DocumentationRelease Notes
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XM Cyber CCM



For more information about the XM Cyber integration, see XM Cyber

Prepare BeyondTrust Password Safe prerequisites

Sign in with an Admin user to the BeyondTrust dashboard.

Create API registration

  1. In Configuration > General > API Registrations, click Create New API Registration.
  2. Enter a name for the new registration, and then click Create API Registration.
  3. In the Registration's Details page, select the Authentication Rule Options: User Password Required, and disable Enforce multi-factor authentication.
  4. Click Add Authentication Rule. The following dialog box appears.
  5. Enter the IP Address of the machine on which XM Cyber CCM will run.
  6. Click Create Rule.
  7. Click Update Registration.
  8. Copy the API key to a text editor by clicking on Show Key.

Configure group with API access

  1. In Configuration > Role Based Access > User Management, click on Create New Group.

  2. Select the group, and then click More Options.

  3. Select View Group Details.

  4. Under Group Details, select Features.

  5. Select all features.

  6. Click Assign Permissions, and then select Assign Permissions Read Only.

  7. Under Group Details, select API Registrations.

  8. Select the group’s API registrations.

Create a user

  1. In Configuration > Role Based Access > User Management, click on Users. The list of users in the grid appears.
  2. Click Create New User above the grid.
  3. Select Create a New User.
  4. Complete the details, and then click CREATE USER.
  5. In User Details, select Groups.
  6. Select the group you created above, and then click Assign Group.

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