Using the JIRA Ticket System connector in BeyondInsight, you can integrate Jira with Password Safe requests so that Jira ticket numbers provided on requests can be validated.
Create a Ticket System connector
To integrate your Jira ticket system with Password Safe requests, you must create a new connector in BeyondInsight as detailed below.
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
The Configuration page displays. - Under General, click Connectors.
The Connectors page displays. - In the Connectors panel, click Create New Connector +.
- Enter a name for the connector.
- Select JIRA Ticket System from the Connector Type dropdown.
- Click Create Connector.
The JIRA Ticket System form displays in the right panel. - Set the options on the form as follows:
- Connector Name: The connector name can be any name.
- Instance URL: The full URL for your Jira instance.
- Username: Enter an account to access to your Jira instance.
- For a hosted Jira instance, this is an email address.
- For a local Jira instance, this is a username.
- Password: Enter a password. For a hosted Jira instance, you must create an API key for the password. These credentials are used only on this configuration page to test connectivity.
- Ticket Field Mappings: Add field mappings between Jira fields and literal values in the Password Safe ticket system. This is useful for validating the ticket state. Username is validated separately. Available fields can vary per Jira instance.
- Click + Create Field Map.
- Complete the form.
- Click Create Mapping.
- The mapping is added to the grid.
- Click Test Connector to ensure connectivity to your Jira instance is successful.
- Click Create Connector to save it.
Create a functional account for Jira ticket system
Follow the steps below to create the functional account for Password Safe to connect to your Jira ticket system.
Some steps require slightly different actions depending on whether your Jira instance is hosted in a cloud or is local (on-premises).
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
The Configuration page displays. - Under Privileged Access Management, click Functional Accounts.
The Functional Accounts page displays. - Click + Create New Functional Account.
The Create New Functional Account form displays in the right panel. - Select Ticket System from the Entity Type dropdown.
- Select JIRA from the Platform dropdown.
- For username, enter the account to access your Jira instance.
- For a hosted Jira instance, this is an email address.
- For a local Jira instance, this is a username.
- Enter the full URL for the Jira instance in the Domain / Ldap Server field.
- For a local Jira instance, add the suffix /Jira to the domain name.
- Enter the password for your Jira account and confirm it.
- For a hosted Jira instance, you must create an API key for the password.
- Enter an Alias and a short Description, if desired.
- From the Search Connectors dropdown, select the Jira connector you created.
- Enter and Alias.
- Optionally, enter a Description.
- If applicable, select a Workgroup from the dropdown.
- Click Create Functional Account to save it.
Create a new Jira ticket system
Follow the below steps to create a Password Safe ticket system, configure it with the functional account you created to access your Jira instance, and select your desired ticket approval options.
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
The Configuration page displays. - Under Privileged Access Management, click Ticket Systems.
The Ticket Systems page displays. - Click Create New Ticket System +.
The New Ticket System Details form displays in the right panel. - Select JIRA Ticket System from the Platform dropdown.
- Select the Functional Account you created to access your Jira instance from the dropdown.
- Enter a name for the ticket system.
- Optionally, you can also enter a Description, Access Policy Certificate Common Name, and an Access Policy Code.
- Check the options you wish to enable:
- Auto Approve on Ticket Number Validation
- Enable Emergency Approval Without Ticket Number
- Make Ticket System the Default
- Click Create Ticket System to save it.
For any tickets verified using this ticket system, you must ensure the following within your Jira web portal:
- The Requester is populated in the Assignee field.
- For local on-premises Jira instances, the User ID must match the Password Safe User ID.
- For cloud hosted Jira instances, the email address entered must match the email address of the BeyondInsight user.
Updated 7 days ago