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Just-in-time (JIT) Settings

Activate JIT settings for application access and admin access.

  • Application access: Provides access to specific applications as defined in policy.
  • Admin access: Provides admin access for a defined period of time for standard users to accomplish specific tasks.

JIT application access settings

You must activate the Just-in-time (JIT) feature to use EPM's JIT access management system.

To use JIT application access, you require an API account with access to the JIT API. See API settings.

To activate the user request system:

  1. Select Configuration from the main menu.
  2. Select JIT Application Access Settings.
  3. Select the toggle, Enable JIT Application Access Integration.
  4. From the list, select the integration type, EPM or ServiceNow.
  5. Select Save Changes.

JIT admin access settings

You must activate the JIT admin access before you can use the admin access on a workstyle.

To activate the admin access:

  1. Select Configuration from the main menu.
  2. Select JIT Configuration, and then Admin Acess.
  3. To turn on the integration, select Enable Just-in-time (JIT) Admin Access Integration.
  4. If required, select the check box if users must enter a reason for the admin access.
  5. Select Save Changes.

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