Resource broker
This document explains how Password Safe Cloud uses resource brokers within resource zones to manage resources across segmented networks, and how to configure resource zones. By configuring resource zones effectively, you have centralized control over resource allocation, enhanced security, and the ability to meet compliance standards, providing you with peace of mind and a smoother resource management experience.
A resource zone is a group of resources on your network. You can have a maximum of 51 resource zones to meet the requirements for how your network is segmented; however, one zone for your entire network is sufficient. At least one resource zone is required. Password Safe Cloud creates a default resource zone called Default, which is a catch-all for all domains and workgroups in your network, and cannot be edited.
Password Safe Cloud uses resource brokers to communicate with the systems in your resource zones. A resource broker is a bundle of software that contains all of the services and components required for Password Safe Cloud to interact with your on-premises servers using TCP 443 for communication.
You must download the Resource Broker Installer from the Password Safe Cloud portal and install the broker on a Windows Server 2019 x64 or greater system in your network. Each resource zone must have at least one resource broker installed, but we recommend you install two or more for efficiency and redundancy of functionality. You may install up to 200 resource brokers across all of your zones. All 200 may be in one zone or dispersed across each of your zones. You cannot generate an install key or run the installer once this threshold is reached.
Installing a resource broker on Windows 2016 x64 is supported; however, Windows 2019 x64 is recommended.
A resource zone uses a collection of resource brokers to handle the following four core Password Safe functions. Azure uses a round-robin technique to communicate with the resource brokers within the zone to handle these functions.
- Authentication against LDAP/Active Directory: Allows authentication into Password Safe against your local LDAP/Active Directory domains.
- Asset and Account Discovery: Uses a discovery scanning agent to discover assets and accounts in your network.
- Credential Management: Changes passwords or SSH keys on a scheduled or on-demand basis.
- Session Proxy: Acts as a proxy to allow a standard user to open SSH or RDP sessions on systems in your network.
Installation prerequisites
Resource brokers require software, hardware, and system resources as detailed below.
Component | Requirement |
Operating System | Windows Server x64 2016 (minimum) Windows Server x64 2019 Windows Server x64 2022 (recommended) Server Core edition is not supported. |
Processor | 4 cores |
Memory | 16GB |
Disk | 100MB (for Resource Broker software) 64GB (for local caching of sessions) 64GB allows for 14 days worth of sessions, assuming about 200 RDP and 200 SSH sessions per day, where the average session time is about one hour per session. RDP sessions would be 4.2GB per day; SSH sessions would be 0.3GB per day. |
Server Requirements | Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 on Windows Server 2016
Install a resource broker
Each resource zone must have at least one resource broker installed on a Windows 2019 x64 or Windows 2022 x64 server in your network. If your deployment has only one resource zone, which is Default, you must install at least one resource broker in the Default zone. We recommend installing two or more resource brokers in each resource zone for work distribution and redundancy. You can install 200 resource brokers across all of your zones. All 200 may be in one zone or dispersed across each of your zones. You cannot generate an install key or run the installer once this threshold is reached.
If using a proxy or firewall, allow traffic from the resource broker outbound on port 443 before installation. External traffic includes:
- or the IP this URL points at
Download and install a resource broker
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under Privileged Access Management Agents, click Resource Zones.
- Click Show Install Key.
- Click the Copy button to copy the install key. The install key is required for step 9.
- Click Download Installer.
- Copy the downloaded BeyondTrust.Agents.Bootstrapper.exe file to the Windows server where you would like to install the resource broker, and then run the file.
- Click Install.
- Click Next on the welcome screen.
- Paste the Install Key that you copied in step 3 into the Install Key field, and then click Next.
- Select a resource zone from the Zone list, and then click Next.
- Check the box to accept the license agreement terms, and then click Next.
- Click Next to install to the default folder or click Change to install to a different folder, and then click Next.
- Click Install to begin the installation.
- Click Finish to complete the Setup Wizard.
- Click Close on the Installation Successfully Completed screen.
- Go the BeyondInsight home page to validate the dynamic dashboard has updated the Resource Zones and Resource Brokers tiles for this newly installed resource broker.
Update a resource broker
You can update resource brokers from the Brokers grid on the Resource Zones page. Resource brokers are in one of two update states, as displayed in the Update Available column:
- Up to date: -- is displayed
- Update available: link to release notes and Update Resource Broker button is displayed
For brokers that have an update available, click the Update Resource Broker button, located beside the broker's status. Or, click the vertical ellipsis for the broker, and then select Update Resource Broker.
A confirmation message appears, stating that the update is queued for installation.
Once the update is installed, the Update Available column displays -- for that broker.
There is no option to update the resource broker from the broker's vertical ellipsis menu and the Update Resource Broker button is not displayed if:
- A resource broker is up to date.
- The status of the resource broker is unhealthy (one of the service misses two heartbeat intervals).
Resource brokers automatically update as part of the Password Safe Cloud upgrade process. When the Password Safe console updates, deployed resource brokers automatically request an update and upgrade. If an error is encountered during the automatic upgrade process, an updated installer can be downloaded from the Password Safe console and installed manually, following the process above.
Manage resource brokers
From the Brokers grid on the Resource Zones page, you can check the health status for your resource brokers. Each of the services for a specific resource broker checks into Password Safe Cloud independently with a heartbeat every 5 minutes. You can also unregister and delete resource brokers from this page.
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under Privileged Access Management Agents, click Resource Zones.
- Select the Brokers tab.
- Look at the Status column for the resource broker to view its health status.
- A warning symbol appears if one of the services misses two heartbeat intervals (hasn't checked in for 10 minutes).
- A green check mark displays if all of the services for that broker have checked in as healthy.
- When a new version of a resource broker is available, a link to the release notes for that version is provided in the Update Available column.
- To view the details for the services on a specific broker, click the vertical ellipsis button for the broker, and then select View Details.
- You can review the version, the time the service last updated, and the health status for each service on the broker.
- To delete a resource broker, you must manually uninstall it from the system where it was installed. This automatically unregisters the resource broker from the zone. To remove it from the Resource Zones page:
- Click the vertical ellipsis button for the broker.
- Select Unregister Resource Broker.
- Click Delete on the confirmation message.
Download Resource Broker Logs in Password Safe Cloud
From the Brokers grid on the Resource Zones page, you can request and download resource broker log files.
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under Privileged Access Management Agents, click Resource Zones.
- Select the Brokers tab.
- Click the vertical ellipsis button for the broker, and then select Download Resource Broker Logs.
- A pop up message confirms the download is preparing, and the logs download to your device as one compressed file.
- Open the compressed file to view the log files available and select the log file to view. Log files are in plain text format.
Configure resource zones
Create a resource zone
One resource zone is required for your environment. This is the built-in Default zone. The Default zone is a catch-all for all domains and workgroups in your network and cannot be edited. You can create a maximum of 50 additional resource zones for your environment.
To create a new resource zone:
- From the homepage in BeyondInsight, click the Configure Zones tile.
- Click Create New Resource Zone.
- Enter a Name for identifying the resource zone. This can be up to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces.
- Enter a meaningful Description.
- Under Domains, select a domain from the list.
A domain or LDAP server is used for anything that Password Safe needs to obtain from a directory, such as authentication, directory queries, directory credentials, binding credentials, etc. Domains and LDAP servers that have already been discovered in Password Safe and are not already associated with a resource zone are listed. You can manually add a domain or LDAP server that has not yet been discovered as follows:
- Click Add Domain +.
- Enter the domain or LDAP server name in the Domain box.
- Click Add Domain.
If the selected domain has already been added to the resource zone, an error message displays.
- Do not select or enter any Workgroups. Instead, allow Password Safe to automatically create a workgroup using the name of the resource zone once the zone is created. A workgroup is used to segment functionality within Password Safe Cloud to specific managed systems. Existing workgroups that are not already associated with a resource zone are listed.
- Click Create Resource Zone.
Edit and delete resource zones
You can edit or delete resource zones as follows:
- On the Resource Zones page, click the vertical ellipsis button to the right of the resource zone in the grid.
- Select Edit Resource Zone or Delete Resource Zone.
Editing a resource zone provides the same options as creating a resource zone, as documented in the steps above. You cannot delete a resource zone that has resource brokers associated with it. You must unregister all resource brokers from the zone first.
Troubleshoot resource broker services
Error: "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm"
When trying to install the Resource Broker BF&undle, after entering the install key, you receive a communication error indicating “The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm”. The following exception is indicated in the install log:
Failed to execute SetComboboxZonesCustomAction
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. —> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm
at System.Net.SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle(SSPIInterface SecModule, String package, CredentialUse intent, SecureCredential scc)
at System.Net.Security.SecureChannel.AcquireCredentialsHandle(CredentialUse credUsage, SecureCredential& secureCredential)
at System.Net.Security.SecureChannel.AcquireClientCredentials(Byte[]& thumbPrint)
at System.Net.Security.SecureChannel.GenerateToken(Byte[] input, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Byte[]& output)
at System.Net.Security.SecureChannel.NextMessage(Byte[] incoming, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.TlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult result)
at System.Net.TlsStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)at System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeaders(Boolean async)
If the .NET framework version is less than 4.6, the SchUseStrongCrypto registry key defaults to 0. This key must have a value of 1 to use TLS 1.2. If .NET is greater than 4.6, this registry key defaults to 1 without having to make changes to it.
Set the SchUseStrongCrypto (DWORD) registry key found under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 to a value of 1 to force the use of TLS 1.2, and then restart the system.
If the SchUseStrongCrypto registry key does not exist, you must create it.
Resource broker service details
A resource broker bundle installs the following services on the Windows server where you run the bootstrapped install file:
- Resource Broker Gateway
- Resource Broker Listener
- Resource Broker Management Agent
- Password Services
- Password Services Framework Agent
- Connector Services Agent
- Directory Services
- Discovery Scanner
- Session Monitoring
We have outlined the details for each of these services below.
Resource broker gateway
Service properties:
- Service name: bt_resourcebrokergateway_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Resource Broker Gateway Agent
Acts as the local services communication hub for all zone and agent requests.
- Proxies all requests down to the directory, password, and session monitoring services from the resource broker listening agent (described in next section).
- Proxies all requests up to the Azure Relay Hybrid Connection in the PS Cloud instance.
Executes password tests and password changes for managed systems and managed accounts.
Handles the initial resource broker registration and configuration.
Contains platform-specific modules.
Sends heartbeat to cloud every 5 minutes.
Utilizes PS Cloud identity service as the API authority. All requests to this service receive a token from the PS Cloud identity service.
Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Resource Broker\ResoureBrokerGateway\logs.
For more information on Azure Relay Hybrid Connections, please see Azure Relay Hybrid Connections protocol.
Resource broker listener
- Service properties:
- Service name: bt_resourcebrokerlistener_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Resource Broker Agent
- Acts as a reverse proxy for all requests from Password Safe Cloud for a resource zone through the Azure Relay Hybrid Connection in a round-robin process.
- Forwards requests to the Resource Broker Gateway.
- Listens on a zone-specific hybrid connection for resource-specific requests, such as password tests and directory queries.
- Listens on an agent-specific hybrid connection for target-specific requests, such as session monitoring.
- Sends heartbeat to cloud every 5 minutes.
- Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Resource Broker\ResoureBrokerListener\logs
Resource broker management agent
- Service properties:
- Service name: bt_resourcebrokermanagment_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Resource Broker Management Agent
- Handles resource broker upgrades and log uploads.
Password services
Service properties:
- Service name: bt_passwordservices_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Password Services Agent
Executes password tests and password changes for managed systems and managed accounts.
Contains platform specific modules.
Sends heartbeat to cloud every 5 minutes.
Utilizes PS Cloud identity service as the API authority. All requests to this service receive a token from the PS Cloud identity service.
Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Resource Broker\PasswordServices\logs.
Password services framework agent
- Service properties:
- Service name: bt_passwordservicesframework_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Password Services Framework Agent
- Performs the same actions as the Password Services agent, but specifically handles vSphere and SAP platforms.
Connector services agent
- Service properties:
- Service name: bt_connectorservices_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Connector Services Agent
- Sends events for forwarding connectors.
Directory services
Service properties:
- Service name: bt_directoryservices_agent
- Display name: BeyondTrust Directory Services Agent
Executes the following Active Directory or LDAP actions:
- Directory queries
- Directory credentials tests
- Group enumeration
- User and group management
- Authentication
Sends heartbeat to cloud every 5 minutes.
Utilizes PS Cloud identity service as the API authority. All requests to this service receive a token from the PS Cloud identity service.
Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Resource Broker\DirectoryServices\logs.
Discovery Scanner
- Service properties:
- Service name: btdiscoverysvc
- Display name: BeyondTrust Discovery Service
- Schedules and executes Discovery Scans.
- Is auto-configured by obtaining the configuration via the Resource Broker Gateway.
- Communicates directly to PS Cloud via the client certificate that Event Services uses for Central Policy.
- Requests bearer token from PS Cloud identity service for its initial configuration.
The scanner obtains the configuration upon startup only. Once it begins using Central Policy, it doesn't need to continue requesting the configuration.
- Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Discovery\logs.
Session monitoring
- Service properties:
- Service name: btPBPSSM
- Display name: BeyondTrust Session Monitoring
- Session monitoring proxy for SSH and RDP sessions.
- Sessions are proxied through the local agent.
- The session is associated with a broker that responds in a zone round robin.
- Active session monitoring (locking + termination) are proxied from PS Cloud to the resource broker.
- Session I/O logs are are written locally to the resource broker and when a session is complete, the I/O logs are copied to your customer storage account in Azure.
- Session replay in PS Cloud is done directly from your customer storage account in Azure.
- Sends heartbeat to cloud every 5 minutes.
- Log files for this service are located in C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\Resource Broker\Session Manager\logs.
Updated about 20 hours ago