transmission. The API provides a set of predefined operations, or endpoints, that can be accessed using HTTP Requests, including GET requests to retrieve data, POST requests to create new data, PUT requests to update existing data, and DELETE requests to remove data.
This resource is intended for readers with knowledge of HTTPS request and response processing, web development, and JSON notation.
In BeyondInsight/Password Safe 24.3, "UserGroupId" has been deprecated.
POST Secrets-Safe/Folders/
Creates a new Secrets Safe folder for the given user group.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Request body details
Max string length for description is 256.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Id: Guid,
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Response codes
- 201 - Request successful. Secrets Safe Folder in the response body.
- 409 - Conflict.
POST Secrets-Safe/Folders/{id}
Imports a CSV secrets file into the specified folder.
Required permissions
- Workforce Passwords Read/Write, when destination folder is a Personal Folder.
- Workforce Passwords Read/Write and Secrets Safe ReadWrite, when destination folder is a team folder.
folderid: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Response body
totalNumber: int,
errors: [ {
lineNumber: int,
error: string
successfulImport: int
- TotalNumber: Number of credentials processed. Includes failures.
- Errors: List of errors. Includes the error message and CSV line number
- SuccessfulImport: Number of credentials successfully imported.
Response codes
201 – Request partially or completely successful. Refer to errors and successfulImport values in response body.
GET Secrets-Safe/Folders/
Returns a list of Secrets Safe folders to which the current user has access.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
To filter the results, use any combination of the following:
- FolderName: The partial name of the folder.
- FolderPath: Child folders are also included. Separator is /.
- IncludeSubfolders: Indicate whether to include the subfolder. Default is true.
- RootOnly: The results only include those folders at the root level.
- FolderOwnerId: Filter results by the folders which are owned by the given FolderOwnerId.
- Limit: Limits the results by the given integer greater than 0. Default is 1000.
- Offset: Skip the first (offset) number of secrets.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Id: Guid,
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Secrets Safe Folders in the response body.
PUT Secrets-Safe/Folders/{id}
Updates a Secrets Safe folder by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
id: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Request body details
Max string length for description is 256.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Id: Guid,
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Secrets Safe Folders in the response body.
DELETE Secrets-Safe/Folders/{id}
Deletes a Secrets Safe folder by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
Folders that contain secrets cannot be deleted.
id: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Secrets Safe folders in the response body.
GET Secrets-Safe/Folders/{id}
Returns a Secrets Safe folder by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
id: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Id: Guid,
Name: string,
Description: string,
ParentId: Guid,
UserGroupId: int,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Secrets Safe Folder in the response body.
- In BeyondInsight/Password Safe 24.3, "OwnerId" and "OwnerType" have been deprecated. New parameters from "Owners" are used instead.
- API version 3.0 is the default, however 3.1 is recommended version.
POST Secrets-Safe/Folders/{folderId:guid}/secrets
Creates a secret in the folder by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
folderid: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for description and password is 256.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Required: Title, username, password.
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
- A password or a PasswordRuleID is required.
- If a PasswordRuleID is passed in, then a password is generated (based on the Password Policy defined by the PasswordPolicyID).
- If a password is passed in instead, the same behavior is followed (using that as the password).
Response body
Response body (Version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (Version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
GroupId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
201 - Created
400 - Bad Request
403 - Forbidden
409 - Conflict
POST Secrets-Safe/Folders/{folderId:guid}/secrets/text
Creates a text secret in the given folder ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
folderid: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Title : string,
Description : string,
Text : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FolderId : Guid,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Title : string,
Description : string,
Text : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FolderId : Guid,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for Title and Description is 256.
- Max string length for text is 4096.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Required: Title, FolderId
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
201 - Created
400 - Bad Request
403 - Forbidden
409 - Conflict.
POST Secrets-Safe/Folders/{folderId:guid}/secrets/file
Creates a secret file in the given folder ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
folderid: the folder ID (GUID).
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Title : string,
Description : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for Title, Description, and FileName is 256.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Max file size is 5 MB. Size must be greater than 0 MB.
- Required: Title, FolderId, Filename
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
- When adding the file, the form field name must be "secretmetadata". If the name of the form is anything else, the following error occurs: The multipart Request is missing poarts: key:'form-data'=True, key:'secretmetadata'=False.
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content Part One - name: form-data, type: binary
Content Part Two - name: secretmetadata, type: string
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content Part One - name: form-data, type: binary
Content Part Two - name: secretmetadata, type: string
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
201 - Created
400 - Bad Request
403 - Forbidden
409 - Conflict
PUT Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/
Updates a secret based on the given ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
SecretId: the secret id (GUID)
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
PasswordRuleId : int,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
PasswordRuleId : int,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for description is 256.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Required: Title, username, password, FolderID.
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
- A password or a PasswordRuleID is required.
- If a PasswordRuleID is passed in, then a password is generated (based on the Password Policy defined by the PasswordPolicyID).
- If a password is passed in instead, the same behavior is followed (using that as the password).
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username: string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
204 - No Content
403 - Forbidden
400 - Bad Request
PUT Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/text
Updates a secret text based on the given ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
SecretId: the secret ID (GUID)
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for description and password is 256.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Required: Title.
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
204 - No Content
400 - Bad Request
403 - Forbidden
PUT Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/file
Updates a file secret based on the folder ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
SecretId: the secret ID (GUID).
Request body
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
OwnerType : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
FolderId : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Request body details
- Max string length for Title, Description, and FileName is 256.
- Max string length for notes is 4000.
- Max string length for Url is 2048.
- Max file size is 5MB. Size must be greater than 0MB.
- Required: Title, FolderId.
- When OwnerType is set to User, then a list of Owners is required. When OwnerType is set to Group, the OwnerId is required (as the GroupId).
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
204 - No Content
400 - Bad Request
403 - Forbidden
GET Secrets-Safe/Secrets
Returns a list of secrets with the option to filter the list using query parameters.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
All parameters are optional:
- Path: the full path to the secret.
- Separator: the separator used in the path above. Default is /.
- Title: the full title of the secret.
- AfterDate: filter by modified or created on, after, or equal to the given date. Must be in the following UTC format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
- Limit: limit the results. Default is 1000.
- Offset: skip the first (offset) number of secrets.
Request body
Response body
If no secrets match the specified filter parameter(s), a 200 (OK) response with an empty list is expected.
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
FileName: string,
FileHash: string,
Text: String,
SecretType: Int,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
FileName: string,
FileHash: string,
Text: String,
SecretType: Int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
GET Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}
Returns a secret by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
SecretId: the secret ID (GUID).
Request body
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
GET Secrets-Safe/Folders/{folderId:guid}/secrets
Gets all the secrets based on the folderId.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
folderId: the given folder Id
Request body
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password: string,
Text: String,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Username : string,
Password: string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Text: String,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
GET Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/text
Get a secret text based on the secretId.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
SecretId: the secret id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Text : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
Text : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
GET Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/file
Gets secret file based on the secretId as file metadata with file properties. This is returned as type application/json.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
SecretId: the secret id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
OwnerId : int,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Owner : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
OwnerId : int,
Owner : string,
Email : string,
OwnerType : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
Id : Guid,
Title : string,
Description : string,
FolderId : Guid,
CreatedOn : Datetime,
CreatedBy : string,
ModifiedOn : Datetime,
ModifiedBy : string,
Folder : string,
FolderPath : string,
Owners : [{
GroupId : int,
UserId : int,
Name : string,
Email : string,
Notes : string,
FileName : string,
FileHash : string,
Urls : [{
Id : Guid,
CredentialId : Guid,
Url : String
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
GET Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/file/download
Gets secret file as an attachment based on secretId.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read).
SecretId: the secret id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
FileContentResult (binary file in the response)
Response codes
200 - OK
403 - Forbidden
404 – Not Found
DELETE Secrets-Safe/Secrets/{secretId:guid}/
Deletes a secret based on the secretId.
Required permissions
Secrets-Safe (Read/Write).
SecretId: the given secret Id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – OK
403 - Forbidden
404 – Not found
POST secrets-safe/secrets/{secret-id}/shares/{folder-id}/
Creates a shared secret in a folder.
secret-id: the secret Id (GUID)
folder-id: the folder ID (GUID)
Request body
Response body
SecretId : Guid,
FolderID : Guid,
FolderPath : string,
SecretName : string
Response codes
201 – OK
404 – Not found
GET secrets-safe/secrets/{secret-id}/shares
Fetches all shared secrets for a given secret.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
secret-id: the secret Id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
SecretId : Guid,
FolderID : Guid,
FolderPath : string,
SecretName : string
Response codes
200 – OK
404 – Not found
DELETE secrets-safe/secrets/{secret-id}/shares/{folder-id}
Removes a shared secret from a folder.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
secret-id: the secret Id (GUID)
folder-id: the folder ID (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
404 – Not found
DELETE secrets-safe/secrets/{secret-id}/shares
Removes all shared secrets for a given secret.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
secret-id: the secret Id (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
404 – Not found
POST secrets-safe/safes
Creates a new safe.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read/Write).
Request body
Name: string,
Description: string
Request body details
Name: (required) string . Max string length is 256.
Description: (optional) string. Max string length is 256.
Response body
Id : Guid,
Name: string,
SecretName : string,
PermissionFlags: [
"Share" ]
Response codes
201 – OK
409 – Name already exists
GET secrets-safe/safes
Returns all safes.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
Request body
Response body
Id : Guid,
Name: string,
SecretName : string
Response codes
201 – OK
GET secrets-safe/safes/{id}
Returns a safe by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
id: the safe ID (GUID).
Request body
Response body
Id : Guid,
Name: string,
SecretName : string
Response codes
200 – OK
400 – Subfolder ID used
404 – Safe does not exist
PUT secrets-safe/safes/{id}
Updates a safe by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
id: the safe ID (GUID).
Request body
Name: string,
SecretName : string
Request body details
Name: (required) string . Max string length is 256.
SecretName: (optional) string. Max string length is 256.
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
400 – Subfolder ID used
404 – Safe does not exist
409 – Name already exists
DELETE secrets-safe/safes/{id}
Deletes a safe by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read/Write).
id: the safe ID (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
400 – Safe does not exist
404 – Not found
GET secrets-safe/safes/{id}/safe-permissions
Returns the safe permissions by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
id: the safe ID (GUID)
Request body
Response body
Id : Guid,
FolderId: Guid,
GroupId : integer,
UserId : integer,
PermissionFlags: [
ExpiresOn : datetime
Response codes
200 – OK
400 – Unauthorized to list permissions
PUT secrets-safe/safes/{id}/safe-permissions
Assigns safe permissions by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
id: the safe ID (GUID).
Request body
PrincipalType : integer,
PrincipalID: integer,
PermissionFlags: [
ExpiresOn : null
Request body details
- PrincipalType : (required) integer. 0 for user, 1 for group.
- PrincipalID: (required) integer. ID of the user or group.
- PermissionFlags: The effective permissions to assign.
- These are the list of possible permissions combination that can be assigned.
- Permissions :
"Read, Create",
"Read, Edit",
"Read, Create, Edit",
"Read, Delete",
"Read, Create, Delete",
"Read, Edit, Delete",
"Read, Create, Edit, Delete",
"Read, Share",
"Read, Create, Share",
"Read, Edit, Share",
"Read, Create, Edit, Share",
"Read, Delete, Share",
"Read, Create, Delete, Share",
"Read, Edit, Delete, Share",
"Read, Create, Edit, Delete, Share",
"Read, Create, Edit, Delete, Share, Manage"
- Permissions :
- These are the list of possible permissions combination that can be assigned.
- ExpiresOn: (optional) datetime.
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
403 - Unauthorized to edit permissions
DELETE secrets-safe/safes/{id}/safe-permissions
Revokes safe permissions by ID.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
id: the safe ID (GUID).
Request body
PrincipalType : integer,
PrincipalID: integer
Request body details
PrincipalType : (required) integer. 0 for user, 1 for group.
PrincipalID: (required) integer. ID of the user or group.
Response body
Response codes
204 – OK
403 - Unauthorized to edit permissions
GET secrets-safe/safes/safe-permissions
Returns the set of possible safe permissions.
Required permissions
Secrets Safe (Read).
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – OK
Updated 2 days ago