ServiceNow Workflows with Endpoint Privilege Management
There are three workflows you can use with Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows and ServiceNow integration:
- Challenge Response: This is the default, out-of-the-box configuration. The button on the lower-left of the dialog box reads Enter Response Code or your chosen wording so users can enter their Challenge Response Code when it is provided to them. Or, they can enter their business justification to raise an incident in ServiceNow if they do not have a Challenge Response Code.
- Run as Designated User: The button on the lower-left of the dialog box reads Login as Other User, so you can provide your end user with administrator credentials or type them in. Alternatively, they can enter their business justification to raise an incident in ServiceNow if they don't have the required credentials.
- No option: The button on the lower-left is removed so your end users can only enter their business justification and raise an incident in ServiceNow.
For each of these options, you need to configure an appropriate message to make sure your users have the correct experience if the Default rule is run.
To change the behavior of the integration for each of these workflows, you need to edit the ServiceNowSettings.json file.
Settings files are encrypted at the endpoint and must be encoded in UTF-8.
Edit the settings file
You need to edit the ServiceNowSettings.json file to change the workflow you want to use.
All associated rules with the same Power Rules script will inherit the changes you make. You do not need to edit the settings file multiple times.
To edit the ServiceNowSettings.json file:
- In the Edit Application Rule dialog box, select Manage Scripts from the Run a Rule Script dropdown list.
- Click Settings on the bottom-right of the dialog box.
- Locate the Misc section. Within Misc, locate the DefaultRule setting. For the recommended ServiceNow workflow, this is set to ChallengeResponse. However, you can change it here:
- ServiceNow and Challenge / Response (Default Workflow): Provides the user with an option to enter an Endpoint Privilege Management Response Code.
- ServiceNow and Designated User Must Authorize: Provides the user with an option to enter designated user credentials.
- ServiceNow Only: User can only submit an incident to ServiceNow or cancel their request.
- Click Save.
ServiceNow and challenge / response (default workflow)
This is the default and recommended configuration.
ServiceNowSettings.json configuration
"Misc": {
"_comment": "DefaultRule - Should be DesignatedUserMustAuthorize, ChallengeResponse, or empty.",
"DefaultRule": "ChallengeResponse"
User experience
The buttons on the Submit Incident Report dialog box:
- Enter Response Code: The user clicks the button and enters an Endpoint Privilege Management code to run the application.
- Submit Report: The user clicks the button to submit an incident to ServiceNow.
Configure a message for Challenge / Response to ensure the end user can enter their challenge code to run the application.
ServiceNow and designated user must authorize
This is an alternative configuration that allows your users to enter Designated User Credentials instead of a Challenge Response Code.
ServiceNowSettings.json configuration
"Misc": {
"_comment": "DefaultRule - Should be DesignatedUserMustAuthorize, ChallengeResponse, or empty.",
"DefaultRule": "DesignatedUserMustAuthorize"
User experience
The buttons on the Submit Incident Report dialog box:
- Login As Other User: The user can enter the credentials of a different user to authorize use of the application.
- Submit Report: The user clicks the button to submit an incident to ServiceNow.
Configure a message for Designated User Must Authorize to ensure the end user can enter the designated user credentials and run the application.
ServiceNow only
This is an alternative configuration that means the user can only submit an incident to ServiceNow or cancel their request.
ServiceNowSettings.json configuration
"Misc": {
"_comment": "DefaultRule - Should be DesignatedUserMustAuthorize, ChallengeResponse, or empty.",
"DefaultRule": ""
User experience
On the Submit Incident Report dialog box, the user can enter a business justification and click Submit Report to send an incident to ServiceNow.
The end user is presented with a text box to enter their business justification for the task they are trying to perform. There is no option to run the Default rule for the end user.
Updated 7 days ago