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Install Policy Editor

Using an administrator account, log in to the Windows computer where you want to manage Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows.



Ensure you have the relevant Group Policy management tools installed on the desktop or server where you want to install the Policy Editor.

To install Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor, run the appropriate installation package:

  • For 32-bit (x86) systems, run PrivilegeManagementPolicyEditor_x86.exe.
  • For 64-bit (x64) systems, run PrivilegeManagementPolicyEditor_x64.exe.

Install Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor:

  1. The installation detects if any prerequisites are needed. Click Install to install any missing prerequisites. This may take a few minutes.
  2. Once the prerequisites have been installed, the Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next to continue.
  3. After reading the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
  4. Enter your name and the name of your organization, and click Next.
  5. If you want to change the default installation directory, click Change and select a different installation directory. Click Next.
  6. If you are only managing Windows machines with Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows and want to evaluate it for use with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator, check the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Integration box. Otherwise, leave it unchecked and click Next.
  7. Click Install to start installing Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor.
  8. Once installed, click Finish. Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor has now been successfully installed.

Use the Event Import wizard

To use the Event Import wizard, the MS OLE DB v19 SQL Database Driver must be installed. The driver has a dependency on both the X86 and X64 versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable v14.34 (and later). Both components must also be installed.

The Privilege Management Policy Editor EXE installer checks if the correct versions of the MS OLE DB driver and VC++ redistributable are already installed. If not, the components are automatically installed by the Privilege Management Policy Editor EXE installer.

Visit the following websites to install these components separately.


For more information, see:

Download Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads

The installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables can require a reboot. Plan the installation accordingly.

  • If using the Privilege Management Policy Editor EXE to install these components: If a reboot is required, there will be one request to reboot at the end of the installation.
  • If installing the X86 and X64 versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables separately: If a reboot is required, there may be a separate reboot request at the end of each of the installations.

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