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Use the Computers page to manage the computers (machines) in your organization.

The Computers page

  1. Left menu: Easy access to all pages in Endpoint Privilege Management, including the Home, Policies, Computers, Computer Groups, Management Rules, Analytics, Just-in-Time Access Management, Configuration, Auditing, and User Management pages.
  2. Header: Enter keywords to run a global search across computer groups, policies, computers, and users, view your notifications, change your site language, change your time zone, and log out of EPM for Windows and Mac.
  1. Filters: Select a filter to refine your results. Click Clear Filters to remove all filters from your results.


Available filters
  • Name: Enter all or part of a policy name.
  • Status:  The state of the computer, Connected, Disconnected, or Archived.
  • Disconnected for more than: Enter the number of days a computer is disconnected.
  • Client Status: The status of the adapter install, such as Manual Updates, Awaiting Update, or Up to Date.
  • Adapter Status: The status of the adapter install, such as Manual Updates, Awaiting Update, or Up to Date.
  • Authorization State: The status of the computer, Authorized or Deactivated.
  • Group Name: The group where the computer is a member.
  • Assigned Policy: The name of the policy assigned to the computer.
  • Current Applied Policy: The policy name and revision the computer is on.
  • Policy Status: The state of the policy, such as Awaiting Latest Policy or On Latest Policy.
  • Last Connected: The date the computer last checked in with .
  • Package Manager: The version of Package Manager deployed to the computer.
  • OS: The operating system and version.
  • Domain: The domain where the computer resides.
  • Created On: The date the computer was created.
  • Archived for more than: Enter the number of days.
  • System Type: Windows or Mac
  1. List options: Click to refresh the list, Download icon in [%=Products.PMAb%] SaaS. to download the list to a .csv file, and to select which columns to display on the page.
  2. Show Computers with Duplicate Names: Filter your computer list to only those with duplicate names.
  3. Computers list columns: Not all columns display in the image above.


Available columns
  • Name: The computer name.
  • Status: The state of the computer (Connected, Disconnected, or Archived).
  • Days Disconnected: The number of days the computer has been disconnected from.
  • Group Name: The group where the computer is a member.
  • Adapter Status: The status of the adapter install, such as Manual Updates, Awaiting Update, or Up to Date.
  • Client Status: The status of the client install, such as Manual Updates, Awaiting Update, or Up to Date.
  • Current Applied Policy: The policy name and revision the computer is on.
  • Assigned Policy: The name of the policy assigned to the computer.
  • Policy Status: The state of the policy, such as Awaiting Latest Policy or On Latest Policy.
  • Computer ID: The ID for the computer.
  • Last Connected: The date the computer last checked in with .
  • Client: The version of the client deployed to the computer.
  • Adapter: The version of the adapter deployed to the computer.
  • Package Manager: The version of Package Manager deployed to the computer.
  • OS: The operating system and version.
  • Domain: The domain where the computer resides.
  • Created On: The date the computer was created.
  • Authorization State: The status of the computer, Authorized or Deactivated.
  • Archived On: The date the computer was archived.
  • System Type: Windows or Mac operating system
  1. List navigation options: Navigate the Computers list by moving forward or backward and setting the number of items to display per page.

View a computer's details

To ensure computers are up to date and running properly, you can view details on the computer which include hardware and operating system information, policy status, and logging information.

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to view.
  2. Click > View Computer Details.
    The computer details display, including a summary, the system, the OS, hardware, policy, logs, and activity.

Download a computer's logs

You can view and download logs to track activities between the computer and EPM. There are two types of logs:

  • Computer: Records all communication between EPM and the computer.
  • Command: Records the commands sent to the computer. The log information includes the command sent and whether the command was received by the computer.
  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to view.
  2. Click > View Computer Details.
    The computer details pages display.
  3. In the left menu, click Logs.
    The Logs page displays.
  4. Select the type of log you want to download (Computer or Command).
  5. Click Request Logs.
    The log request is sent.
  6. To gather recent activity or if there are no logs, click Request Logs.

Edit a computer's group assignment

During the adapter install, computers are automatically assigned to a group with a status of Authorized. If a group ID is not assigned at installation, the default group is used.

You can change the group assignment if policy requirements change for a computer.

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to edit.
  2. Click > Edit Group Assignment.
    The Edit Group Assignment panel displays.
  3. Optionally, click Clear Group Assignment to remove the computer from a group assignment.
  4. Optionally, select a new group assignment from the Select a Group drop-down list.
  5. Click Save Group Assignment.
    The assignment saves.

Renew a certificate


Important information

Certificates were used as the authentication method between adapters and EPM for Windows and Mac in older adapter versions (21.7 and earlier).

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer for which you want to renew a certificate.
  2. Click > Renew Certificate.
    The certificate renews. Note this can take up to an hour to complete.

Check a policy status

If a computer's status is Awaiting Latest Policy, you can view more information about the policy on the computer's details page'sPolicy tab. The collected metrics include the current policy applied and the version.

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to view.
  2. Click > View Computer Details.
    The computer details pages display.
  3. In the left menu, click Policy.
    The Policy page displays with details about the status.

Update computer details

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to view.
  2. Click > Update Computer Details.
    A confirmation message displays.
  3. Click Request Update.
    EPM for Windows and Mac sends an update request, and the details refresh. Note there may be a delay of a few hours.

View a computer's analytics

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computer you want to view.
  2. Click > View Computer Details.
    The computer details pages display.
  3. In the left menu, click View Analytics.
    The Analytics page opens and displays the Events tab, where you can view all events and their details.

Manually archive one or more computers

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate and select the computers you want to archive.
  2. Click Archive Computers.
    A confirmation message displays.
  3. Click Archive Computer.
    A request is sent to archive the computer(s), and the system updates. You can view the archived computers

View archived computers

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. In the Status drop-down, select Archived.
    The Computers list updates with archived computers.

Delete a computer



Deleting a computer is an unrecoverable operation.

  1. From the left menu, click .
    The Computers page displays.
  1. Locate the computer you want to delete from the list.
  2. Click > Delete Computer .
    A confirmation message displays.
  3. Click Delete Computer.
    The computer is deleted from your EPM for Windows and Mac application.

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