Password Safe APIs
Password Safe APIs require a valid Password Safe license.
This document specifies the Representational State Transfer (REST) compliant Application Programmer Interface (API) over HTTPS for BeyondInsight and Password Safe. It is a way to integrate a portion of the BeyondInsight and Password Safe functionality into your own applications.
Using the REST API makes it easier for users to build customized solutions for their specific needs while ensuring secure data transmission. The API provides a set of predefined operations, or endpoints, that can be accessed using HTTP Requests, including GET requests to retrieve data, POST requests to create new data, PUT requests to update existing data, and DELETE requests to remove data.
This resource is intended for readers with knowledge of HTTPS request and response processing, web development, and JSON notation.
Access policies
GET AccessPolicies
Returns a list of Password Safe access policies.
Required permissions
Password Safe Role Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Schedules :
ScheduleID : int,
RequireReason : bool,
RequireTicketSystem : bool,
TicketSystemID : short?,
AccessTypes :
AccessType : string,
IsSession : bool,
RecordSession : bool,
MinApprovers : int,
MaxConcurrent : int
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Access policies in response body.
POST AccessPolicies/Test
Tests access to a managed account and returns a list of Password Safe access policies that are available in the request window.
Required roles
Requestor role.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
SystemId: int,
AccountId: int,
DurationMinutes : int
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Schedules :
ScheduleID : int,
RequireReason : bool,
RequireTicketSystem : bool,
TicketSystemID : short?,
AccessTypes :
AccessType : string,
IsSession : bool,
RecordSession : bool,
MinApprovers : int,
MaxConcurrent : int
Response codes
- 200 - Request successful. Access policies in response body.
- 403 - User does not have permissions to request the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled. Response body contains a status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4031 - User does not have permission to request the account or the account is not valid for the system.
GET Aliases
Returns a list of requestable managed account aliases.
Required roles
Requestor or Requestor/Approver role for the preferred managed account referenced by the alias.
Query parameters
- state (optional, default: 1, 2): Zero or more state values, i.e., 'state=2', 'state=1,2', 'state=0,1,2'.
- 0: Unmapped
- 1: Mapped
- 2: Highly Available
Only Aliases with a mapped state of 1 or 2 can be used for API POST Aliases/{id}/Requests.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AliasId: int,
AliasName: string,
AliasState: int,
SystemId: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountId: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
InstanceName: string,
DefaultReleaseDuration: int,
MaximumReleaseDuration: int,
LastChangeDate: datetime,
NextChangeDate: datetime,
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState: int,
MappedAccounts :
AliasID: int,
ManagedSystemID: int,
ManagedAccountID: int,
Status: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Aliases in response body.
GET Aliases/{id}
Returns a requestable managed account alias by ID.
Required roles
Requestor or Requestor/Approver role for the preferred managed account referenced by the alias.
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed account alias.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AliasId: int,
AliasName: string,
AliasState: int,
SystemId: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountId: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
InstanceName: string,
DefaultReleaseDuration: int,
MaximumReleaseDuration: int,
LastChangeDate: datetime,
NextChangeDate: datetime,
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState: int,
MappedAccounts :
AliasID: int,
ManagedSystemID: int,
ManagedAccountID: int,
Status: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Alias in response body.
GET Aliases?name={name}
Returns a requestable managed account alias by name.
Required roles
Requestor or Requestor/Approver role for the preferred managed account referenced by the alias.
URL parameters
name: Name of the managed account alias.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AliasId: int,
AliasName: string,
AliasState: int,
SystemId: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountId: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
InstanceName: string,
DefaultReleaseDuration: int,
MaximumReleaseDuration: int,
LastChangeDate: datetime,
NextChangeDate: datetime,
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState: int,
MappedAccounts :
AliasID: int,
ManagedSystemID: int,
ManagedAccountID: int,
Status: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Alias in response body.
GET Applications
Returns a list of applications.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ApplicationID : int,
Name : string,
DisplayName : string,
Version : string,
Command : string,
Parameters : string,
Publisher : string,
ApplicationType : string,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int, // can be null
IsActive : bool,
SmartRuleID : int // can be null
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Applications in response body.
GET Applications/{id}
Returns an application by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the application.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ApplicationID : int,
Name : string,
DisplayName : string,
Version : string,
Command : string,
Parameters : string,
Publisher : string,
ApplicationType : string,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int, // can be null
IsActive : bool,
SmartRuleID : int // can be null
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Application in response body.
GET ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Attributes
Returns a list of attributes by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read), Attribute Management (Read).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AttributeID : int,
AttributeTypeID : int,
ParentAttributeID : int, // can be null
ShortName : string,
LongName : string,
Description : string, ValueInt : int, // can be null
IsReadOnly: bool
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Attributes associated with the asset in the response body.
GET ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Attributes
Returns a list of attributes by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read), Attribute Management (Read).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AttributeID : int,
AttributeTypeID : int,
ParentAttributeID : int, // can be null
ShortName : string,
LongName : string,
Description : string,
ValueInt : int, // can be null
IsReadOnly: bool
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Attributes associated with the Managed System in the response body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Attributes/{attributeID}
Assigns an attribute to a managed account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
- attributeID: ID of the attribute.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AttributeID : int,
AttributeTypeID : int,
ParentAttributeID : int, // can be null
ShortName : string,
LongName : string,
Description : string, ValueInt : int, // can be null
IsReadOnly: bool
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Attribute in the response body.
POST ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Attributes/{attributeID}
Assigns an attribute to a managed system.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
attributeID: ID of the attribute.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AttributeID : int,
AttributeTypeID : int,
ParentAttributeID : int, // can be null
ShortName : string,
LongName : string,
Description : string,
ValueInt : int, // can be null
IsReadOnly: bool
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Attribute in the response body.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Attributes
Deletes all managed account attributes by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Attributes/{attributeID}
Deletes a managed account attribute by managed account ID and attribute ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
- attributeID: ID of the attribute.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Attributes
Deletes all managed system attributes by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Attributes/{attributeID}
Deletes a managed system attribute by managed system ID and attribute ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Attribute Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
attributeID: ID of the attribute.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
GET Configuration/Version
Returns the current system version.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Version : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Version model in the response body.
GET Credentials/{requestId}
Retrieves the credentials for an approved and active (not expired) credentials release request.
Required permissions
URL parameters
requestId: ID of the request for which to retrieve the credentials.
Query parameters
- type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
- password: Returns the password in the response body.
- dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in the response body.
The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.
- passphrase: Returns the DSS key passphrase in the response body.
passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.
Request body
Response body
Credentials: string
Response codes
- 200 - Request successful. Credentials in the response body.
- 403 - User does not have permissions to request credentials for the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled.
- 4031 - User does not have permission to request credentials. 4034 - Request is not yet approved.
- 404 - Could not find the request to release. The specified request ID may have already been released or has expired.
GET Aliases/{aliasId}/Credentials/{requestId}
Retrieves the credentials and alias details for an approved and active (not expired) credentials release request for an alias.
Required permissions
URL parameters
- aliasId: ID of the alias.
- requestId: ID of the request for which to retrieve the credentials.
Query parameters
- type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
- password: Returns the password in response body property Password.
- dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in response body property PrivateKey.
The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.
- passphrase: returns the DSS key passphrase in response body property Passphrase.
passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AliasID: int,
AliasName: string,
SystemID: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountID: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
Password: string,
PrivateKey: string,
Passphrase: string
Response codes
- 200 - Request successful. Account details and credentials in the response body.
- 403 - User does not have permissions to request credentials for the indicated alias or the account referenced by the alias does not have API access enabled.
- 4031 - User does not have permission to request credentials.
- 4034 - Request is not yet approved.
- 404 - Could not find the request to release. The specified request ID may have already been released or has expired.
Custom platforms
Administrators have the ability to to export the custom platform configuration data from a customer's on-premises Password Safe instance and import the configuration data into a Password Safe Cloud instance.
GET CustomPlatforms
Returns a list of platforms for managed systems.
Required permissions
Password Safe Configuration Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
Name : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: Platform ID.
- Name: Platform Name.
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
GET CustomPlatforms/{id}
Returns a custom platform by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Configuration Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the platform.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
Name : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: Platform ID.
- Name: Platform Name.
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
POST CustomPlatforms/Import
Imports a custom platform.
Required permissions
Password Safe Configuration Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
Request body
CustomPlatform : string
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformId : int,
Response body details
- PlatformId: The ID of the custom platform.
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
POST CustomPlatforms/{id}/Export
Exports a particular custom platform.
Required permissions
Password Safe Configuration Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the custom platform.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/xml
Response body details
The custom platform XML data is returned in the response..
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
Managed account credentials
PUT Workgroups/{workgroupName}/Assets/{assetName}/ManagedSystems/ManagedAccounts/{accountName}/Credentials
This API has been deprecated and is available for backwards compatibility only. Use PUT Credentials?workgroupName={workgroupName}&assetName={assetName}&accountName={accountName} instead.
Updates the credentials for a managed account by Workgroup name, asset name, and managed account name, optionally applying the change to the managed system.
Required permissions
One of the following is required:
- Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write)
- ISA Role or Credentials Manager Role on a Smart Rule referencing the account
URL parameters
- workgroupName: Name of the Workgroup.
- assetName: Name of the asset.
- accountName: Name of the managed account for which to set the credentials.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Password: string,
PublicKey: string,
PrivateKey: string,
Passphrase: string,
UpdateSystem: bool
Request body details
- Password: (optional) The new password to set. If not given, generates a new random password.
- PublicKey: (required if PrivateKey is given and updateSystem=true) The new public key to set on the host.
- PrivateKey: The private key to set (provide passphrase if encrypted).
- Passphrase: (optional) The passphrase to use for an encrypted private key.
- UpdateSystem: (default: true) Whether to update the credentials on the referenced system.
Response body
Response codes
204 - Request Successful. No Response Body.
GET Directories
Returns a list of directories.
Required permissions
One of: Password Safe System Management (Read), Password Safe Domain Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-type: application/json [
DirectoryID : int,
WorkgroupID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Directory in response body.
GET Directories/{id}
Returns a directory by ID.
Required permissions
One of: Password Safe System Management (Read), Password Safe Domain Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the directory.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
DirectoryID : int,
WorkgroupID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
POST Workgroups/{id}/Directories
Creates a new directory in the Workgroup referenced by ID.
Required permissions
One of: Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Password Safe Domain Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Workgroup.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Request body details
- PlatformID: (required) ID of the platform
- DomainName: (required) Name of the domain. Max string length is 128.
- ForestName: (required for Active Directory only, not applicable to LDAP) Name of the directory forest. Max string length is 64.
- NetBiosName: (required for Active Directory, optional for LDAP) NetBIOS name of the directory. Max string length is 15.
- UseSSL: (default: false) True to use an SSL connection, otherwise false.
- Port: (set automatically for Active Directory, optional for LDAP) The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform is LDAP, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- Description: (optional) Description of the directory. Max string length is 255.
- ContactEmail: Max string length is 1000.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AccountNameFormat: (Active Directory only, default: 0) Account Name format to use:
- 0: Domain and Account. Use ManagedAccount.DomainName\ManagedAccount.AccountName
- 1: UPN. Use the Managed Account UPN
- 2: SAM. Use the Managed Account SAM Account Name
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the functional account used for managed account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must match the PlatformID.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays)
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999, required if ChangeFrequencyType is xdays) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
DirectoryID : int,
WorkgroupID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Directory in response body.
PUT Directories/{id}
Updates an existing directory by ID.
Required permissions
One of: Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Password Safe Domain Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the directory.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
WorkgroupID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Request body details
- WorkgroupID: (required) ID of the Workgroup.
- PlatformID: (required) ID of the platform.
- DomainName: (required) Name of the domain. Max string length is 128.
- ForestName: (required for Active Directory only, not applicable to LDAP) Name of the directory forest. Max string length is 64..
- NetBiosName: (required for Active Directory, optional for LDAP) NetBIOS Name of the directory. Max string length is 15.
- UseSSL: (default: false) True to use an SSL connection, otherwise false.
- Port: (set automatically for Active Directory, optional for LDAP) The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform is LDAP, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- Description: (optional) Description of the directory. Max string length is 255.
- ContactEmail: Max string length is 1000.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AccountNameFormat: (Active Directory only, default: 0) Account name format to use:
- 0: Domain and Account. Use ManagedAccount.DomainName\ManagedAccount.AccountName
- 1: UPN. Use the Managed Account UPN
- 2: SAM. Use the Managed Account SAM Account Name
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the functional account used for managed account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must match the PlatformID.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays)
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999, required if ChangeFrequencyType is xdays) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
DirectoryID : int,
WorkgroupID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
ForestName : string,
NetBiosName : string,
UseSSL : bool,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
Description : string,
ContactEmail : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AccountNameFormat : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Directory in response body.
DELETE Directories
Deletes a directory by ID.
Required permissions
One of: Password Safe System Management (Read/Write), Password Safe Domain Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the directory.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
Oracle internet directories
GET OracleInternetDirectories
Returns a list of Oracle Internet Directories.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-type: application/json
OrganizationID : Guid,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : Guid,
Name : string,
Description : string,
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Oracle Internet Directories in response body.
GET OracleInternetDirectories/{id}
Returns an Oracle Internet Directory by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Oracle Internet Directory.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
OrganizationID : Guid,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : Guid,
Name : string,
Description : string,
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Oracle Internet Directory in response body.
GET Organizations/{id}/OracleInternetDirectories
Returns a list of Oracle Internet Directories by organization ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the organization.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
OrganizationID : Guid,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : Guid,
Name : string,
Description : string,
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Oracle Internet Directories in response body.
POST OracleInternetDirectories/{id}/Services/Query
Queries and returns DB Services for an Oracle Internet Directory by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Oracle Internet Directory.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Success : bool,
Message : string,
Services : [{
Name : string,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Oracle Internet Directory query result in response body.
POST OracleInternetDirectories/{id}/Test
Tests the connection to an Oracle Internet Directory by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Oracle Internet Directory.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Success : bool,
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Oracle Internet Directory test result in response body.
DSS key policies
DSS Key Policies are formerly known as DSS Key Rules but the API remains DSSKeyRules to be compatible with earlier versions.
Returns a list of DSS Key Rules.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
DSSKeyRuleID: int,
Name: string,
Description: string,
KeyType: string,
KeySize: int,
EncryptionType: char,
PasswordRuleID: int, // can be null
Response body details
- KeyType: (RSA, DSA) The type of key to generate.
- EncryptionType: The type of key encryption to use:
- A: Auto-managed passphrase, generated using the associated password rule (see PasswordRuleID).
- N: No encryption.
- PasswordRuleID: (given when EncryptionType is A) ID of the password rule used to auto-generate the passphrase for DSS key encryption.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. DSS Key Rules in the response body.
GET DSSKeyRules/{id}
Returns a DSS Key Rule by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the DSS Key Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
DSSKeyRuleID: int,
Name: string,
Description: string,
KeyType: string,
KeySize: int,
EncryptionType: char,
PasswordRuleID: int, // can be null
Response body details
- KeyType: The type of key to generate (RSA, DSA).
- EncryptionType: The type of key encryption to use:
- A: Auto-managed passphrase, generated using the associated password rule (see PasswordRuleID).
- N: No encryption.
- PasswordRuleID: (given when EncryptionType is A) ID of the password rule used to auto-generate the passphrase for DSS key encryption.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. DSS Key Rule in the response body.
Entity types
Entity types define the types of entities within Password Safe (for example, asset, database, directory, and cloud).
GET EntityTypes
Returns a list of entity types.
Required permissions
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
EntityTypeID: int,
Name: string,
Description: string,
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Entity types in the response body.
Functional accounts
GET FunctionalAccounts
Returns a list of functional accounts.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
FunctionalAccountID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DisplayName : string,
Description : string,
ElevationCommand : string,
SystemReferenceCount : int,
TenantID : string,
ObjectID : string,
AzureInstance : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: ID of the platform to which the account belongs.
- DomainName: Domain name of the account.
- AccountName: Name of the account (does not include domain name).
- DisplayName: The display name or alias for the account.
- Description: Description of the account.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command used for SSH connections (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- SystemReferenceCount: The count of managed systems that reference the functional account.
- TenantID: TenantID of the account (if applicable).
- ObjectID: ObjectID of the account (if applicable).
- AzureInstance: (optional)
- For an AzureAD functional account, the AzureInstance property will return either AzurePublic or AzureUsGovernment
- For a non-AzureAD functional account, the AzureInstance property will be an empty string ""
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Functional account in the response body.
GET FunctionalAccounts/{id}
Returns a functional account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the functional account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
FunctionalAccountID : int,
PlatformID: int, DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DisplayName : string,
Description : string,
ElevationCommand : string,
SystemReferenceCount : int,
TenantID : string,
ObjectID : string,
AzureInstance : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: ID of the platform to which the account belongs.
- DomainName: Domain name of the account.
- AccountName: Name of the account (does not include domain name).
- DisplayName: The display name or alias for the account.
- Description: Description of the account.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command used for SSH connections (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- SystemReferenceCount: The count of managed systems that reference the functional account.
- TenantID: TenantID of the account (if applicable).
- ObjectID: ObjectID of the account (if applicable).
- AzureInstance: (optional)
- For an AzureAD functional account, the AzureInstance property will return either AzurePublic or AzureUsGovernment
- For a non-AzureAD functional account, the AzureInstance property will be an empty string ""
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Functional Account in the response body.
POST FunctionalAccounts
Creates a functional account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DisplayName : string,
Password : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
Description : string,
ElevationCommand : string,
TenantID : string,
ObjectID : string,
Secret : string,
ServiceAccountEmail : string,
AzureInstance : string
Request body details
- PlatformID: (required) ID of the platform to which the account belongs.
- DomainName: (optional) Domain name of the account. Can be set if Platform.DomainNameFlag is true. Max string length is 500.
- AccountName: (required) Name of the account (do not include domain name). Max string length is 245.
- DisplayName: (optional) The display name or alias for the account. If not given, uses the AccountName. Must be unique for the platform. Max string length is 100.
- Password: (required when Platform.RequiresSecret is false) The current account password.
- PrivateKey: (optional) DSS private key. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- Passphrase: (required when PrivateKey is an encrypted DSS key) DSS passphrase. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- Description: (optional) Description of the account. Max string length is 1000.
- ElevationCommand: (optional) Elevation command to use for SSH connections. Can be set if Platform.SupportsElevationFlag is true (sudo, pbrun, pmrun). Max string length is 80.
- TenantID: string (required when Platform.RequiresTenantID is true). Max string length is 36.
- ObjectID: string (required when Platform.RequiresObjectID is true). Max string length is 36.
- Secret: string (required when Platform.RequiresSecret is true). Max string length is 255.
- ServiceAccountEmail: string (required for Google functional accounts). Max string length is 255.
- AzureInstance: string (optional) Default value is AzurePublic when Platform = AzureAD (only supports values of AzurePublic and AzureUsGovernment if a value is provided - null or empty values default to AzurePublic).
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
FunctionalAccountID : int,
PlatformID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DisplayName : string,
Description : string,
ElevationCommand : string,
SystemReferenceCount : int,
TenantID : string,
ObjectID : string,
AzureInstance : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: ID of the platform to which the account belongs.
- DomainName: Domain name of the account.
- AccountName: Name of the account (does not include domain name).
- DisplayName: The display name or alias for the account.
- Description: Description of the account.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command used for SSH connections (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- SystemReferenceCount: The count of managed systems that reference the functional account.
- TenantID: TenantID of the account (if applicable).
- ObjectID: ObjectID of the account (if applicable).
- AzureInstance: Default value is AzurePublic when Platform = AzureAD (supports values of AzurePublic and AzureUsGovernment only).
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Functional Account in the response body.
400 - Bad Request "Invalid Azure instance value"
DELETE FunctionalAccounts/{id}
Deletes a functional account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
Other requirements
The functional account cannot be referenced by any managed systems.
URL parameters
id: ID of the functional account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
ISA requests
The ISARequests endpoint is for Information Systems Administrator (ISA) role access.
POST ISARequests
Creates a new Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release request and returns the requested credentials.
Similar to POST Requests (AccessType=View) and GET Credentials in a single call.
Required roles
ISA Role to managed account referenced by ID.
Query parameters
- type: (optional, default: password) Type of credentials to retrieve.
- password: Returns the password in the response body.
- dsskey: Returns the DSS private key in the response body.
The key is returned in the state in which it was set. For example, an encrypted key is returned encrypted.
- passphrase: Returns the DSS key passphrase in the response body.
passphrase supported only for encrypted DSS keys.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
SystemID: int,
AccountID: int,
DurationMinutes: int, // can be null
Reason: string
Request body details
- SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
- DurationMinutes: (optional) The request duration (in minutes). If omitted, uses the value ManagedAccount.ISAReleaseDuration.
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
Response body
Credentials: string
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Credentials in the response body.
ISA sessions
The ISASessions endpoint is for Information Systems Administrator (ISA) role access.
POST ISASessions
Creates a new Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release request and returns the requested session.
Similar to POST Requests and POST Sessions in a single call.
Required roles
- ISA role to managed account referenced by ID.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
SessionType : string,
SystemID: int,
AccountID: int,
DurationMinutes : int, // can be null
ApplicationID: int, // can be null
Reason : string
Request body details
- SessionType: (required) The type of session to create.
- SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
- DurationMinutes: (optional) The request duration (in minutes). If omitted, uses the value ManagedAccount.ISAReleaseDuration.
- ApplicationID: (required when AccessType = App or AccessType = AppFile) ID of the application to request.
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
Response body (SSH or sshticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
TicketAtHost : string,
Link : string,
Command : string
Response body (RDP or rdpticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string
Response body (rdpfile or appfile)
RDP file as an attachment.
Response codes
201- Request successful. Session details or RDP file in the response body.
GET Sessions/{sessionId:int}/Keystrokes
Returns a list of keystrokes by session ID.
Required roles
Password Safe Auditor role, ISA role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
sessionId: ID of recorded RDP/SSH session.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
KeystrokeID: long,
SessionID: int,
TimeMarker: long,
Type: byte,
Data: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Keystrokes are in response body.
GET Keystrokes/{id:long}
Returns a keystroke by ID.
Required roles
Password Safe Auditor role, ISA role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
id: ID of a keystroke.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
KeystrokeID: long,
SessionID: int,
TimeMarker: long,
Type: byte ,
Data: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Keystroke in response body.
POST Keystrokes/Search
Search for keystrokes.
Required roles
Password Safe Auditor role, ISA role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Data: string,
Type: byte
Request body details
- Data: (required) Keyword(s) for which to search.
- Type: (default: 0) Type of keystrokes:
- 0: All
- 1: StdIn
- 2: StdOut
- 4: Window Event
- 5: User Event
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
KeystrokeID: long,
SessionID: int,
TimeMarker: long,
Type: byte,
Data: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Keystrokes are in response body.
Linked accounts
Linked accounts are Directory managed accounts that are linked to asset-based managed systems.
Directory accounts can be linked only to managed assets and managed databases.
GET ManagedSystems/{systemID}/LinkedAccounts
Returns a list of linked directory managed accounts by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
systemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (see ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 means unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (see IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Linked managed account in the response body.
POST ManagedSystems/{systemID}/LinkedAccounts/{accountID}
Links a directory managed account to the managed system referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- systemID: ID of the managed system.
- accountID: ID of the directory managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (see ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration:(minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
Response codes
- 200 - Account was already linked. Directory Managed Account in the response body.
- 201 - Account was linked successfully. Directory Managed Account in the response body.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{systemID}/LinkedAccounts
Unlinks all directory managed accounts from the managed system by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
systemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{systemID}/LinkedAccounts/{accountID}
Unlinks a directory managed account from the managed system by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- systemID: ID of the managed system.
- accountID: ID of the directory managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
Managed accounts
There are two different ways to interact with managed accounts:
- Role-based:Requestor, Requestor/Approver, or ISA role assigned for requesting access to a specific managed account.
- Permission-based: A user with appropriate Password Safe Account Management permission for provisioning accounts and viewing the definition of a managed account.
Role-based access
GET ManagedAccounts
When specifying a directory managed account name in the GET ManagedAccounts API call, the account name must be in the UPN or Domain\AccountName format, even if the option type=domainlinked is specified.
For example:
GET managedaccounts?accountname=domain\directoryAccount&type=domainlinked
type=domainlinked is not necessary in the example above.
type=domainlinked can be used to limit the returned results to domain accounts when an account name is not included in the call. type=domainlinked can also be useful when you want to exclude local accounts when specifying the systemname.
If a managed account name is not specified, then type=domainlinked can be used to get all the domain linked accounts that the logged-in user has access to.
Returns a list of managed accounts (or a single managed account depending on the query parameters provided) that can be requested by the current user.
Required roles
Requestor, Requestor/Approver, or ISA role.
Other requirements
Only managed accounts with the Enable for API Access setting enabled are returned.
Query parameters
- systemName: (optional) Name of the managed system.
- accountName: (optional) Name of the managed account.
- systemID: (optional) ID of the Managed System.
- workgroupName: (optional) Name of the Workgroup.
- applicationDisplayName: (optional, when given, type must be application) Display name of the application.
- ipAddress: (optional, when given type must be one of system, domainlinked, or database) IP Address of the managed asset.
- type: (optional/recommended) Type of the managed account to return.
- system: Returns local accounts.
- recent: Returns recently used accounts.
- domainlinked: Returns domain accounts linked to systems.
- database: Returns database accounts.
- cloud: Returns cloud system accounts.
- application: Returns application accounts
- limit: (optional) (default: 1000) Number of records to return
- offset: (optional) (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning records
Request body
Response body (when both systemName or systemID, and accountName are given)
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
SystemId : int,
SystemName : string,
DomainName : string,
AccountId : int,
AccountName : string,
InstanceName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
ApplicationID : int,
ApplicationDisplayName : string,
DefaultReleaseDuration : int,
MaximumReleaseDuration : int,
LastChangeDate : datetime,
NextChangeDate : datetime,
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
IsISAAccess : bool,
PreferredNodeID : string,
AccountDescription : string
Response body (all other combinations of query parameters)
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
SystemId : int,
SystemName : string,
DomainName : string,
AccountId : int,
AccountName : string,
InstanceName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
ApplicationID : int,
ApplicationDisplayName : string,
DefaultReleaseDuration : int,
MaximumReleaseDuration : int,
LastChangeDate : datetime,
NextChangeDate : datetime,
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
IsISAAccess : bool,
PreferredNodeID : string,
AccountDescription : string
Response body details
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- SystemId: ID of the managed system.
- SystemName: Name of the managed system.
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountId: ID of the managed account.
- AccountName: Name of the managed account.
- InstanceName: Database instance name of a database-type managed system, or empty for the default instance.
- UserPrincipalName: User Principal Name of the managed account.
- ApplicationID: ID of the application for application-based access.
- ApplicationDisplayName: Display name of the application for application-based access.
- DefaultReleaseDuration (minutes): Default release duration.
- MaximumReleaseDuration (minutes): Maximum release duration.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- IsISAAccess: True if the account is for Information Systems Administrator (ISA) access, otherwise false.
If true, credential access is through POST ISARequests and session access is through POST ISASessions.
If false, credential access is through POST Requests and GET Credentials; session access is through POST Requests and POST Sessions.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- PreferredNodeID: ID of the node that is preferred for establishing sessions. If no node is preferred, returns the local node ID.
- AccountDescription: The Managed Account description.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Requestable Account(s) in the response body.
GET ManagedAccounts?systemName={systemName}&accountName={accountName}
This API has had optional query parameters added to better isolate specific results as needed in specific applications while using GET ManagedAccounts.
GET ManagedAccounts/{id}
Returns a managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
IsChanging: bool
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials: bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
ObjectID : string
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- UserPrincipalName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account user principal name of an Active Directory account.
- SAMAccountName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account SAM account name of an Active Directory account.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, default: 1) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account. A value of zero denotes unlimited requests.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / No change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / Managed Account Credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / Managed Account Credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- UseOwnCredentials: True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
- ObjectID: (required when Platform.RequiresObjectID is true). ObjectID of the account (if applicable).
Response code
200 - Request successful. Managed Account in the response body.
GET ManagedSystems/{systemID}/ManagedAccounts
Returns a list of managed accounts by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
systemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- UserPrincipalName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account user principal name of an Active Directory account.
- SAMAccountName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account SAM account name of an Active Directory account.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, default: 1) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account. A value of zero denotes unlimited requests.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed Account in the response body.
GET ManagedSystems/{systemID}/ManagedAccounts?name={name}
Returns a managed account by managed system ID and managed account name.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
systemID: ID of the managed system.
Query parameters
name: Name of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
IsChanging: bool
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials: bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- UserPrincipalName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account user principal name of an Active Directory account.
- SAMAccountName: (Active Directory managed systems only) The account SAM account name of an Active Directory account.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, default: 1) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account. A value of zero denotes unlimited requests.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / No change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / Managed Account Credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / Managed Account Credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- UseOwnCredentials: True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed Account in the response body.
PUT ManagedAccounts/{id}
Updates an existing managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- id: ID of the managed account.
- version: (optional, default: 3.0) Request body model version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5).
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
ManagedSystemID: int,
Password : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool
Request body (version 3.2)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool
Request body (version 3.3)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
Request body (version 3.4)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null,
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Request body (version 3.5)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null,
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
ObjectID : string
Request body details
- AccountName: (required) The name of the account. Must be unique on the system. Max string length is 245.
- ManagedSystemID: (required) ID of the managed system.
- Password: (required if AutoManagementFlag is false) The account password.
- DomainName: (optional) This can be given but it must be exactly the same as the directory. If empty or null, it is automatically populated from the parent managed system/directory. Max string length is 50.
- UserPrincipalName: (required for Active Directory managed systems only) The Active Directory user principal name. Max string length is 500.
- SAMAccountName: (required for Active Directory managed systems only) The Active Directory SAM account name (maximum 20 characters). Max string length is 20.
- DistinguishedName: (required for LDAP Directory managed systems only) The LDAP distinguished name. Max string length is 1000.
- PrivateKey: DSS private key. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- Passphrase: (required when PrivateKey is an encrypted DSS key) DSS passphrase. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: (default: false) True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false. Can be set when the ManagedSystem.LoginAccountID is set.
- Description: A description of the account. Max string length is 1024.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: (default: false) True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account. Max string length is 255.
- ChangeServicesFlag: (default: false) True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: (default: false) True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: (default: false) True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited, default: 1) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. If set to true, and no PrivateKey is provided, immediately attempts to generate and set a new public key on the server. Can be set if Platform.DSSAutoManagementFlag is true.
- CheckPasswordFlag: (default: false) True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: (default: false) True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: (default: false) True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- NextChangeDate: (date format: YYYY-MM-DD) UTC date when next scheduled password change occurs. If the NextChangeDate + ChangeTime is in the past, password change occurs at the nearest future ChangeTime.
- UseOwnCredentials: (version 3.1+) True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- ChangeIISAppPoolFlag: (version 3.2 only) True if IIS Application Pools run, as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartIISAppPoolFlag: (version 3.2 only) True if IIS Application Pools should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeIISAppPoolFlag), otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
- ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag: (default: false) True if Windows Auto Logon should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeComPlusFlag: (default: false) True if COM+ Apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeDComFlag: (default: false) True if DCOM Apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeSComFlag: (default: false) True if SCOM Identities should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ObjectID: (required when Platform.RequiresObjectID is true). ObjectID of the account (if applicable). Max string length is 36.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
ObjectID : string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed Account in the response body.
POST ManagedSystems/{systemID}/ManagedAccounts
Creates a new managed account in the managed system referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
systemID: ID of the managed system.
Query parameters
version: (optional, default: 3.0) Request body model version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5).
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool
Request body (version 3.2)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool
Request body (version 3.3)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
Request body (version 3.4)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null,
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Request body (version 3.5)
Content-Type: application/json
AccountName : string,
Password : string,
DomainName : string,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PrivateKey : string,
Passphrase : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
NextChangeDate : date-formatted string,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null,
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
ObjectID : string
Request body details
- AccountName: (required) The name of the account. Must be unique on the system. Max string length is 245.
- Password: (required if AutoManagementFlag is false) The account password.
- DomainName: (optional) This can be given but it must be exactly the same as the directory. If empty or null, it is automatically populated from the parent managed system/directory. Max string length is 50.
- UserPrincipalName: (required for Active Directory and Entra ID managed systems only) The Active Directory user principal name. Max string length is 500.
- SAMAccountName: (required for Active Directory managed systems, optional for Entra ID managed systems) The Active Directory SAM account name (Maximum 20 characters). Max string length is 20.
- DistinguishedName: (required for LDAP Directory managed systems only) The LDAP distinguished name. Max string length is 1000.
- PrivateKey: DSS private key. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- Passphrase: (required when PrivateKey is an encrypted DSS key) DSS passphrase. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: (default: false) True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false. Can be set when the ManagedSystem.LoginAccountID is set.
- Description: A description of the account. Max string length is 1024.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: (default: false) True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account. Max string length is 255.
- ChangeServicesFlag: (default: false) True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: (default: false) True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: (default: false) True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited, default: 1) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. If set to true, and no PrivateKey is provided, immediately attempts to generate and set a new public key on the server. Can be set if Platform.DSSAutoManagementFlag is true.
- CheckPasswordFlag: (default: false) True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: (default: false) True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: (default: false) True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- NextChangeDate: (date format: YYYY-MM-DD) UTC date when next scheduled password change occurs. If the NextChangeDate + ChangeTime is in the past, password change occurs at the nearest future ChangeTime.
- UseOwnCredentials: (version 3.1+) True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- ChangeIISAppPoolFlag: (version 3.2 only) True if IIS application pools run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartIISAppPoolFlag: (version 3.2 only) True if IIS application pools should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeIISAppPoolFlag), otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
- ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag: (default: false) True if Windows Auto Logon should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeComPlusFlag: (default: false) True if COM+ Apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeDComFlag: (default: false) True if DCOM Apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeSComFlag: (default: false) True if SCOM Identities should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ObjectID: (required when Platform.RequiresObjectID is true). ObjectID of the account (if applicable). Max string length is 36.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
UserPrincipalName : string,
SAMAccountName : string,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
ObjectID : string
Response body details
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- UserPrincipalName: (Active Directory and Entra ID managed systems only) The account user principal name of an Active Directory account.
- SAMAccountName: (Active Directory managed systems, optional for Entra ID managed systems) The account SAM account name of an Active Directory account.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 means unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account, this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- UseOwnCredentials: True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- ChangeIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools should be restarted after the run as password is changed, otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
- ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag: True if Windows auto logon should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeComPlusFlag: True if COM+ apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeDComFlag: True if DCOM apps should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ChangeSComFlag: True if SCOM identities should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ObjectID: ObjectID of the account (if applicable).
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Managed Account in the response body.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{id}
Deletes a managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{systemID}/ManagedAccounts/{accountName}
Deletes a managed account by managed system ID and managed account name.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- systemID: ID of the managed system.
- accountName: Name of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{id}/ManagedAccounts
Deletes all managed accounts on the managed system by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- id: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
PUT ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Credentials
Updates the credentials for a managed account, optionally applying the change to the managed system.
Required permissions
Requires one of the following:
- Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
- ISA Role or Credentials Manager Role on a Smart Rule referencing the account.
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account for which to set the credentials.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Password: string,
PublicKey: string,
PrivateKey: string,
Passphrase: string,
UpdateSystem: bool
Request body details
- Password: (optional) The new password to set. If not given, generates a new random password.
- PublicKey: (required if PrivateKey is given and updateSystem = true) The new public key to set on the host.
- PrivateKey: The private key to set (provide passphrase if encrypted).
- Passphrase: (optional) The passphrase to use for an encrypted private key.
- UpdateSystem: (default: true) Whether to update the credentials on the referenced system.
Response body
Response codes
204 - Request successful. No content in body.
PUT Credentials?workgroupName={workgroupName}&assetName={assetName}&accountName={accountName}
Updates the credentials for a managed account by Workgroup name, asset name, and managed account name, optionally applying the change to the managed system.
Required permissions
Requires one of the following:
- Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
- ISA Role or Credentials Manager Role on a Smart Rule referencing the account.
Query parameters
- workgroupName: Name of the Workgroup.
- assetName: Name of the asset.
- accountName: Name of the managed account for which to set the credentials.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Password: string,
PublicKey: string,
PrivateKey: string,
Passphrase: string,
UpdateSystem: bool
Request body details
- Password: (optional) The new password to set. If not given, generates a new random password.
- PublicKey: (required if PrivateKey is given and updateSystem = true) The new public key to set on the host.
- PrivateKey: The private key to set (provide passphrase if encrypted).
- Passphrase: (optional) The passphrase to use for an encrypted private key.
- UpdateSystem: (default: true) Whether to update the credentials on the referenced system.
Response body
Response codes
204 - Request Successful. No Response Body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Credentials/Test
Tests the current credentials of a managed account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
Success : bool
Response body details
Success: True if the credential test succeeded, otherwise false.
Response codes
200 - Request Successful.
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Credentials/Change
Changes the current credentials of a managed account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body (optional)
Content-Type: application/json
Queue : bool
Request body details
Queue: (default: false) True to queue the change for background processing, otherwise false. When Queue is false the credentials change is immediate.
Response body
Response codes
204 - Request successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedSystems/{systemId}/ManagedAccounts/Credentials/Change
Queues credentials' changes for all active managed accounts for a managed system.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
systemId: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 - Request successful. No content in body.
Quick rule managed accounts
GET QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
Returns a list of managed accounts by Quick Rule ID.
Required permissions
Read access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- UseOwnCredentials: True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- ChangeIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools should be restarted after the run as password is changed, otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Accounts in the response body.
PUT QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
Updates the entire list of managed accounts in a Quick Rule by removing all Managed Account Fields - Quick Group ID filters and adding a new one with the managed accounts referenced by ID.
Required permissions
- Password Safe Account Management (Read).
- Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccountIDs: [ int, …]
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate: datetime, // can be null
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- UseOwnCredentials: True if the current account credentials should be used during change operations, otherwise false.
- ChangeIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartIISAppPoolFlag: True if IIS application pools should be restarted after the run as password is changed, otherwise false.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Accounts in the response body.
POST QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts/{accountID}
Adds the managed account referenced by ID to the Quick Rule by adding it to the first Managed Account Fields - Quick Group ID filter found.
Required permissions
- Password Safe Account Management (Read).
- Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
- quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
- accountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 means unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Accounts in the response body.
DELETE QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts/{accountID}
Removes the managed account referenced by ID from the Quick Rule by removing it from all Managed Account Fields - Quick Group ID filters found.
A rule cannot be left in an invalid state. If removing the account would result in an empty filter, the filter itself will be removed. If there are no filters left in the rule, a "400 Bad Request" is returned.
- If you intend to replace all accounts in the rule, see PUT QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts.
- If you intend to delete the rule, see DELETE QuickRules/{id}.
Required permissions
- Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
- quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
- accountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
Smart Rule managed accounts
GET SmartRules/{smartRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
Returns a list of managed accounts by Smart Rule ID.
Required permissions
Read access to the Smart Rule.
URL parameters
smartRuleID: ID of the Smart Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ChangeTasksFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDat e: datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int // can be null
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ChangeTasksFlag: True if scheduled tasks run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 means unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / No change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / Managed Account Credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / Managed Account Credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
- WorkgroupID: ID of the assigned Workgroup.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed Accounts in the response body.
Managed account applications
GET ManagedAccounts/{accountID}/Applications
Returns a list of applications assigned to a managed account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
accountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ApplicationID : int,
Name : string,
DisplayName : string,
Version : string,
Command : string,
Parameters : string,
Publisher : string,
ApplicationType : string,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int, // can be null
IsActive : bool,
SmartRuleID : int // can be null
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Applications in response body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{accountID}/Applications/{applicationID}
Assigns an application to a managed account.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- accountID: ID of the managed account.
- applicationID: ID of the application.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ApplicationID : int,
Name : string,
DisplayName : string,
Version : string,
Command : string,
Parameters : string,
Publisher : string,
ApplicationType : string,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int, // can be null
IsActive : bool,
SmartRuleID : int // can be null
Response codes
201 - Request successful. Application in response body.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{accountID}/Applications/{applicationID}
Unassigns an application from a managed account by managed account ID and application ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- accountID: ID of the managed account.
- applicationID: ID of the application.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{accountID}/Applications
Unassigns all managed account applications by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- accountID: ID of the managed account.
- applicationID: ID of the application.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
Managed systems
GET ManagedSystems
Returns a list of managed systems.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Query parameters (optional)
- type: The entity type of the managed system.
- name: The name of the managed system.
- limit: (default: 100000) Number of records to return.
- offset: (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning records (can only be used in conjunction with limit).
Request body
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body (when limit is given)
Content-Type: application/json
TotalCount : int,
Data : [{
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed system in response body.
GET ManagedSystems/{id}
Returns a managed system by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
GET Assets/{assetId}/ManagedSystems
Returns a managed system for the asset referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
assetId: ID of the asset.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
GET Databases/{databaseID}/ManagedSystems
Returns a managed system for the database referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
databaseID: ID of the database.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
GET FunctionalAccounts/{id}/ManagedSystems
Returns a list of managed systems auto-managed by the functional account referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the functional account.
Query parameters (optional)
- type: The entity type of the managed system.
- name: The name of the managed system.
- limit: (default: 100000) Number of records to return.
- offset: (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning records (can only be used in conjunction with limit).
Request body
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body (when limit is given)
Content-Type: application/json
TotalCount : int,
Data : [{
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
GET Workgroups/{id}/ManagedSystems
Returns a list of managed systems by Workgroup ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Workgroup.
Query parameters (optional)
- limit: (default: 100000) Number of records to return.
- offset: (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning records (can be used only in conjunction with limit).
Request body
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool
AccessURL : string
Response body (when limit is given)
Content-Type: application/json
TotalCount : int,
Data :
WorkgroupID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID: int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
PUT ManagedSystems/{id}
Updates an existing managed system by ID.
PUT ManagedSystems/{id} supports all managed system types: dynamic asset, static asset, dynamic database, static database, directory, and cloud.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed system.
Query parameters
Version: (optional, default: 3.0) Request body model version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.2)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.3)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Request body details
- WorkgroupID: ID of the Workgroup.
- HostName: (required) Name of the host (applies to Static Asset, Static Database, Directory, Cloud). Max string length is 128 characters.
- Static Asset: Asset Name.
- Static Database: Database Host Name.
- Directory: Directory/Domain Name.
- Cloud: Cloud System Name.
- IPAddress: IPv4 address of the host (applies to Static Asset, Static Database).
- DnsName: DNS name of the host (applies to Static Asset, Static Database).
- InstanceName: Name of the database instance. Required when IsDefaultInstance is false (applies to Static Database only).
- IsDefaultInstance: True if the database instance is the default instance, otherwise false. Only Platforms MS SQL Server and MySQL support setting this value to true (applies to Static Database only).
- Template: The database connection template (applies to Static Database only).
- ForestName: Name of the Directory Forest (applies to Directory only).
- UseSSL (default: false) True to use an SSL connection, otherwise false (applies to Directory only).
- PlatformID: (required) ID of the Managed System Platform.
- NetBiosName: The NetBIOS name of the host. Can be set if Platform.NetBiosNameFlag is true.
- Port: (optional) The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: (default: 0/None) Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto - Auto Accept Initial Key.
- 2: Strict - Manually Accept Keys.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default Password Rule assigned to Managed Accounts created under this Managed System.
- DSSKeyRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default DSS Key Rule assigned to Managed Accounts created under this Managed System. Can be set when Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- LoginAccountID: (optional) ID of the Functional Account used for SSH Session logins. Can be set if the Platform.LoginAccountFlag is true.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the Functional Account used for local Managed Account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must either match the ManagedSystem.PlatformID or be a Directory Platform (AD, LDAP).
- ElevationCommand: (optional) Elevation Command to use. Can be set if Platform.SupportsElevationFlag is true.
- sudo
- pbrun
- pmrun
- sudo
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- RemoteClientType: (default: none) The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: (default: null, required when Platform.RequiresApplicationHost = true) Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: (default: false) True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: (default: Default URL for the selected platform) The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only). Max string length is 2048.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID: int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
POST Assets/{assetId}/ManagedSystems
Creates a managed system for the asset referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
assetId: ID of the asset.
Query parameters
Version: (optional, default: 3.0) Request body model version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2)
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string
Request body (version 3.2)
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool
Request body details
- PlatformID:(required) ID of the managed system platform.
- ContactEmail: Max string length is 1000.
- Description: Max string length is 255.
- Port: (optional) The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: (default: 0/None) Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system. Can be set when Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- LoginAccountID: (optional) ID of the functional account used for SSH Session logins. Can be set if the Platform.LoginAccountFlag is true.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must either match the ManagedSystem.PlatformID or be a domain platform (AD, LDAP).
- ElevationCommand: (optional) Elevation command to use. Can be set if Platform.SupportsElevationFlag is true (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999, required if ChangeFrequencyType is xdays) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: (default: null, required when Platform.RequiresApplicationHost = true) Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: (default: false) true if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be nullIs
ApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
- 200 - Request successful - Asset was already managed. Managed System in response body.
- 201 - Request successful - Asset is now managed. Managed System in response body.
POST Databases/{databaseID}/ManagedSystems
Creates a managed system for the database referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
databaseID: ID of the database.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Timeout : short,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
Request body details
- ContactEmail: Max string length is 1000.
- Description: Max string length is 255.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must either match the ManagedSystem.PlatformID or be a domain platform (AD, LDAP).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: (default: first) The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999, required if ChangeFrequencyType is xdays) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59, default: 23:30) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID: int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be nullIs
ApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
- 200 - Request successful - Asset was already managed. Managed System in response body.
- 201 - Request successful - Asset is now managed. Managed System in response body.
POST Workgroups/{id}/ManagedSystems
Creates a managed system in the Workgroup referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the Workgroup.
version: (optional, default: 3.0) Request body model version (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3).
Request body (version 3.0)
Content-Type: application/json
EntityTypeID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.1)
Content-Type: application/json
EntityTypeID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.2)
Content-Type: application/json
EntityTypeID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
RemoteClientType : string,
AccessURL : string
Request body (version 3.3)
Content-Type: application/json
EntityTypeID : int,
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Request body details
- EntityTypeID: (required) Type of entity being created.
- HostName: (required) Name of the host (applies to static asset, static database, directory, cloud). Max string length is 128 characters.
- Static Asset: Asset name.
- Static Database: Database host name.
- Directory: Directory/domain name.
- Cloud: Cloud system name.
- IPAddress: IPv4 address of the host (applies to static asset, static database). Max string length is 45.
- DnsName: DNS name of the host (applies to static asset, static database). Max string length is 255.
- InstanceName: Name of the database instance. Required when IsDefaultInstance is false (applies to static database only). Max string length is 100.
- IsDefaultInstance: True if the database instance is the default instance, otherwise false. Only platforms MS SQL Server and MySQL support setting this value to true (applies to static database only).
- Template: The database connection template (applies to static database only).
- ForestName: Name of the directory forest (required for Active Directory; optional for Entra ID). Max string length is 64.
- UseSSL (default: false) True to use an SSL connection, otherwise false (applies to directory only).
- PlatformID: (required) ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: The NetBIOS name of the host. Can be set if Platform.NetBiosNameFlag is true. Max string length is 15.
- ContactEmail: Max string length is 1000.
- Description: Max string length is 255.
- Port: (optional) The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds, default: 30) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: (default: 0/None) Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: (default: 0) ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system. Can be set when Platform.DSSFlag is true.
- LoginAccountID: (optional) ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins. Can be set if the Platform.LoginAccountFlag is true.
- AccountNameFormat: (Active Directory only, default: 0) Account name format to use:
- 0: Domain and account. Use ManagedAccount.DomainName\ManagedAccount.AccountName.
- 1: UPN. Use the managed account UPN.
- 2: SAM. Use the managed account SAM account name.
- OracleInternetDirectoryID: The Oracle Internet Directory ID (applies to database entity types and Oracle platform only).
- OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName: (required when OracleInternetDirectoryID is set) The database service name related to the given OracleInternetDirectoryID (applies to database entity types and Oracle platform only). Max string length is 200.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600, default: 120) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: (default: false) True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false. Can be set if Platform.AutoManagementFlag is true.
- FunctionalAccountID: (required if AutoManagementFlag is true) ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes. FunctionalAccount.PlatformID must either match the ManagedSystem.PlatformID or be a directory platform (AD, LDAP).
- ElevationCommand: (optional) Elevation command to use. Can be set if Platform.SupportsElevationFlag is true.
- sudo
- pbrun
- pmrun
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ApplicationHostID: (default: null, required when Platform.RequiresApplicationHost = true) Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system where IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: (default: false) true if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- RemoteClientType: (default: None) The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- AccessURL: (default: default URL for the selected platform) The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only). Max string length is 2048.
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
HostName : string,
IPAddress : string,
DnsName : string,
InstanceName : string,
IsDefaultInstance : bool, // can be null
Template : string,
ForestName : string,
UseSSL : bool, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body details
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
- AssetD: Asset ID; set if the managed system is an asset or a database.
- DatabaseID: Database ID; set if the managed system is a database.
- DirectoryID: Directory ID; set if the managed system is a directory.
- CloudID: Cloud system ID; set if the managed system is a cloud system.
- SystemName: Name of the related entity (asset, directory, database, or cloud).
- PlatformID: ID of the managed system platform.
- NetBiosName: (Managed domains only) Domain NetBIOS name. Setting this value will allow Password Safe to fall back to the NetBIOS name if needed.
- Port: The port used to connect to the host. If null and the related Platform.PortFlag is true, Password Safe uses Platform.DefaultPort for communication.
- Timeout: (seconds) Connection timeout. Length of time in seconds before a slow or unresponsive connection to the system fails.
- SshKeyEnforcementMode: Enforcement mode for SSH host keys.
- 0: None.
- 1: Auto. Auto accept initial key.
- 2: Strict. Manually accept keys.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the default password rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- DSSKeyRuleID: ID of the default DSS key rule assigned to managed accounts created under this managed system.
- LoginAccountID: ID of the functional account used for SSH session logins.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- FunctionalAccountID: ID of the functional account used for local managed account password changes.
- ElevationCommand: Elevation command to use (sudo, pbrun, pmrun).
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (see ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-90) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- RemoteClientType: The type of remote client to use.
- None: No remote client.
- EPM: Endpoint Privilege Management.
- ApplicationHostID: Managed system ID of the target application host. Must be an ID of a managed system whose IsApplicationHost = true.
- IsApplicationHost: True if the managed system can be used as an application host, otherwise false. Can be set when the Platform.ApplicationHostFlag = true, and cannot be set when ApplicationHostID has a value.
- AccessURL: The URL used for cloud access (applies to cloud systems only).
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed System in response body.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{id}
Deletes a managed system by ID.
DELETE ManagedSystems/{id} supports all managed system types: dynamic asset, static asset, dynamic database, static database, directory, and cloud.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
Quick rule managed systems
GET QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedSystems
Returns a list of managed systems by Quick Rule ID.
Required permissions
Read access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Systems in the response body.
PUT QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedSystems
Updates the entire list of Managed Systems in a Quick Rule by removing all Managed System - Quick Rule filters and adding a new one with the Managed Systems referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
IDs: [ int, …]
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Systems in the response body.
POST QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedSystems/{systemID}
Adds the Managed System referenced by ID to the Quick Rule by adding it to the first Managed System - Quick Rule filter found.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
systemID: ID of the Managed System.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
WorkgroupID : int
HostName : string
IPAddress : string
DNSName : string
InstanceName : string
IsDefaultInstance : bool // can be null
Template : string
ForestName : string
UseSSL : bool // can be null
ManagedSystemID : int,
EntityTypeID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
Timeout : short,
PlatformID: int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
AccountNameFormat : int,
OracleInternetDirectoryID : guid, // can be null
OracleInternetDirectoryServiceName : string,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Managed Systems in the response body.
DELETE QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedSystems/{systemID}
Removes the Managed System referenced by ID from the Quick Rule by removing it from all Managed System - Quick Rule filters found.
A rule cannot be left in an invalid state. If removing the system would result in an empty filter, the filter itself will be removed. If there are no filters left in the rule, a "400 Bad Request" is returned.
- If you intend to replace all systems in the rule, see PUT QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
- If you intend to delete the rule, see DELETE QuickRules/{id}
Required permissions
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule.
URL parameters
quickRuleID: ID of the Quick Rule.
systemID: ID of the Managed System.
Request body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
Smart Rule managed systems
GET SmartRules/{id}/ManagedSystems
Returns a list of managed systems by Smart Rule ID.
Required permissions
- Read access to the Smart Rule referenced by ID.
URL parameters
id: ID of the Smart Rule.
Query parameters (optional)
- limit: (default: 100000) Number of records to return.
- offset: (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning records (can be used only in conjunction with limit).
Request body
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedSystemID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
SshKeyEnforcementMode : int, // can be null
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response body (when limit is given)
Content-Type: application/json
TotalCount : int,
Data :
ManagedSystemID : int,
AssetID : int, // can be null
DatabaseID : int, // can be null
DirectoryID : int, // can be null
CloudID : int, // can be null
SystemName : string,
PlatformID : int,
NetBiosName : string,
ContactEmail : string,
Description : string,
Port : int, // can be null
Timeout : short,
PasswordRuleID : int,
DSSKeyRuleID : int, // can be null
LoginAccountID : int, // can be null
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
FunctionalAccountID : int, // can be null
ElevationCommand : string, // can be null
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
RemoteClientType : string,
ApplicationHostID : int, // can be null
IsApplicationHost : bool,
AccessURL : string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Managed Systems in response body.
Nodes represent the session monitoring agent nodes that can be used for establishing sessions.
GET nodes
Returns a list of session monitoring agent nodes.
Query parameters
includeInactive: (optional, default: false) True to return all nodes including nodes that are inactive, otherwise False.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
NodeID: string,
HostName: string,
DisplayName: string,
LastHeartbeat: DateTime, // can be null
IsActive: bool,
Response body details
- NodeID: Node unique ID.
- HostName: Node host name.
- DisplayName: Node display name.
- LastHeartbeat: The date and time of the last session monitoring agent heartbeat from this node.
- IsActive: True if the session monitoring agent is considered active and running, otherwise false.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Nodes in the response body.
Password policies
Password policies are formerly known as password rules but the API remains PasswordRules to be compatible with earlier versions.
GET PasswordRules
Returns a list of password rules.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PasswordRuleID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
MinimumLength : int,
MaximumLength : int,
FirstCharacterRequirement : char,
LowercaseRequirement : char,
UppercaseRequirement : char,
NumericRequirement : char,
SymbolRequirement : char,
ValidLowercaseCharacters : char[],
ValidUppercaseCharacters : char[],
ValidSymbols : char[],
EnabledProducts : int
Response body details
- FirstCharacterRequirement: The first character of the password must be:
- C: Characters (alpha) only.
- N: Numeric permitted, in addition to alpha characters.
- A: Any character permitted.
- LowercaseRequirement: Lowercase character requirements:
- UppercaseRequirement: Uppercase character requirements:
- NumericRequirement: Numeric requirements:
- SymbolRequirement: Symbol requirements:
- N: Not permitted.
- P: Permitted, not required.
- R: Required.
- EnabledProducts: The type of products to return:
- 1: Password Safe.
- 2: Secrets Safe.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Password Rules in the response body.
400 - Enabled product not valid.
GET PasswordRules?enabledproducts={productName}
Returns a list of password rules, with an optional parameter to return polices enabled for Password Safe or Secrets Safe.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
Query parameters
{string} The product name to select polices enabled for Password Safe or Secrets Safe:
- 1: PasswordSafe
- 2: SecretsSafe
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PasswordRuleID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
MinimumLength : int,
MaximumLength : int,
FirstCharacterRequirement : char,
LowercaseRequirement : char,
UppercaseRequirement : char,
NumericRequirement : char,
SymbolRequirement : char,
ValidLowercaseCharacters : char[],
ValidUppercaseCharacters : char[],
ValidSymbols : char[],
EnabledProducts : int
Response body details
- FirstCharacterRequirement: The first character of the password must be:
- C: Characters (alpha) only.
- N: Numeric permitted, in addition to alpha characters.
- A: Any character permitted.
- LowercaseRequirement: Lowercase character requirements:
- UppercaseRequirement: Uppercase character requirements:
- NumericRequirement: Numeric requirements:
- SymbolRequirement: Symbol requirements:
- N: Not permitted.
- P: Permitted, not required.
- R: Required.
- EnabledProducts: The type of products to return:
- 1: Password Safe.
- 2: Secrets Safe.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Password Rules in the response body.
400 - Enabled product not valid.
GET PasswordRules/{id}
Returns a password rule by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe System Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the password rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PasswordRuleID: int,
Name: string,
Description: string,
MinimumLength: int,
MaximumLength: int,
FirstCharacterRequirement: char,
LowercaseRequirement: char,
UppercaseRequirement: char,
NumericRequirement: char,
SymbolRequirement: char,
ValidLowercaseCharacters: char[],
ValidUppercaseCharacters: char[],
ValidSymbols: char[],
EnabledProducts : int
Response body details
- FirstCharacterRequirement: The first character of the password must be:
- C: Characters (alpha) only.
- N: Numeric permitted, in addition to alpha characters.
- A: Any character permitted.
- LowercaseRequirement: Lowercase character requirements:
- UppercaseRequirement: Uppercase character requirements:
- NumericRequirement: Numeric requirements:
- SymbolRequirement: Symbol requirements:
- N: Not permitted.
- P: Permitted, not required.
- R: Required.
- EnabledProducts: The type of products to return:
- 1: Password Safe.
- 2: Secrets Safe.
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Password rules in the response body.
400 - Enabled product not valid.
GET Platforms
Returns a list of platforms for managed systems.
Required permissions
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
Name : string,
ShortName : string,
PortFlag : bool,
DefaultPort : int, // can be null
SupportsElevationFlag : bool,
DomainNameFlag : bool,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
ManageableFlag : bool,
DSSFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
DefaultSessionType : string // can be null,
ApplicationHostFlag : bool,
RequiresApplicationHost : bool,
RequiresTenantID : bool,
RequiresObjectID : bool,
RequiresSecret : bool
Response body details
- PlatformID: Platform ID.
- Name: Platform name.
- ShortName: Platform short name.
- PortFlag: True if the platform supports setting a port, otherwise false.
- DefaultPort: The default port used when no port is given for managed systems of this platform.
- DomainNameFlag: True if the platform supports setting a domain name on a functional account of this platform, otherwise false.
- SupportsElevationFlag: True if the platform supports elevation, otherwise false.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports password auto-management, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports DSS key auto-management, otherwise false.
- ManageableFlag: True if functional accounts can be created for the platform, otherwise false.
- DSSFlag: True if the platform supports DSS keys, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the platform supports SSH login accounts, otherwise false.
- DefaultSessionType: The default type of session for the platform (RDP, SSH, or null).
- ApplicationHostFlag: true if the platform supports being used as a managed system application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresApplicationHost: true if the platform requires a target application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresTenantID: true if the platform requires a TenantID.
- RequiresObjectID: true if the platform requires an ObjectID.
- RequiresSecret: true if the platform requires a secret.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Platforms in response body.
GET Platforms/{id}
Returns a platform by ID for managed systems.
Required permissions
URL parameters
id: ID of the platform.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
Name : string,
ShortName : string,
PortFlag : bool,
DefaultPort: int, // can be null
SupportsElevationFlag : bool,
DomainNameFlag: bool,
AutoManagementFlag: bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag: bool,
ManageableFlag: bool,
DSSFlag: bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
DefaultSessionType: string // can be null,
ApplicationHostFlag : bool,
RequiresApplicationHost : bool,
RequiresTenantID : bool,
RequiresObjectID : bool,
RequiresSecret : bool
Response body details
- PlatformID: Platform ID.
- Name: Platform name.
- ShortName: Platform short name.
- PortFlag: True if the platform supports setting a port, otherwise false.
- DefaultPort: The default port used when no port is given for managed systems of this platform.
- DomainNameFlag: True if the platform supports setting a domain name on a functional account of this platform, otherwise false.
- SupportsElevationFlag: True if the platform supports elevation, otherwise false.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports password auto-management, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports DSS key auto-management, otherwise false.
- ManageableFlag: True if functional accounts can be created for the platform, otherwise false.
- DSSFlag: True if the platform supports DSS keys, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the platform supports SSH login accounts, otherwise false.
- DefaultSessionType: The default type of session for the platform (RDP, SSH, or null).
- ApplicationHostFlag: true if the platform supports being used as a managed system application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresApplicationHost: true if the platform requires a target application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresTenantID: true if the platform requires a TenantID.
- RequiresObjectID: true if the platform requires an ObjectID.
- RequiresSecret: true if the platform requires a secret.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Platform in response body.
GET EntityTypes/{id}/Platforms
Returns a list of Platforms by entity type ID.
Required permissions
URL parameters
id: ID of the entity type.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PlatformID : int,
Name : string,
ShortName : string,
PortFlag : bool,
DefaultPort: int, // can be null
SupportsElevationFlag : bool,
DomainNameFlag: bool,
AutoManagementFlag: bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag: bool,
ManageableFlag: bool,
DSSFlag: bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
DefaultSessionType: string // can be null,
ApplicationHostFlag : bool,
RequiresApplicationHost : bool
RequiresTenantID : bool,
RequiresObjectID : bool,
RequiresSecret : bool
Response body details
- PlatformID: Platform ID.
- Name: Platform name.
- ShortName: Platform short name.
- PortFlag: True if the platform supports setting a port, otherwise false.
- DefaultPort: The default port used when no port is given for managed systems of this platform.
- DomainNameFlag: True if the platform supports setting a domain name on a functional account of this platform, otherwise false.
- SupportsElevationFlag: True if the platform supports elevation, otherwise false.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports password auto-management, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if the platform supports DSS key auto-management, otherwise false.
- ManageableFlag: True if functional accounts can be created for the platform, otherwise false.
- DSSFlag: True if the platform supports DSS keys, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the platform supports SSH login accounts, otherwise false.
- DefaultSessionType: The default type of session for the platform (RDP, SSH, or null).
- ApplicationHostFlag: true if the platform supports being used as a managed system application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresApplicationHost: true if the platform requires a target application host, otherwise false.
- RequiresTenantID: true if the platform requires a TenantID.
- RequiresObjectID: true if the platform requires an ObjectID.
- RequiresSecret: true if the platform requires a secret.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Platform in response body.
Propagation action types
GET PropagationActionTypes
Returns a list of propagation action types.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PropagationActionTypeID : int,
Name : string,
}, ...
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Propagation action types in the response body.
Propagation actions
GET PropagationActions
Returns a list of propagation actions.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PropagationActionID : int,
PropagationActionTypeID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
}, ...
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Propagation actions in the response body.
GET PropagationActions/{id}
Returns a propagation action by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PropagationActionID : int,
PropagationActionTypeID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Propagation action in the response body.
Managed account propagation actions
GET ManagedAccounts/{id}/PropagationActions/
Returns a list of assigned propagation actions by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PropagationActionID : int,
PropagationActionTypeID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
SmartRuleID : int? // can be null
}, ...
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Propagation Actions in the response body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{id}/PropagationActions/{propagationActionID}
Assigns a propagation action to the managed account referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
Request body (optional)
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int? // can be null
Request body details
SmartRuleID : (optional) ID of the managed system-based Smart Rule to use for the propagation action assignment. If null or not given, uses scan data to determine propagation targets.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
PropagationActionID : int,
PropagationActionTypeID : int,
Name : string,
Description : string,
SmartRuleID : int? // can be null
Response codes
200 - Propagation action was already assigned. Propagation action in the response body.
201 - Propagation action was assigned successfully. Propagation action in the response body.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{id}/PropagationActions/
Unassigns all propagation actions from the managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{id}/PropagationActions/{propagationActionID}
Unassigns a propagation action from the managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 - Request successful.
Quick rules
Quick Rules are a specialized Smart Rule for building a list of known managed accounts by ID. Smart Rules are considered Quick Rules when they contain at least one Managed Account Fields - Quick Group ID filter. Quick Rules can also be accessed via the SmartRules API endpoint.
For more information on related, see:
- GET QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
- PUT QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts
- POST QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts/{accountID}
- DELETE QuickRules/{quickRuleID}/ManagedAccounts/{accountID}
POST QuickRules
Creates a new Quick Rule with the managed accounts or systems referenced by ID and Rule Type.
Required permissions
When RuleType=ManagedAccount:
- Password Safe Account Management (Read).
- Smart Rule Management - Managed Account (Read/Write).
When RuleType=ManagedSystem:
- Password Safe System Management (Read).
- Smart Rule Management - Managed System (Read/Write).
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccountIDs are deprecated. Use IDs instead.
IDs : [ int, …],
Title : string,
Category : string,
Description : string,
RuleType : string
Request body details
- AccountIDs: (deprecated) A list of managed account IDs to add to the Quick Rule.
- IDs: (required) A list of IDs to add to the Quick Rule.
- Title: (required) The title/name of the new Quick Rule. Must be unique across all Quick Rules and all Smart Rules. Max string length is 75.
- Category: (optional, default: Quick Rules) The category in which to place the Quick Rule. Max string length is 50.
- Description: (optional, default: ) The Quick Rule description.
- RuleType: (ManagedAccount, ManagedSystem, default: ManagedAccount)
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int,
OrganizationID : string, // can be null
Title : string,
Description : string,
Category : string,
Status : int,
LastProcessedDate : datetime,
IsReadOnly : bool,
RuleType : string
Response codes
201 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.
GET QuickRules
Returns a list of Quick Rules to which the current user has at least Read access.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int,
OrganizationID : string, // can be null
Title : string,
Description : string,
Category : string,
Status : int,
LastProcessedDate : datetime,
IsReadOnly : bool,
RuleType : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Quick Rules in the response body.
GET QuickRules/{id}
Returns a Quick Rule by ID.
Required permissions
Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by ID.
URL parameters
id: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int,
OrganizationID : string, // can be null
Title : string,
Description : string,
Category : string,
Status : int,
LastProcessedDate : datetime,
IsReadOnly : bool,
RuleType : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.
GET QuickRules?title={title}
Returns a Quick Rule by title.
In a multi-tenant environment, assumes global organization.
Required permissions
Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by title.
Query parameters
title: Title of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int,
OrganizationID : string, // can be null
Title : string,
Description : string,
Category : string,
Status : int,
LastProcessedDate : datetime,
IsReadOnly : bool,
RuleType : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.
GET Organizations/{orgID}/QuickRules?title={title}
Returns a Quick Rule by organization ID and title.
Only valid in a mult-tenant environment.
Required permissions
Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by organization and title.
URL parameters
orgID: ID of the organization.
Query parameters
title: Title of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SmartRuleID : int,
OrganizationID : string, // can be null
Title : string,
Description : string,
Category : string,
Status : int,
LastProcessedDate : datetime,
IsReadOnly : bool,
RuleType : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.
DELETE QuickRules/{id}
Deletes a Quick Rule by ID.
Required permissions
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by ID.
URL parameters
ID: ID of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
DELETE QuickRules?title={title}
Deletes a Quick Rule by title.
In a mult-tenant environment, assumes global organization.
Required permissions
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by title.
Query parameters
title: Title of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
DELETE Organizations/{orgID}/QuickRules?title={title}
Deletes a Quick Rule by organization ID and title. Only valid in a multi-tenant environment.
Required permissions
Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by organization and title.
URL parameters
orgID: ID of the organization.
Query parameters
title: Title of the Quick Rule.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
POST pbsm/replay
Creates a new replay session for a specified session token. The session token can be discovered using the sessions endpoints.
Query parameters
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
id: string, // Session Token from query to <base>/Sessions endpoint
record_key: string, // RecordKey from query to <base>/Sessions endpoint
protocol: string, // When session Type is 0 this should be RDP or for type 1 SSH
headless: boolean // Must be set to true
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
id: string, // ReplayID for this replay session
token: string, // ReplayID for this replay session
ticket: string, // Ticket value used internally
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 404 – Not found. The requested replay session was not found on the server.
GET pbsm/replay/{replayId}
Displays the replay session details.
URL parameters
ReplayID: ID of the replay session returned from POST pbsm/replay.
Query parameters
- jpeg=(scale): Requests a JPEG image of the current RDP replay session scaled in size by the given scale.
- png=(scale): Requests a PNG image of the current RDP replay session scaled in size by the given scale.
- screen=1: Requests a text representation of the current SSH session.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
tstamp: int, // Start time of the session in seconds
end: int, // End time of the session in seconds
offset: int, // Current offset of replay session in ms
next: int, // Offset of next activity of replay session in ms
speed: int, // Speed of replay session as a %
eof: boolean, // Set to true when the end of the replay has been reached
duration: int // Duration in ms of the replay session
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access.
- 404 – Not found. The requested replay session was not found on the server.
PUT pbsm/replay/{replayId}
Controls the replay session status.
URL parameters
ReplayID: ID of the replay session returned from POST pbsm/replay.
Query parameters
Request body
speed: int, // Sets the replay speed of this session as a %
offset: int, // Sets the offset of the replay cursor for this session in ms
next: int // Requests the next changed frame based on the given % change
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
tstamp: int, // Start time of the session in seconds
end: int, // End time of the session in seconds
offset: int, // Current offset of replay session in ms
next: int, // Offset of next activity of replay session in ms
speed: int, // Speed of replay session as a %
eof: boolean, // Set to true when the end of the replay has been reached
duration: int // Duration in ms of the replay session
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 404 – Not found. The requested replay session was not found on the server.
DELETE pbsm/replay/{replayId}
Terminates the replay session.
URL parameters
ReplayID: ID of the replay session returned from POST pbsm/replay.
Query parameters
Request body
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 404 – Not found. The requested replay session was not found on the server.
GET Requests
Lists requests for the current user.
Query parameters
- status: (optional, default: all) Status of requests to return.
- all: Both active and pending requests.
- active: Requests that have been approved (including auto-approved).
- pending: Requests that have not yet been approved.
- queue: (optional, default: req): Type of request queue to return.
- req: Requestor queue, returns requests available to the user as a requestor.
- app: Approver queue, returns requests for an approver or requestor/approver that have either been approved by the user (active) or have not yet been approved (pending).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
RequestID: int,
SystemID: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountID: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
AliasID: int,
ApplicationID: int,
RequestReleaseDate: date-formatted string,
ApprovedDate: date-formatted string,
ExpiresDate: date-formatted string,
Status: string,
AccessType: string,
Reason: string
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful. Requests in the response body.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
POST Requests
Creates a new release request.
Required roles
- Requestor or requestor/approver role to managed account referenced by ID
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccessType: string,
SystemID: int,
AccountID: int,
ApplicationID: int, // can be null
DurationMinutes : int,
Reason : string,
AccessPolicyScheduleID : int, // can be null
ConflictOption : string,
TicketSystemID : int,
TicketNumber : string,
RotateOnCheckin: bool
Request body details
- AccessType: (optional, default: View) The type of access requested (View, RDP, SSH, App).
- View: View Password access.
- RDP: RDP access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType RDP or rdpfile).
- SSH: SSH access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType SSH).
- App: Application access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType App or appfile).
- SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
- ApplicationID: (required when AccessType=App): ID of the application for an application-based request.
- DurationMinutes: (required: 1-525600) The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
- AccessPolicyScheduleID: (optional) The schedule ID of an access policy to use for the request. If omitted, automatically selects the best schedule.
- ConflictOption: (optional) The conflict resolution option to use if an existing request is found for the same user, system, and account (reuse, renew). If omitted and a conflicting request is found, returns a 409 code (see below).
- reuse: Returns an existing, approved request ID for the same user/system/account/access type (if one exists). If the request does not already exist, creates a new request using the request body details.
- renew: Cancels any existing approved requests for the same user/system/account and creates a new request using the request body details.
- TicketSystemID: ID of the ticket system. If omitted, then default ticket system will be used.
- TicketNumber: Number of associated ticket. Can be required if ticket system is marked as required in the access policy used. Max string length is 20.
- RotateOnCheckin: (optional, default: true) True to rotate the credentials on check-in/expiry, otherwise false. This property can only be used if the access policy (either auto-selected or given in AccessPolicyScheduleID) supports it.
In reference to RotateOnCheckin, If the Managed Account given in AccountID does not rotate the credentials after check-in/expiry, this setting is ignored.
For more information, see the Allow API Rotation Override access policy setting under View access.
Response body
RequestID: int
Response codes
- 200 – Existing request is being reused. Existing request ID in the response body.
- 201 – Request successful. Request ID in the response body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to request the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled. Response body contains a status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4031 – User does not have permission to request the account or the account is not valid for the system.
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
- 4035 - Not enough Approvers configured to approve a request.
- 409 – Conflicting request exists. This user or another user has already requested a password for the specified account within the next window.
POST Aliases/{aliasId}/Requests
Creates a new release request using an alias.
Required roles
Requestor or requestor/approver role to managed account referenced by the alias.
URL parameters
aliasId: ID of the managed account alias.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccessType: string,
DurationMinutes : int,
Reason : string,
AccessPolicyScheduleID : int, // can be null
ConflictOption : string,
TicketSystemID : int,
TicketNumber : string,
RotateOnCheckin: bool
Request body details
- AccessType: (optional, default: View) The type of access requested (View, RDP, SSH, App).
- View: View password access.
- RDP: RDP access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType RDP or rdpfile).
- SSH: SSH access (corresponds to POST Sessions SessionType SSH).
- DurationMinutes: (required: 1-525600): The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
- AccessPolicyScheduleID: (optional) The schedule ID of an access policy to use for the request. If omitted, automatically selects the best schedule.
- ConflictOption: (optional) The conflict resolution option to use if an existing request is found for the same user, system, and account (reuse, renew). If omitted and a conflicting request is found, returns a 409 (see below).
- reuse: Return an existing, approved request ID for the same user/system/account/access type (if one exists). If the request does not already exist, creates a new request using the request body details.
- renew: Cancel any existing approved requests for the same user/system/account and create a new request using the request body details.
- TicketSystemID: ID of the ticket system. If omitted then default ticket system is used.
- TicketNumber: Number of associated ticket. Can be required if ticket system is marked as required in the access policy used. Max string length is 20.
- RotateOnCheckin: (optional, default: true) True to rotate the credentials on check-in/expiry, otherwise false. This property can only be used if the access policy (either auto-selected or given in AccessPolicyScheduleID) supports it. If the managed account given in AccountID does not rotate the credentials after check-in/expiry, this setting is ignored.
For more information, see the Allow API Rotation Override access policy setting under View access.
Response body
RequestID: int
Response codes
- 200 – Existing request is being reused. Existing request ID in the response body.
- 201 – Request successful. Request ID in the response body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to request the indicated alias or the account referenced by the alias does not have API access enabled. Response body contains a status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4031 – User does not have permission to request the account or the account is not valid for the system.
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
- 4035 - Not enough approvers configured to approve a request.
- 409 – Conflicting request exists. This user or another user has already requested a password for the specified account within the next window.
PUT Requests/{id}/Checkin
Alternate URI (deprecated)
PUT Requests/Release/{id}
Checks-in/releases a request before it has expired.
Required roles
Requestor role to managed account referenced by the request.
URL parameters
id: ID of the request to check-in/release.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the request is being released. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
- 204 – Request successful. No content in body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to release the indicated request or the associated account does not have API access enabled. Message or status code in response body:
- 4031 – User does not have permission to release a password.
- 4034 – Request is not yet approved.
PUT Requests/{id}/Approve
Approves a pending request.
Required roles
Approver or requestor/approver role to managed account referenced by the request.
URL parameters
id: ID of the request to approve.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the request is being approved. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
- 204 – Request successful. No content in body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to approve the indicated request or the associated account does not have API access enabled. Message or status code in response body:
- 4033 – Approver only - User cannot approve his or her own request.
- 4036 – Request has been approved already.
PUT Requests/{id}/Deny
Denies/cancels an active or pending request.
Required roles
Approver or requestor/approver role to managed account referenced by the request.
URL parameters
id: ID of the request to deny/cancel.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the request is being denied/cancelled. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
- 204 – Request successful. No content in body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to deny the indicated request or the associated account does not have API access enabled. Message or status code in response body:
- 4033 – Approver only - User cannot deny his or her own request.
PUT Requests/{id}/RotateOnCheckin
Updates a request to rotate the credentials on check-in/expiry.
If POST Requests RotateOnCheckin=false, this updates the request to true. If POST Requests RotateOnCheckin=true, the request is not modified.
- Current user must be the owner of the request.
- Request must not be cancelled or expired.
URL parameters
id: ID of the request to update.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Request successful. No content in body.
Request termination
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Requests/Terminate
Terminates all active requests by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the requests are being terminated. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Requests/Terminate
Terminates all active requests by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the requests are being terminated. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
POST Users/{userID}/Requests/Terminate
Terminates all active requests by requestor user ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
userID: ID of the requestor user.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Reason : string
Request body details
Reason: (optional) A reason or comment why the requests are being terminated. Max string length is 1000.
Response body
Response codes
204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
Request sets
Request sets are a grouping of requests to the same system and account with different access types (i.e. View and RDP). Requests in a request set are also accessible individually via GET requests.
Quick navigation
GET RequestSets
Lists request sets for the current user.
Query parameters
status: (optional, default: all) Status of request sets to return (all, active, pending).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
RequestSetID: string,
RequestID: int,
RequestorName: string,
SystemID: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountID: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
ApplicationID: int, // can be null,
AliasID: int, // can be null
RequestReleaseDate: date-formatted string,
ApprovedDate: date-formatted string,
CanceledDate: date-formatted string,
ExpiresDate: date-formatted string,
Status: string,
AccessType: string,
ApplicationID: int,
Reason: string
Response codes
- 200 – Request successful. Requests in the response body.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
POST RequestSets
Creates a new release request set.
Required roles
- Requestor or Requestor/Approver role to managed account referenced by ID.
- Information Systems Administrator (ISA) role access.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
AccessTypes: [ string, … ],
SystemID: int,
AccountID: int,
ApplicationID: int, // can be null,
DurationMinutes : int,
Reason : string,
TicketSystemID : int,
TicketNumber : string
Request body details
- AccessTypes: (at least two are required) A list of the types of access requested (View, RDP, SSH, App).
- SystemID: (required) ID of the managed system to request.
- AccountID: (required) ID of the managed account to request.
- ApplicationID: (required when an AccessType is App) ID of the application to request.
- DurationMinutes: (required) The request duration (in minutes).
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the request.
- TicketSystemID: ID of the ticket system. If omitted then default ticket system is used.
- TicketNumber: Number of associated ticket. Can be required if ticket system is marked as required in the access policy used. Max string length is 20.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
RequestSetID: string,
RequestID: int,
SystemID: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountID: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
ApplicationID: int, // can be null
AliasID: int,
RequestReleaseDate: date-formatted string,
ApprovedDate: date-formatted string,
ExpiresDate: date-formatted string,
Status: string,
AccessType: string
Response codes
- 201 – Request successful. Request set in the response body.
- 403 – User does not have permissions to perform a request for the indicated account or the account does not have API access enabled. Response body contains a status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4031 – User does not have permission to request the account or the account is not valid for the system.
- 4033 – Approver Only API or account. Only Approvers can access this API or account.
- 4035 - Not enough approvers configured to approve a request.
- 409 – Conflicting request exists. Another user has already requested a password for the specified account within the next window.
(i.e. requestor, approver, credentials manager, etc.)
GET Roles
Returns a list of Password Safe roles.
Required permissions
Password Safe Role Management (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
RoleID : int,
Name : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Roles in the response body.
User group roles
GET UserGroups/{userGroupId}/SmartRules/{smartRuleId}/Roles
Returns a list of roles for the user group and Smart Rule referenced by ID.
Required permissions
- User Accounts Management (Read)
- Password Safe Role Management (Read).
URL parameters
- userGroupId: ID of the user group.
- smartRuleId: ID of the Smart Rule.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
RoleID : int,
Name : string
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Roles in the response body.
POST UserGroups/{userGroupId}/SmartRules/{smartRuleId}/Roles
Sets Password Safe roles for the user group and Smart Rule referenced by ID.
Required permissions
- User Accounts Management (Read/Write).
- Password Safe Role Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- userGroupId: ID of the user group.
- smartRuleId: ID of the Smart Rule.
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
Roles :
RoleID : int
AccessPolicyID : int
Request body details
- Roles: (required) Zero or more roles to set on the UserGroup-SmartRule.
- AccessPolicyID: The access policy ID to set on the UserGroup-SmartRule. Required when the Requestor or Requestor/Approver role is set.
Response body
Response codes
204 – Request successful. No content in body.
DELETE UserGroups/{userGroupId}/SmartRules/{smartRuleId}/Roles
Deletes all Password Safe roles for the user group and Smart Rule referenced by ID.
Required permissions
- User Accounts Management (Read/Write).
- Password SafeRole Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- userGroupId: ID of the user group.
- smartRuleId: ID of the Smart Rule.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
GET Sessions
Returns a list of sessions.
The maximum number of sessions returned is 100,000.
Required permissions
A member of the Administrators group, or ISA or auditor role to at least one asset Smart Rule.
Query parameters (optional)
- status: Session status - A single value or comma-delimited list of values:
- 0: Not Started
- 1: In Progress
- 2: Completed
- 5: Locked
- 7: Terminated (deprecated)
- 8: Logged Off
- 9: Disconnected (RDP only)
- userID: ID of the user that requested the session
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SessionID : int,
UserID : int,
NodeID : string,
Status : int,
ArchiveStatus : int,
Protocol : int,
StartTime : date,
EndTime : date,
Duration : int,
AssetName : string,
ManagedSystemID : int, // can be null
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedAccountName : string,
RecordKey : string,
Token : string,
ApplicationID : int, // can be null
RequestID : int, // can be null
SessionType : int
Response body details
- SessionID: ID of the Session.
- UserID: ID of the user that requested the session.
- NodeID: ID of the Session Node.
- Status: Session status
- 0: Not Started
- 1: In Progress
- 2: Completed
- 5: Locked
- 7: Terminated (deprecated)
- 8: Logged Off
- 9: Disconnected (RDP only)
- ArchiveStatus: Session archive status (applicable only when Session Archiving is enabled and configured)
- 0: Not Archived
- 1: Archived
- 2: Restoring (from Archive Repository)
- 3: Archiving (from Node)
- 4: Session Not Found (in Archive Repository)
- 5: Archive Repository Offline/Inaccessible
- 6: Unknown
- Protocol: Session protocol
- 0: RDP
- 1: SSH
- StartTime: Start date/time of the session.
- EndTime: End date/time of the session.
- Duration: Session duration (seconds).
- AssetName: Name of the target Managed System.
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the target Managed System.
- ManagedAccountID: ID of the target Managed Account.
- ManagedAccountName: Name of the target Managed Account.
- RecordKey: The Record Key used for Session replay.
- Token: The Token used for Session replay.
- ApplicationID: The related Application ID (if applicable)
- RequestID: The related RequestID (if applicable0
- SessionType: The Session Type
- 1: Regular - Request-based Session
- 2: ISA - ISA-based Session
- 3: Admin - Admin/Ad-hoc Session
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Sessions in the response body.
GET Sessions/{id}
Returns a session by ID.
Required permissions
A member of the Administrators group, or ISA or auditor role to at least one asset Smart Rule.
URL parameters
id: ID of the session.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
SessionID : int,
UserID : int,
NodeID : string,
Status : int,
ArchiveStatus : int,
Protocol : int,
StartTime : date,
EndTime : date,
Duration : int,
AssetName : string,
ManagedSystemID : int,
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedAccountName : string,
RecordKey : string,
Token : string,
ApplicationID : int, // can be null
RequestID : int, // can be null
SessionType : int
Response body details
- SessionID: ID of the Session.
- UserID: ID of the user that requested the session.
- NodeID: ID of the Session Node.
- Status: Session status
- 0: Not Started
- 1: In Progress
- 2: Completed
- 5: Locked
- 7: Terminated (deprecated)
- 8: Logged Off
- 9: Disconnected (RDP only)
- ArchiveStatus: Session archive status (applicable only when Session Archiving is enabled and configured)
- 0: Not Archived
- 1: Archived
- 2: Restoring (from Archive Repository)
- 3: Archiving (from Node)
- 4: Session Not Found (in Archive Repository)
- 5: Archive Repository Offline/Inaccessible
- 6: Unknown
- Protocol: Session protocol
- 0: RDP
- 1: SSH
- StartTime: Start date/time of the session.
- EndTime: End date/time of the session.
- Duration: Session duration (seconds).
- AssetName: Name of the target Managed System.
- ManagedSystemID: ID of the target Managed System.
- ManagedAccountID: ID of the target Managed Account.
- ManagedAccountName: Name of the target Managed Account.
- RecordKey: The Record Key used for Session replay.
- Token: The Token used for Session replay.
- ApplicationID: The related Application ID (if applicable)
- RequestID: The related RequestID (if applicable0
- SessionType: The Session Type
- 1: Regular - Request-based Session
- 2: ISA - ISA-based Session
- 3: Admin - Admin/Ad-hoc Session
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Sessions in the response body.
POST Requests/{requestID}/Sessions
Create a new session for the given release.
Must be the owner of the request ID.
URL parameters
requestID: ID of the request for which to create a session.
Request body
Content- Type: application/json
SessionType : string,
NodeID : string
Request body details
- SessionType: (required) The type of session to create (SSH or sshticket, RDP or rdpticket, rdpfile, app, or appfile).
- NodeID: (optional) ID of the node that should be used to establish the session. If NodeID is not given or if the Remote Session Proxy feature is disabled, uses the local node.
Response body (SSH or sshticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
TicketAtHost : string,
Link : string,
Command : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (RDP or rdpticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (rdpfile)
RDP File as an attachment.
Response body (app – when the target system is Unix- or ssh-based)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
TicketAtHost : string,
Link : string,
Command : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (app – when the target system is Windows- or rdp-based)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (appfile)
RDP File as an attachment.
Response body details
- ID: The Session Token (same as Ticket).
- Ticket: The Session Token (same as ID).
- Host: The target Host Name.
- Port: The target Host Port.
- TicketAtHost: Formatted value: {Ticket}@{Host}
- Link: Formatted ssh link - ssh://{Ticket}@{Host}:{Port}
- Command: Formatted ssh command: ssh -p {Port} {Ticket}@{Host}
- SessionID: ID of the Session.
- NodeID: ID of the Session Node.
Response codes
- 201– Request successful. Session details or RDP file in the response body.
- 403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access:
- 4034 – Request is not yet approved.
POST Sessions/Admin
Create a new admin session.
Required roles
Password Safe Admin Session (Read/Write).
Request body
Content-Type: application/json
SessionType : string,
HostName : string,
Port : int, // can be null
DomainName : string,
UserName : string,
Password : string,
Reason : string,
Resolution : string,
RDPAdminSwitch : bool,
SmartSizing : bool,
NodeID : string,
Record : bool
Request body details
- SessionType: (required) The type of session to create (SSH or sshticket, RDP or rdpticket, or rdpfile)
- HostName: (required) Name or IP of the target host. Max string length is 128.
- Port: (optional, default: ) Port to use for the connection.
- DomainName: (optional) The domain name of the user. Max string length is 50.
- UserName: (required) The username. Max string length is 200.
- Password: (required) The password.
- Reason: (optional) The reason for the session.
- Resolution (RDP-only): (optional, default: ) The default resolution (i.e 1024x768 or Maximized). Max string length is 50.
- RDPAdminSwitch (RDP-only): (optional, default: false) True to use the RDP /admin switch, otherwise false.
- SmartSizing (RDP-only): (optional, default: false) True to use RDP Smart Sizing, otherwise false. Applies only when SessionType=rdpfile.
- NodeID: (optional) ID of the node that should be used to establish the Session. If NodeID is not given or if the Remote Session Proxy feature is disabled, uses the local node.
- Record: (optional, default: true) True to record the Session, otherwise false. Ignored and always recorded if the Global Setting Hide Record Checkbox for Admin Sessions is enabled.
Response body (SSH or sshticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
TicketAtHost : string,
Link : string,
Command : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (RDP or rdpticket)
Content-Type: application/json
ID : string,
Ticket : string,
Host : string,
Port : string,
SessionID : int,
NodeID : string
Response body (rdpfile)
RDP file as an attachment.
Response body details
- ID: The Session Token (same as Ticket).
- Ticket: The Session Token (same as ID).
- Host: The target Host Name.
- Port: The target Host Port.
- TicketAtHost: Formatted value: {Ticket}@{Host}
- Link: Formatted ssh link - ssh://{Ticket}@{Host}:{Port}
- Command: Formatted ssh command: ssh -p {Port} {Ticket}@{Host}
- SessionID: ID of the Session.
- NodeID: ID of the Session Node.
Response codes
201 – Request successful. Session details or RDP file in the response body.
403 – Access forbidden. Response body contains a message or status code indicating the reason for this forbidden access.
Session locking
POST Sessions/{sessionID}/Lock
Locks an active session.
Required permissions
One of:
- Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write)
- Password Safe Active Session Reviewer Role, ISA Role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
sessionID: ID of the session.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Lock successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Sessions/Lock
Locks all active sessions by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Lock successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Sessions/Lock
Locks all active Sessions by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Lock successful. No content in body.
Session termination
POST Sessions/{sessionID}/Terminate
Terminates an active session.
Required permissions
One of:
- Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write)
- Password Safe Active Session Reviewer Role, ISA Role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
sessionID: ID of the session to terminate.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{managedAccountID}/Sessions/Terminate
Terminates all active sessions by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedAccountID: ID of the managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
POST ManagedSystems/{managedSystemID}/Sessions/Terminate
Terminates all active sessions by managed system ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe API Global Quarantine (Read/Write).
URL parameters
managedSystemID: ID of the managed system.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
- 204 – Termination successful. No content in body.
Synced accounts
Synced accounts are managed accounts subscribed/synced to another managed account.
GET ManagedAccounts/{id}/SyncedAccounts
Returns a list of subscribed/synced managed accounts by managed account ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read).
URL parameters
id: ID of the parent managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- DomainName: The domain name for a domain-type account.
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- DistinguishedName: The distinguished name of an LDAP managed account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled: True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 is unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Linked Managed Account in the response body.
POST ManagedAccounts/{id}/SyncedAccounts/{syncedAccountID}
Subscribes/syncs a managed account to the managed account referenced by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- id: ID of the parent managed account.
- syncedAccountID: ID of the synced managed account.
Request body
Response body
Content-type: application/json
ManagedAccountID : int,
ManagedSystemID : int,
DomainName : string,
AccountName : string,
DistinguishedName : string,
PasswordFallbackFlag : bool,
LoginAccountFlag : bool,
Description : string,
PasswordRuleID : int,
ApiEnabled : bool,
ReleaseNotificationEmail : string,
ChangeServicesFlag : bool,
RestartServicesFlag : bool,
ReleaseDuration : int,
MaxReleaseDuration : int,
ISAReleaseDuration : int,
MaxConcurrentRequests : int,
AutoManagementFlag : bool,
DSSAutoManagementFlag : bool,
CheckPasswordFlag : bool,
ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag : bool,
ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag : bool,
ChangeFrequencyType : string,
ChangeFrequencyDays : int,
ChangeTime : string,
ParentAccountID : int, // can be null
IsSubscribedAccount : bool,
LastChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
NextChangeDate : datetime, // can be null
IsChanging : bool,
ChangeState : int,
UseOwnCredentials : bool,
ChangeIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
RestartIISAppPoolFlag : bool,
WorkgroupID : int, // can be null
ChangeWindowsAutoLogonFlag : bool,
ChangeComPlusFlag : bool,
ChangeDComFlag : bool,
ChangeSComFlag : bool,
Response body details
- AccountName: The name of the account.
- PasswordFallbackFlag: True if failed DSS authentication can fall back to password authentication, otherwise false.
- LoginAccountFlag: True if the account should use the managed system login account for SSH sessions, otherwise false.
- Description: A description of the account.
- PasswordRuleID: ID of the password rule assigned to this managed account.
- ApiEnabled:True if the account can be requested through the API, otherwise false.
- ReleaseNotificationEmail: Email address used for notification emails related to this managed account.
- ChangeServicesFlag: True if services run as this user should be updated with the new password after a password change, otherwise false.
- RestartServicesFlag: True if services should be restarted after the run as password is changed (ChangeServicesFlag), otherwise false.
- ReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default release duration.
- MaxReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default maximum release duration.
- ISAReleaseDuration: (minutes: 1-525600) Default Information Systems Administrator (ISA) release duration.
- MaxConcurrentRequests: (0-999, 0 means unlimited) Maximum number of concurrent password requests for this account.
- AutoManagementFlag: True if password auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- DSSAutoManagementFlag: True if DSS key auto-management is enabled, otherwise false.
- CheckPasswordFlag: True to enable password testing, otherwise false.
- ChangePasswordAfterAnyReleaseFlag: True to change passwords on release of a request, otherwise false.
- ResetPasswordOnMismatchFlag: True to queue a password change when scheduled password test fails, otherwise false.
- ChangeFrequencyType: The change frequency for scheduled password changes:
- first: Changes scheduled for the first day of the month.
- last: Changes scheduled for the last day of the month.
- xdays: Changes scheduled every x days (ChangeFrequencyDays).
- ChangeFrequencyDays: (days: 1-999) When ChangeFrequencyType is xdays, password changes take place this configured number of days.
- ChangeTime: (24hr format: 00:00-23:59) UTC time of day scheduled password changes take place.
- ParentAccountID: If this is a subscribed account (IsSubscribedAccount), this is the ID of the parent managed account.
- IsSubscribedAccount: True if the account is a synced or subscribed account, otherwise false.
- LastChangeDate: The date and time of the last password change.
- NextChangeDate: The date and time of the next scheduled password change.
- IsChanging: True if the account credentials are in the process of changing, otherwise false.
- ChangeState: The change state of the account credentials:
- 0: Idle / no change taking place or scheduled within 5 minutes.
- 1: Changing / managed account credential currently changing.
- 2: Queued / managed account credential is queued to change or scheduled to change within 5 minutes.
Response codes
- 200 – Account was already synced. Managed Account in the response body.
- 201 – Account was synced successfully. Managed Account in the response body.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{id}/SyncedAccounts
Unsubscribes/unsyncs all managed accounts from the parent managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
id: ID of the parent managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
DELETE ManagedAccounts/{id}/SyncedAccounts/{syncedAccountID}
Unsubscribes/unsyncs a managed account from the managed account by ID.
Required permissions
Password Safe Account Management (Read/Write).
URL parameters
- id: ID of the parent managed account.
- syncedAccountID: ID of the synced managed account.
Request body
Response body
Response codes
200 – Request successful.
The content in this section of the guide has been deprecated and is compatible with earlier versions only.
[deprecated] GET Aliases/{name}
This API has been deprecated and is available for backwards compatibility only. Use GET Aliases?name={name} instead.
Returns a requestable managed account alias by name.
Required roles
Requestor or Requestor/Approver role for the preferred managed account referenced by the alias.
URL parameters
name: Name of the managed account alias.
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
AliasId: int,
AliasName: string,
SystemId: int,
SystemName: string,
AccountId: int,
AccountName: string,
DomainName: string,
InstanceName: string,
DefaultReleaseDuration: int,
MaximumReleaseDuration: int,
LastChangeDate: datetime,
NextChangeDate: datetime,
IsChanging: bool,
ChangeState: int,
MappedAccounts :
AliasID: int,
ManagedSystemID: int,
ManagedAccountID: int,
Status: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Alias in response body.
[deprecated] GET Keystrokes/search/{condition}
This API has been deprecated and is available for backwards compatibility only. Use POST Keystrokes/Search instead.
Search for keystrokes by condition/keyword.
Required roles
Password Safe Auditor Role, ISA Role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
condition: Keyword to search for.
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
KeystrokeID: long,
SessionID: int,
TimeMarker: long,
Type: byte,
Data: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Keystrokes are in response body.
[deprecated] GET Keystrokes/search/{condition}/{type:int}
This API has been deprecated and is available for backwards compatibility only. Use POST Keystrokes/Search instead.
Search for keystrokes by condition/keyword and type.
Required roles
Password Safe Auditor Role, ISA Role, or a member of BeyondInsight Administrators group.
URL parameters
- condition: Keyword to search for.
- type: Type of keystrokes:
- 0: All
- 1: StdIn
- 2: StdOut
- 4: Window Event
- 5: User Event
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
KeystrokeID: long,
SessionID: int,
TimeMarker: long,
Type: byte,
Data: string
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Keystrokes are in response body.
Ticket systems
GET TicketSystems
List registered ticket systems.
Required permissions
Ticket System (Read).
Request body
Response body
Content-Type: application/json
TicketSystemID : int,
IsActive : bool,
TicketSystemName : string,
Description : string,
IsDefaultSystem : bool
Response codes
200 – Request successful. Ticket systems in the response body
Updated 7 days ago