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Activate an app rule or app definition

Starting in version 23.1, an application rule or application definition can be enabled or disabled. If you are a policy administrator, you can create a policy and test the configuration on computers. Enable the rule or definition to test the policy. Disable the rule or definition until you are ready to roll out the policy to your production environment.


  • Create your app rule or app definition.
  • Set to Disabled.
  • When ready for testing, enable the rule or definition.
  • Save the change to the policy.
  • Push the policy to your computers.
  • Access your test computer to verify the policy works.

Available on Windows and macOS policies.

To enable or disable an application rule:

  1. Go to Application Rules.
  2. Find the rule, and then select Enabled or Disabled from the menu.

To enable or disable the application definition:

  1. Go to the Application Group.
  2. Select Enabled or Disabled from the menu.



For more information, see:

Create an application rule

Application Groups

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