What are analytics?
Analytics displays at-a-glance reporting metrics for all of your endpoints' events, applications, and user actions.
How are they useful?
Use your analytics pages to understand and take action on your security posture within EPM for Windows and Mac.
- Dashboard page: View data charts of your top event actions, endpoint user logins, and application requests.
- Events page: View all endpoint activity you chose to log using EPM for Windows and Mac.
- Applications page: View how different applications (grouping of events with the same application type) are used and controlled across all your machines, by all your users, in a single row of data.
- Users page: View detailed information about your users' logons.
The Dashboard page
- Filters: Select a filter to refine your results. Click Clear Filters to remove all filters from your results.
- Data charts: There are three data charts on the Dashboard page.
- Top Event Actions chart: Your tracked event actions. For detailed information about the actions, click the linked number on the chart to open the Events page.
- Tracked Windows actions: Allowed, Elevated, Cancelled, Self-Elevated, and Blocked
- Tracked macOS actions: Allowed, Allowed Installable, Allowed Deletable, Blocked, Cancelled, and Passive
- Endpoint User Logins chart: The total active Windows users who logged into your estate.
- Tracked users: Local Administrator, Domain Standard, Local Standard, and Domain Administrator **
- Application Request chart: The total number of application requests, approvals, and denials.
- Top Event Actions chart: Your tracked event actions. For detailed information about the actions, click the linked number on the chart to open the Events page.
Updated 8 days ago