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JIT Access Management page

JIT Access Management page

Use the JIT Access Management page to view user requests if you are using the ticket system.

  1. Sidebar: Easy access to all pages in Endpoint Privilege Management, including the Home, Policies, Computers, Computer Groups, Management Rules, Analytics, JIT Access Management,Configurations, Auditing, and User Management pages.

  2. Header: Enter keywords to run a global search across computer groups, policies, computers, and users, view your notifications, access your connected apps, and set your account preferences.

  3. Filters: Click the drop arrow to select a filter type. The selected filter displays to the left of the drop-down.

    • Clear Filters: Click to remove all filters and search results

    • Decision filters
      • Approved: Filter by requests approved.
      • Denied: Filter by requests denied.
      • Pending: Filter by requests in a pending state.
  4. List options: Click to refresh the list, Download icon in [%=Products.PMAb%] SaaS. to download the list to a .csv file, and to select which columns to display on the page.

  5. Ticket list columns: Not all columns display in the image above.

  • Column names
    • Ticket Number: The ticket number.
    • Ticket Type: or ServiceNow.
    • Decision: The decision on the request, approved or denied.
    • Product Name: The name of the application the user wants to access.
    • Reputation Score: The reputation score.
    • User: The user requesting access.
    • Computer Name: The computer where the request was initiated.
    • Reason: The reason provided by the user.
    • Requested on: The date the user submitted the request.
    • Decision Performed By: The user who managed the request.
    • File Path Object ID: The location of the application.
    • Publisher: The publisher on the application.
    • Application Type: The type of application
    • Product Version: The version of the application.
    • File version: The file version of the application.
    • Message: The message defined in the policy.
    • Product Description: A description of the application, if available.
    • COM Display Name: The COM name used by the application.
  1. List navigation options: Navigate in the JIT Access Management list.

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