EPM is developing a more scalable data infrastructure to better support your reporting, analytics, and insights needs.
We’re using the elastic stack to provide scale and speed in ingesting and searching the millions of events we process every day.
To enable better correlation of our data with others sources and make our events easier to work with, we have adopted the well-known open source schema that was built for Elastic: the Elastic Common Schema (ECS).
ℹ️ Note
For more information, see Elastics Docs .
There is no change in your existing analytics or SIEM integrations in EPM.
A new API is exposed to extract the events in bulk.
get /v{version}/Events/FromStartDate
The following is an example PowerShell usage script.
## Example Usage .\Events_FromStartDate.ps1 -nextDate "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" -tenantName "Prefix" -apiClientId "CLIENT ID" -apiClientSecret "CLIENT SECRET"
param (
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)] $nextDate,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)] $tenantName,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)] $apiClientId,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)] $apiClientSecret
$_baseUrl = "https://$tenantName-services.pm.beyondtrustcloud.com"
$scriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
$finalFile = Join-Path $scriptDir "Events.json"
function Get-AccessToken(
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)][string] $apiClientId,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)][string] $apiClientSecret) {
$authBody = @{
client_id = "$apiClientId"
client_secret = "$apiClientSecret"
scope = "urn:management:api"
grant_type = "client_credentials"
$tokenUrl = "$_baseUrl/oauth/token"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $tokenUrl -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $authBody -Method Post -ErrorAction Stop
$accessToken = $response.content | ConvertFrom-Json
return $accessToken
function Fix-DuplicateKeys($jsonString) {
$fixedJsonString = $jsonString -replace '"Owner":', '"owner":'
return $fixedJsonString
function Get-AllPages(
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)][System.Object] $accessToken,
[Parameter(mandatory = $true)][string] $nextDate) {
$page = 1
$eventIds = @{}
$totalEvents = 0
try {
$writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($finalFile)
$writer.WriteLine("{") | Out-Null
$writer.WriteLine("\`"totalRecordsReturned\`": 0,") | Out-Null
$writer.WriteLine("\`"events\`": [") | Out-Null
$firstEvent = $true
while ($true) {
if (($accessToken.expires_in - $TotalStopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds) -lt 10) {
Write-Host "******* AccessToken Expiring in 10 Sec So Requesting New Accesstoken ********"
$accessToken = Get-AccessToken $apiClientId $apiClientSecret
$headers = @{
'Authorization' = "Bearer " + $accessToken.access_token
'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
'ExpiresOn' = $accessToken.expires_in
'client-request-id' = New-Guid
$Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$resourceUrl = "$_baseUrl/management-api/v2/Events/FromStartDate?StartDate=$nextDate&RecordSize=1000"
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resourceUrl -Headers $headers -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
$fixedJsonString = Fix-DuplicateKeys $Response.content
$jsonObj = $fixedJsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($event in $jsonObj.events) {
if (-not $eventIds.ContainsKey($event.event.id)) {
$eventIds[$event.event.id] = $true
$eventJson = $event | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
if (-not $firstEvent) {
$writer.WriteLine(",") | Out-Null
$writer.Write($eventJson) | Out-Null
$firstEvent = $false
$lastEvent = $jsonObj.events[$jsonObj.events.Count - 1].event
$lastTimeStamp = [DateTime]::Parse($lastEvent.ingested).ToUniversalTime().ToString('o')
$timetake = $Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
$line = "$page*1000 -- $nextDate TimeTake: $timetake"
Write-Host $line
$nextDate = $lastTimeStamp
if ($jsonObj.events.Count -lt 1000) { break; }
$writer.WriteLine("]") | Out-Null
$writer.WriteLine("}") | Out-Null
(Get-Content $finalFile) -replace '"totalRecordsReturned": 0,', "\`"totalRecordsReturned\`": $totalEvents," | Set-Content $finalFile
catch {
Write-Host "An error occurred: $_"
$TotalStopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$accessToken = Get-AccessToken $apiClientId $apiClientSecret
Get-AllPages $accessToken $nextDate
$sec = $TotalStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
$finishLine = "Total Time Taken To Fetch All Pages $sec Seconds"
Write-Host $finishLine
The following tables indicate the presence of field sets for each event type currently raised.
The Field Sets tables contain the following:
Some field sets are always present.
Some are always present for that event type.
Some always present for a given application type.
Some are always optional, present when a particular rule configuration drives them.
The Fields Sets Details tables contain fields within a field set and whether they are mandatory or optional (within that field set).
Some ECS field sets are extended with custom fields where necessary. For those properties specific to Endpoint Privilege Management, there is a EPMWinMac field set too.
ℹ️ Note
For more information on Elastic custom fields, see Elastic's Custom Fields documentation.
Cell Value Definition Description m mandatory Field set will always be populated. o optional Field set populated if the feature was used on that rule. Configuration driven.
'- when Parent Process is not msiexec.exe
^- when Parent Process is msiexec.exe
Cell Value Definition Description m mandatory Field will always be populated o optional Field populated if the data exists and can be sourced for this event
All events raised will have these fields.
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples @timestamp date m 2023-03-16T08:05:34.853Z agent.id keyword m 4965825c-0da2-4cce-a99e-af655d1fcc0d agent.version keyword m event.action keyword m process-start-blocked, privileged-group-modification-blocked event.code keyword m 100, 116, 400 event.id keyword m a5239a3a-e352-416d-9927-708d7ef65910 host.domain keyword o StanLand host.hostname keyword m Stan-Win-PC host.id keyword m S-1-5-21-995079707-3417812545-548763902-4783 host.DomainIdentifier keyword o S-1-5-21-995079707-3417812545-548763902 host.os.type keyword m windows, macos host.os.version keyword m 12.4 EPMWinMac.Event.Type keyword m Process, Content EPMWinMac.GroupId keyword m 099ce279-5d33-4331-8a94-2b1c76073085 EPMWinMac.SchemaVersion keyword m 4.4.0
Field ECS ECS Type Required (when this field is present) Examples user.name keyword m Stan user.domain keyword o StanLand user.id keyword m S-1-5-21-1234567890-1212121212-635717638-56524798 user.DomainIdentifier keyword o S-1-5-21-1234567890-1212121212-635717638 user.LocalIdentifier keyword o 501
Any event raised by an Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows or Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac rule match has these fields.
Field ECS ECS Type Required(when this field set is present) Examples EPMWinMac.Configuration.Application.Type keyword m exe, bund, svc, bat EPMWinMac.Configuration.Identifier keyword m 3732243d-6206-4c6c-8a17-bb60c1235b52 EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Name keyword o Allow Message (enter Reason) EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Type keyword o Prompt, Notification EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Identifier keyword o efa4004d-e1b7-4f85-a49a-375160aa65fc EPMWinMac.Configuration.Workstyle.Name keyword m All Users EPMWinMac.Configuration.Workstyle.Identifier keyword m 8506a411-979d-4f14-aee4-1fb65a8e68ea EPMWinMac.Configuration.ApplicationGroup.Name keyword m (Default) Any UAC Prompt EPMWinMac.Configuration.ApplicationGroup.Identifier keyword m a875788d-bcbc-4d63-b43d-d6224a50ea7b EPMWinMac.Configuration.Application.Description keyword m Any COM Class EPMWinMac.Configuration.Application.Identifier keyword m 9d541a2f-3347-448f-8146-797a833c62ed EPMWinMac.Configuration.Rule.Identifier keyword m b70bb7cb-6202-440e-abe0-f6a93b6ebc39 EPMWinMac.Configuration.Rule.Action keyword o allow, block EPMWinMac.Configuration.Rule.OnDemand boolean o true EPMWinMac.Configuration.Token.Identifier keyword o f8d4ce02-e95d-4700-b69a-957dc5c1de6f EPMWinMac.Configuration.Token.Name keyword o Add Basic Admin Rights, Passive (No Change) EPMWinMac.Configuration.Token.Description keyword o Endpoint Privilege Management Support Token EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.UserReason keyword & text o Other: Reason not listed EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.AuthMethods keyword o EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Authentication.User keyword & text o EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Authorization.ChallengeCode keyword m 123456 EPMWinMac.Configuration.Message.Authorization.ResponseStatus keyword m EPMWinMac.Event.Action keyword m Allowed, Cancelled, Blocked, Elevated
Field ECS ECS Type Required(when this field set is present) Examples process.entity_id keyword m 248d7b79-73df-4478-9328-84f1b9e04e52 process.parent.entity_id keyword o bce44920-8c58-4282-a2a4-90d21664d8de EPMWinMac.ElevationRequired boolean m true, false client.Name keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required(when this field set is present) Examples process.name keyword m DateAndTime EPMWinMac.AuthorizationRequest.AuthRequestURI keyword o system.install.software
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples file.code_signature.subject_name keyword o Microsoft Windows file.DriveType keyword m Fixed Disk file.hash.sha1 keyword m acf9e85f6a590925c13bb2bced82978a431d706e file.hash.sha256 keyword m c3eb055c9bc5b53d16be3cc7fc7ac27cefa553ed5612738e568869fe0cf28e8e file.hash.md5 keyword o 5DA8C98136D98DFEC4716EDD79C7145F file.Owner.Identifier keyword m S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464 file.owner keyword m TrustedInstaller, Stan file.Owner.DomainIdentifier keyword o S-1-5-80 file.Owner.DomainName keyword o NT SERVICE file.path keyword & text m c:\program files\windows nt\accessories\wordpad.exe file.SourceUrl keyword o https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.4.9/npp.8.4.9.Installer.x64.exe
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples file.pe.description keyword o Paint file.pe.product keyword o Microsoft® Windows® Operating System file.pe.file_version keyword o 10.0.19041.1766 (WinBuild.160101.0800) file.pe.ProductVersion keyword o 10.0.19041.1766 file.Owner.DomainNetBIOSName keyword o NT SERVICE file.ZoneTag keyword o 3
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples file.Bundle.Creator keyword m file.Bundle.InfoDescription keyword o file.Bundle.Name keyword m Notes file.Bundle.Type keyword m APPL, BNDL, file.Bundle.Uri keyword o com.apple.Notes file.Bundle.Version keyword m 4.9 file.gid keyword m file.group keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples process.HostedFile.code_signature.subject_name keyword o Microsoft Windows process.HostedFile.DriveType keyword m Fixed Disk process.HostedFile.hash.sha1 keyword m acf9e85f6a590925c13bb2bced82978a431d706e process.HostedFile.hash.sha256 keyword m c3eb055c9bc5b53d16be3cc7fc7ac27cefa553ed5612738e568869fe0cf28e8e process.HostedFile.hash.md5 keyword o 5DA8C98136D98DFEC4716EDD79C7145F process.HostedFile.Owner.Identifier keyword o S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464 process.HostedFile.owner keyword o TrustedInstaller process.HostedFile.Owner.DomainIdentifier keyword o S-1-5-80 process.HostedFile.Owner.DomainName keyword o NT SERVICE process.HostedFile.path keyword & text m c:\program process.HostedFiles\windows nt\accessories\wordpad.exe process.HostedFile.SourceUrl keyword o https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.4.9/npp.8.4.9.Installer.x64.exe
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples process.HostedFile.gid keyword m 20 process.HostedFile.group keyword m staff
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.Com.ClsIdentifier keyword m EPMWinMac.Com.AppIdentifier keyword m EPMWinMac.Com.DisplayName keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.ActiveX.Codebase keyword & text m "https://qa-webserver-01/ActiveX/JONTESTOCX.ocx" EPMWinMac.ActiveX.CLSID keyword m {5A2BF647-7719-4A60-BD9B-E86F4E262312} EPMWinMac.ActiveX.Version keyword m ""
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.StoreApp.Name keyword m EPMWinMac.StoreApp.Publisher keyword m EPMWinMac.StoreApp.Version keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.RemotePowerShell.Command keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.Installer.ProductCode keyword m EPMWinMac.Installer.UpgradeCode keyword m
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.Installer.Action keyword m Uninstall, Remove, Repair
ECS Field ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.ServiceControl.Service.Action keyword m Start, Stop, Configure EPMWinMac.ServiceControl.Service.DisplayName keyword m Microsoft Intune Management Extension EPMWinMac.ServiceControl.Service.Name keyword m IntuneManagementExtension
ECS Field ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.PreventPrivilegedGroup.Access keyword m Write General Information Attributes, Read Account Attributes, Write Account Attributes, Set User's Password, Query Membership EPMWinMac.PreventPrivilegedGroup.Name keyword m Administrators EPMWinMac.PreventPrivilegedGroup.Rid keyword m 544
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.Session.Administrator boolean m true, false EPMWinMac.Session.Locale keyword m en-GB EPMWinMac.Session.Identifier keyword m 25194188-61fe-4e51-9015-330c5a2f44fc EPMWinMac.Session.PowerUser boolean m true, false EPMWinMac.Session.WindowsSessionId keyword m 8 EPMWinMac.Session.UILanguage keyword m en-GB
Field ECS ECS Type Required(when this field set is present) Examples agent.ephemeral_id keyword m 043AB647-338D-4A89-BF4C-61019DBC9AEE host.os.version keyword m 10.14.1 host.uptime number m 63579 host.ChassisType keyword m Desktop, Laptop, Rack Mount Chassis host.DefaultLocale keyword m eb-GB host.DefaultUILanguage keyword m eb-GB host.geo.TimezoneOffset keyword m +120, -60 host.os.ProductType keyword m Workstation, Server
Field ECS ECS Type Required(when this field set is present) Examples agent.ephemeral_id keyword m 043AB647-338D-4A89-BF4C-61019DBC9AEE
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.AuthorizingUser.Identifier keyword m EPMWinMac.AuthorizingUser.Name keyword & text m EPMWinMac.AuthorizingUser.DomainIdentifier keyword o EPMWinMac.AuthorizingUser.DomainName keyword & text o EPMWinMac.AuthorizingUser.DomainNetBIOSName keyword & text o
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.FileName keyword m EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Outcome.Name keyword o EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Outcome.Output keyword o EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Publisher keyword & text o EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Outcome.Result keyword & text o EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Outcome.RuleAffected boolean m EPMWinMac.Configuration.RuleScript.Outcome.Version keyword & text o
These fields are populated when the Trusted Application Workstyles are enabled and a Trusted Application has a child process launch or DLL load blocked.
Field ECS ECS Type Required Examples EPMWinMac.TrustedApplication.Name keyword m Adobe Acrobat Reader DC EPMWinMac.TrustedApplication.Version keyword m 20.6.20042.371103