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Manage JIT Admin access requests

Approve or deny JIT Admin access requests on the JIT Access Management page.

Managing JIT Admin access requests requires special permissions. Assign the following permissions when creating the user account or assign the Admin role:

  • AdminAccessRequestApprover
  • AdminAccessRequestViewer



For more information about JIT admin access, see JIT Admin access settings.

To access JIT Admin access:

  1. Select JIT Access Management from the main menu.
  2. Select the Admin Access Requests tab.
  3. Review the requests.
  4. Select the menu for a request to access the approve and deny options.

Set a request already approved to deny if the session is no longer required or approved in error.

Manage requests on the endpoint app

On the endpoint app:

  • Users can request a session duration between 5 minutes and 24 hours. The approver sets the session duration during the approval process.
  • Users can have only one request open at a time.
  • Notifications are issued when 5 minutes and 1 minute remain in the session. The user is logged off the session when the time expires.
  • Users can select End Session to close the session before the allocated session time passes.

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